
Storyboard Template
This storyboard template can be used for all kinds of lesson such as, film & TV, animation, art, graphics, maths and English, where the learners are able to tell a story or annotate information.
It consists of an element where the learners can draw an image, followed by a section for the learners to write what the image is.

Presentation Feedback (Film & TV/Media Students)
With this paperwork learners are able to get some precise feedback based on their ideas and the way those ideas had been put across to the audience, whilst also breaking the feedback down into manageable chunks for the learners to understand and think about.

Pay Attention Starter Quiz
This quiz is designed to help learners pay attention to the instructions they have been given and ensure they read the information which they had been tasked to carry out. There are several questions on this sheet with the first instruction to read all of the sheet and follow the instructions. The last sections states not to complete the question sheet and for the learners to rest their pens on the desk. The majority of learners will complete this whole sheet before realising they did not have to complete it, a quick task to find if the learners are paying attention.

Media Pre-Production Paperwork Templates
16 Pre-Production paperwork templates, which are all editable for your learners to set up and film a production on their own accord, using simple easy to understand templates.