I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
I am a Science Teacher with 25 years experience and love producing resources. As one of my HoD's remarked "Your lesson plans and resources are outstanding, if only you could teach as good as your resources." Chemistry is my main subject, but have an interest in Pedagogy, especially CASE (Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education) and misconceptions and how to overcome them.
This Chemistry resource is used with KS4 students, it is designed to ask 9-1 exam style questions on differences between Halogens and Noble gases. It lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other revision lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Classifying Spoof Elements into group 7 and 0
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
I hope you find this resource useful.
Please check out other free and paid for resources at my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This Chemistry GCSE resource is aimed at KS4 AQA. It includes 9-1 exam style questions and lasts approximately 1 hour. It encourages students to use keywords and link concepts together. It includes model answers for peer or self-assessment.
If you would like a free sample of a similar lesson to try before you buy, check out:
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
It is a complete lesson with:
Starter: Matching keyword to definition
Poster/Graphic Organiser of all the Keywords and definitions for this part of the course to help with:
Main activity 1: Matching words, images and definitions
Main activity 2: Completing a concept map to help make links between words
Main activity 3: 4 sheets of questions of adapted AQA past paper questions with answer sheet
Plenary: Tick list for evaluation linked to the specification and the questions in activity 3.
It is a lesson to:
Improve literacy
Increase use of keywords
Aid Understanding by correct definitions
Revision of all parts of this part of the specification (so AQA don’t catch us out…)
Link key words and concepts in the student’s minds
Provide visual stimuli
This resource is available as a BUNDLE with 5 other lessons that cover the other parts of the Atomic Structure and Periodic Table at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/atomic-structure-and-periodic-table-revison-pack-12193157
I hope you find this resource useful.
For other free and paid resources, please check out my shop at:
Please comment with any improvements or suggestions for further resources.
Thank you
This KS3 biology resource can be used as a homework, end of topic revision sheet or cover lesson that has questions related to animal and plant cells and reproduction, microscopes, fitness and diet. It has over 40 questions linked to Bloom’s taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences. Teacher’s can choose activities or homeworks for the class linked to ability and/or learning style, or let students choose themselves!
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and magnification calculations with 9-1 graded exam style questions. it lasts approximately 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including safety, method and calculations. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
Two separate ppts, one for solid, one for liquid to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (Required Practical Graphic Organiser worth £1.50 from my shop) based on IV Characteristics
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a FREE sample similar to this before you buy, the I-V Characteristics one is free here:
If you want the FREE version of the questions only (my most downloaded resource) they are here:
If you want a bundle of ALL the Physics Practicals, click here:
If you ONLY want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
Updated to include a Chemistry version on Thiosulfate and a Physics based on IV Characteristics
This organiser is designed to help students before, during or after the required practical activites. It is designed to be used with KS4, but may be used with higher ability KS3. It covers all of AQA’s glossary of key terms and working scientifically that links with the required practcials. It cover approx 40 of the keywords associated with the Required Practical part of the course.
Terms covered: Accuracy, calibration, data, error, measurement error, anomalies, random error, systematic error, zero error, evidence, fair test, hypothesis, interval, precision, prediction, range, repeatable, reproducible, resolution, resolution, sketch graph, true value, uncertainty, validity, valid conclusion, variables, categoric, continuous, control, dependent, independent, risk, hazard and control.
Included are an Animated Power Point where each box appears in order. A colour coded Power Point (for editing) and PDF version and black and white versions.
There are three versions, one based around Osmosis to be used during Biology required practicals and one based around Thiosulfate to be used during Chemistry Required Practicals and one based around IV Characteristsics.
To see a basic version of this (but with no examples) click here:
To see how they are used check out the free Osmosis Required Practical (but with this resource taken out):
Please also check out the free IV Characteristics Required Practical (but with this resource taken out):
Designed to help students understanding of key words and as a help sheet to answer questions on the Required Practicals/How Science Works part of the exam.
It can be given to students as a helpsheet/placemat when planning/analysing required practicals or as a homework aid/help sheet or placed on the wall as a large Poster(s).
It is also numbered so that students follow the correct order when planning the practicals.
More required free and paid required practical resources can be downloaded from my shop at:
Please comment.
I hope you find it useful.
This is a lesson that explains to KS4 students the importance of Avogadro’s number and Moles. It gives definitions of the mole and Avogadro’s constant, that are important for exams. It is based around the OCR scheme of work, but will work on other syllabus for explaining what a mole is and how to use it in calculations.
15 page ppt slide inc lesson objectives, starter and plenary questions
3 pages of questions on Mole, Mass or Avogadro’s number
Answers to worksheet for peer/self assessment.
