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PIES Development Throughout Life Stages

PIES Development Throughout Life Stages

Includes 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 2 years, 2 1/2 years, 3 years, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. Works well as a revision technique or as an ongoing sheet to be used over multiple lessons.
Working Memory Model Activities & Evaluation

Working Memory Model Activities & Evaluation

Includes fill in the gaps activities with answers, crossword both activities for summarising working memory model. Also a powerpoint on evaluation points for working memory model for AQA A Level Psychology. Please leave a review if you like my resources.
How To Answer Exam - Student Sheet Comp3

How To Answer Exam - Student Sheet Comp3

A one page student sheet that guides them through how to answer the BTEC Tech Award (2017 spec) Health & Social Care level 1/2 Includes how to answer and an example of what to write. It is simplistic but designed to help students know where to start and what to expect in the exam.
Ctech Unit 22 Psychology Booklet

Ctech Unit 22 Psychology Booklet

Booklet with space and questions linking to the whole of the psychology unit. Designed to support students with their understanding and a place to combine their notes. Cambridge Technical Level 3 HSC - Unit 22 Psychology in HSC


Sociopoly is a sociological version of monopoly. - Sociological perspectives or theorists on each space. - Create your own question cards which the students can do. - Just need some counters and dice and fake money.
Jigsaw Pieces for Key Words

Jigsaw Pieces for Key Words

Editable copy of Jigsaw Pieces which can be used for key words to be connected to definitions or anything else which joins together. These do have Health and Social Care key words on but you can edit these easily. Please leave me a review if you like my resources.
Bible Bitz

Bible Bitz

Quotes from the bible, designed specifically for a display board or poster area to encourage students to look at the different quotes.
Psychological Approaches Symbols

Psychological Approaches Symbols

Behaviourist, biological, cognitive and social learning theory. Use the symbol sheet and delete some symbols out, make these into words and get students to work out the word, good revision idea, my year 12 students loved it. The words for my sheet are genes, Pavlov, skinner, bandura, neurons, learning, chemistry, imitation and attention. Can be easily adapted for any subject.
PIES Development Hexagons

PIES Development Hexagons

Hexagon’s created which can be cut out and then students can sort into each of the PIES. Card sorting activity, in colour on A3 document. I had them laminated and used for our sixth form bridging course to give very basic information to new students who potentially have never done HSC before.
Health & Wellbeing Revision Darts Comp 3

Health & Wellbeing Revision Darts Comp 3

Component 3 HSC BTEC Tech Award Exam Health & Wellbeing Revision darts Includes dart board and instruction ppt slide I used this with a difficult year 11 group who loved it Outer section is questions to answer Inner section is key words to talk about for 1 minute Instead of throwing things we used dice to get the number they must answer
The need for legislation - ctec hsc

The need for legislation - ctec hsc

two lessons used to discuss the impact of discrimination, the need for and types of legislation and the impact of legislation. CTEC hsc unit 2 - equality diversity and rights. level 3