
Literary Time Periods - A Level English Literature Context
**Concise, 3 page table describing the features and key examples of the following literary time periods:
The Middle English Period 1066-1485
The Renaissance 1485-1660**
The Neoclassical Period 1660-1798
The Romantic Period 1798-1832
The Victorian Period 1832-1900
Modern Period 1900-(subject to debate)
Post Modern Period 1945 (roughly) - present
Key features include relevant historical context, literary techniques and social mores of the time.
To be used as a resource for A Level English Literature
Information found through classwork and online resources.

Jekyll and Hyde GCSE || Student revision notes || Grade 9
Jekyll and Hyde notes including:
Relevant context and critical analysis e.g Freudian analysis
Plot, explained with quotations
Analysis of themes
Character analysis
Setting analysis
Essay structure tips
Includes all the analysis, quotes and points used by a student achieving a grade 9 in English Literature GCSE.
Can be used as a primary revision tool, or be used by students to format into other forms of revision e.g flashcards / mindmaps
Analysis was accumulated from a variety of sources: classroom teaching, group work, revision guides, online pages and teacher taught youtube videos.

Romeo and Juliet GCSE English Revision Resource || Grade 9
**A 5 page Romeo and Juliet, Grade 9 resource perfect for revision for GCSE English Literature. **
This resource includes:
Scene by scene simplified plot
Relevant context
Analysis of the significance of the prologue
Detailed character profiles with analysis

GCSE An Inspector Calls Revision Resource
**Revision resource on An Inspector Calls for GCSE English Literature. **
A 5 page, clear and accessible resource, perfect for referencing to craft repsonses to exam questions and making flashcards from. Includes all of the analysis used by a Grade 9 English Literature GCSE student.
brief plot overview - key moments
Relevant context and historical influences e.g WW1 and WW2
Key themes e.g generational conflict
Character profile with in depth analysis of language and stage directions
Practice questions and essay help

A Level Love poetry through the ages Pre-1900 Anthology notes
**A Level AQA English Literature Anthology: Love poetry through the ages pre-1900 **
1 page of analysis for each of the 14 poems in the anthology:
Whoso List to Hunt
Sonnet 116
The Flea
To His Coy Mistress
The Scrutiny
Absent from thee
The Garden of Love
Ae Fond Kiss
She Walks in Beauty
The Ruined Maid
At An Inn
La Belle Dame Sans Merci: A Ballad
Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno cyranae
Each poem page has…
the poem written out
a summary of what the poem generally means
relevant context
structural and language analysis
alternative interpretations of poems
Material sourced from various online videos, articles, websites and A Level classwork. The analysis gives possible interpretations of the poems, it is not definitive.
Made by a student.

Feminine Gospels Analysis A Level English Literature AQA A
*A poem by poem analysis of Carol Ann Duffy’s Feminine Gospels used for the AQA A English Literature A Level **
On each page, there is the poem written in full and colour coded analysis clearly displayed around the text. The name of the poem and its position in the anthology is also clearly shown.
A summary / brief idea / intention of the poem - yellow
Language analysis with quotes in bold - green
Structural analysis - purple
Alternative interpretations / possible surrounding ideas - blue
In the AQA A specification these poems are compared with another text selected by a school / centre. There may be rare references to Ian McEwan’s Atonement within these notes, since this was the text studied at my centre.
I intend to be transparent with what is included in these notes, so please note that the poem ‘Gambler’ no.16, has particularly weak analysis due to its irrelevance in Atonement.