I hope you find this useful
Please comment
Thank you.
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1.50 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1.50 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (Required Practical Graphic Organiser worth £1.50 from my shop) based on IV Characteristics
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a FREE sample similar to this before you buy, the I-V Characteristics one is free here:
If you want the FREE version of the questions only (my most downloaded resource) they are here:
If you want a bundle of ALL the Physics Practicals, click here:
If you ONLY want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (Required Practical Graphic Organiser worth £1.50 from my shop) based on IV Characteristics
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a FREE sample similar to this before you buy, the I-V Characteristics one is free here:
If you want the FREE version of the questions only (my most downloaded resource) they are here:
If you want a bundle of ALL the Physics Practicals, click here:
If you ONLY want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This booklet is suitable for home learning. It covers homeostasis, reflex arcs, eye, short and long sighted, kidneys, diabetes, auxins, geotropism, phototropism, menstrual cycle, contraception. pituitary gland, thermoregulation, pancreas and a few others.
All the information is there in the booklet for the Homeostasis and Response topic at KS4 at Foundation level (AQA, but is suitable for other exam boards). It may also be suitable for some upper KS3 students. It contains 17 content pages where on each page are keywords and definitions, an image/diagram, example and some simple questions and an extension question.
To see if this resource is for you, I have produced a booklet onInfection and Response (Coronavirus) booklet for free:
Other biology booklets are available at my shop (link below)
Please check out my shop for more free and paid resources:
Thank you. Please Comment if you found this resource useful.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hazard identification, safety, variables, fair testing, method and analysis of results. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
20+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1.50 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through the practical including hazards, safety and method. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
15 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
Update, I have now included modified instructions for home use.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts at least 1 hour. The ppt carries the students through the practical including safety, method, errors and analysing results. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
15 slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Student method/practical sheet that students can fill it in as it matches the ppt
Two page guide sheet (Included free here, £1.50 from my shop. To see this sheet click here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/required-practical-graphic-organiser-12181508)
Apparatus list for technician
Safety guide for teacher and technician
Links to student safety sheets
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
A sheet that explains how the questions were graded
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
If you want all the Chemistry required Practicals, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful.
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other science resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
I have now added a sheet explaining how this can be done at home by students themselves.
This KS4 AQA Required Practical covers the planning, carrying out and analysing of results with 9-1 graded exam style questions. It lasts approx 2 hours. The ppt carries the students through all aspects of the practical including hypothesis, variables, safety, fair testing, method, analysing results and evaluating the validity. It finishes with exam style questions individually graded to assess students.
Resource includes:
30+ slide ppt to guide the students through the practical (with answers and examples)
Two page student method/practical sheet that follows the slides
Two page guide sheet (worth £1 from my shop)
Apparatus list for technician
Learning Objectives on each slide linked to AQA specification
It is available in a bundle with 8 other “home use” required practicals here:
If you would like to see a free sample similar to this before you buy, the Osmosis one is free here:
All the biology practicals are available as a bundle here:
If you just want the questions and answers, they are available as a bundle here:
Please comment if you have found this useful
If you would like more required practical resources (or any other resources) free and paid, please check out my shop at:
Thank you.
This full lesson resource helps students to balance full and half equations and apply state symbols with 9-1 graded exam style plenary questions (F and H). It lasts about 1.5 hours. This resource is linked to the AQA specification and has 9-1 graded learning objectives linked to the content.
(Update: Now included at no extra cost is my Empirical Formula from Models lesson)
It includes:
33 page ppt which explains using a balancing full equations using the circle the formula method, to avoid the misconception to change the formula (see https://twitter.com/MrTSci409/status/1116405433684713472)
3 Helpsheets (Full/Half/State symbols) for students to refer to when completing the questions
46 Equations to balance (30 full and 16 half) with ANSWERS for students to self/peer assess
All equations are taken from the AQA Specification (let me know if I’ve missed any out!)
Plenary questions (F and H) graded with answers
A gratuitous use of colour to help understand how and why equations are balanced.
For a free help sheet on how to balance equations from this resource, click here:
The Empirical formula from Models lesson details are:
This is a full lesson lasting about 1 hour. It includes a Power Point which covers ratios, simplifying formulas into empirical formulas and understanding models of ions. It includes a starter, seven white board practice questions, seventeen question sheet on simplifying formulas, seven question sheet on models and a plenary. It’s a lesson designed to cover an often neglected part of the course…
I’ve also included a Power Point with all the models and others I’ve used in the lesson in case you want to design a few more of your own…
A shortened version of this is available here:
For more resources (free and paid), please visit:
A hope you find this resource helpful. Please comment if you do.