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Millington's Lessons

Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!




Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!
B6.1 Vaccinations

B6.1 Vaccinations

The resources contains activities such as card sorts, animation videos and questions based on videos to get students to understand how immunity through vaccines work to provide immunity for individuals as well as a population at large. Furthermore, the resources also provide support for students to complete one of the main types of exam questions which is likely to come up in assessments in which graph interpretation is firstly required before answering the question.
B5.3 Growing bacteria in a lab

B5.3 Growing bacteria in a lab

Students get an introduction into culturing bacteria in the lab before their first required practical. However this could also be used if lab facilities are unavailable.
B6.2_AQA_Antibiotics and Painkillers

B6.2_AQA_Antibiotics and Painkillers

The resource is an excellent lesson firstly introducing keywords critical to this lesson and how antibiotics work and lastly covers the benefits and challenges around the use of antibiotics in today’s setting. An exam question also accompanies this lesson as homework for exam practice.
B10.2 The Human Nervous System

B10.2 The Human Nervous System

This lesson could be easily used for a two hour lesson in which the general structure of the nervous system is introduced as well as how the nervous system works. Students then complete a practical on investigating reaction time and consolidate their learning analyzing the data collected from the practical as well as completing exam questions based on these two lessons.