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Speaking activity - ¿De qué eres más?
¿De qué eres más?
Speaking cards to talk about your preferences.
Using the expression “soy más de … que de…”
GCSE and A-levels.
B1- B2

¿Cómo eres? - Descripciones
This lesson was created to revise some adjective to describe people and to teach the verbs SER for first time.
It includes:
Revision of plural formation of adjectives.
Adjectives to describe people
Pronouns and the verb “ser”
Mini white-boards activity.

Y7 - Números del 1-100
This is a perfect activity to revise numbers from 1-30 and learn numbers from 30 to 100.
Writing activities
Dynamic games
Created for Y7 students but it can be used to revise numbers in Y8-Y9 too.

¿Tienes animales? - mascotas Y7
This Google slide lesson is a perfect activity :
to introduce animals and adjectives, to describe animals, and revise plural formations rules to your Y7.
The activity includes:
vocabulary presentation
games to memorise new vocabulary
Plural formations

Posters with GCSE tips!
Decorate your classroom or share with your students these cards to help them extend their vocabulary. Are you they always using the same adjectives or verbs: bueno, malo, divertido, me gusta… ?
These materials will give them more choices!
The material includes:
“Instead of that… say this” cards
Golden sentences with subjunctive + conditional and examples.

Spanish Christmas games and activities - NAVIDAD
This activity is just perfect for your last week at school before Christmas. The students can learn the Christmas vocabulary and practice it through activities and games. The activity includes:
Vocabulary flash cards
Match up
Choose the right article
2x Christmas cards
**This resource is perfect for KS2, KS3. Beginners students. **
Christmas vocabulary
Articles “el/la/los/las”
Body parts
Games’ instructions:
Traditional I spy with my little eye in Spanish “Veo, Veo”
Find the magic Christmas bubble : In pairs, one of the choose a bubble and the other one has to guess " ¿La bola mágica es azul? …es roja? If they get it right in the first 3 tried they get 2 points, if they get it right after that, just 1 point.
Draw a Elf with a dice: The first person drawing a complete elf wins.

Día de Muertos- Day of Dead (A - level)
Day of Dead - Calaveritas literarias
This activity is perfect for cultural session about this tradition. Your students will learn what means a calaverita literaria which are short poems inspired on the Day of Dead.
The Calavera is a poetic genre that serves as a humorous epitaph of sorts. Calaveras are meant to make fun of people as if they were already dead and they are usually written on the eve of the Day of the Dead on November 2.
Students will revise the imperfect tense
They will learn new words used in Mexico.
They will learn expression on the topic.
They will do some creating writing in Spanish.

Hispanic World Celebration cards
These speaking cards are created to learn and comment on Hispanic Festivals and their traditions.
Perfect cards used as prompt in debates
Revision of traditions and festivals
Speaking and comprehension practices
Used with A-level students

Spanish feedback chart
Who does not like sticker chart??
This Spanish positive feedback chart has been designed to make student engaged and exited about their progress. It is a good way to make them part of their learning process.
Perfect for EY& KS1, KS2 students
Classroom and online lessons

Spanish feedback chart
This Spanish feedback chart is design to make students engaged and excited about their progress. It is a good idea to keep them aware of the learning progress. At the end of the lesson, they can choose the skills they have used the most.
For classroom or remote lessons.

Spanish feedback chart
Who does not like sticker charts??
This Spanish chart is design to make your students engaged and excited about their progress.
After every lesson, they can reflect about their own learning and give themselves a star in the skills they have used the most.
It can be printed or used it on your remote lessons adding star icons.