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In this shop you will find resources to help you in your day to day teaching of literature and cinema in French, German and Spanish. You will also find practice papers for Paper 1 French for AQA with separate papers for each topic. These resources will save you countless hours of time and effort.




In this shop you will find resources to help you in your day to day teaching of literature and cinema in French, German and Spanish. You will also find practice papers for Paper 1 French for AQA with separate papers for each topic. These resources will save you countless hours of time and effort.
TOPIC L'environnement  French AS/A level essay-planning and writing an essay for language paper

TOPIC L'environnement French AS/A level essay-planning and writing an essay for language paper

French essay, AS level, A level, IB, planning, sample essays, environment, recycling Consists of: a) building up from a short statement to a complex sentence b) contextualised sentence starters enabling students to take essay in any direction (contrast, cause and effect etc) c) detailed guide to analysis of question, initial ideas gathering, paragraphing and writing two different contrasting essays from same plan d) 3 exemplar essays on one title e) new essay titles
Les jeunes-AS/A level/IB French graphical introduction to topic, related vocab/grammar exs

Les jeunes-AS/A level/IB French graphical introduction to topic, related vocab/grammar exs

A/AS/IB level French -vocabulary, structure, grammar, l'environnement, environment Graphical introduction to the topic in simple language with infinitives to complete and includes research activities Listothèque-5 vocabulary fields for simple introductory discussion Listothèque grammar/comprehension exercises-dedicated grammar activities reusing vocabulary for each of the 5 fields Mark schemes for above
 TOPIC Le genre French AS/A level essay-planning and writing an essay for language paper

TOPIC Le genre French AS/A level essay-planning and writing an essay for language paper

French essay, AS level, A level, IB, planning, sample essays Consists of: a) building up from a short statement to a complex sentence b) contextualised sentence starters enabling students to take essay in any direction (contrast, cause and effect etc) c) detailed guide to analysis of question, initial ideas gathering, paragraphing and writing two different contrasting essays from same plan d) 3 exemplar essays on one title e) new essay titles
Der Besuch der alten Dame-Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Der Besuch der alten Dame-Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Study Der Besuch der alten Dame in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the play Quality of language exercises in the context of the play encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
Der Vorleser  Bernhard Schlink advanced level German

Der Vorleser Bernhard Schlink advanced level German

Study Der Vorleser in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Chapter by chapter PowerPoint visual reminding student of the sequence of events with some key quotations Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
Die Verwandlung - Kafka

Die Verwandlung - Kafka

Study Die Verwandlung in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba-comprehensive resources

El coronel no tiene quien le escriba-comprehensive resources

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students ** Reading the book in Spanish-vocabulary list** page by page detailed Spanish-English vocabulary list Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.
Kiffe kiffe demain

Kiffe kiffe demain

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level French students leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students. These materials are in use in some 400 schools. Reading the book in French-page by page vocabulary list Livre de poche Partially filled thematic vocabulary Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene NEW Detailed images for each section with a Point given for each slide to develop P(oint) (E)vidence (E)valuation approach Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Motivation of characters using verb + infinitives Character arc template Grammar in context for improving quality of language Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay
Un sac de billes

Un sac de billes

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level French students leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students. These materials are in use in some 400 schools. Reading the book in French-page by page vocabulary list Livre de poche and Pédago versions Partially filled thematic vocabulary Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Motivation of characters using verb + infinitives Character arc template Grammar in context for improving quality of language Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay
Oscar et la dame rose-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt for IB and  advanced reading practice

Oscar et la dame rose-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt for IB and advanced reading practice

These resources are designed to help teachers teach the French novel Oscar et la dame rose about a young boy with cancer whose volunteer helper uses all of her imagination to help Oscar face his end without fear. This, despite subject matter which sounds daunting is incredibly uplifting. The resources comprise:- a full vocabulary page by page with translation into English a summary with gapped verbs Questions on key aspects in some details Character guide concentrating on adjectives Contextualized grammar: direct indirect speech, multitense exercise, teaching key structures in context-passive, present participle, subjunctive Themes-match quotations to themes. Word files and pdfs provided. Use the pdf of the vocab file on a mobile phone to have an easy to use word bank you can flick through easily.
Andorra- Max Frisch

Andorra- Max Frisch

Study Andorra in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Chapter by chapter PowerPoint visual reminding student of the sequence of events with some key quotations Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the play Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
Como agua para chocolate

Como agua para chocolate

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students ** Reading the book in Spanish-vocabulary list** page by page detailed Spanish-English vocabulary list Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.
Resources for Réquiem por un campesino español

Resources for Réquiem por un campesino español

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students ** Reading the book in Spanish-vocabulary list** page by page detailed Spanish-English vocabulary list Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt IB and advanced reading

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt IB and advanced reading

These resources are designed to help teachers teach the French novel Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran which endeavours to get under the skin of the muslim religion through the eyes of a young Jewish boy. Moving and challenging the novel helps us understand two of the most important world religions. The resources comprise:- a full vocabulary page by page with translation into English a summary with gapped verbs Questions on key aspects in some details Character guide concentrating on adjectives Contextualized grammar: direct indirect speech, multiitense exercise, teaching key structures in context-passive, present participle, subjunctive Themes-match quotations to themes. Word files and pdfs provided. Use the pdf of the vocab file on a mobile phone to have an easy to use word bank you can flick through easily.
La influencia de los idolos

La influencia de los idolos

A comprehensive set of AQA AS level Spanish resources systematically covering all skills. New vocabulary is practised with key grammatical points and there is much interleaving of materials. Full mark schemes are given. Approximately one month’s work. Vocabulario y gramática Listoteca comprises sets of vocabulary suitable for introductory “GCSE” level discussion of topic. Links to interactive online exercise. The grammatical exercises which follow practise key points using the vocabulary introduced in the previous exercise. Excel spread sheet contains all the vocabulary from the topic so that it can be uploaded into your favourite app or web vocabulary practice site. Datos y cifras Presentacion de PowerPoint contains lots of practice of statistical trends in the topic and will help build confidence in use of number in oral exam etc. Cajitas de informacíon This listening exercise with transcript introduces the topic through short pieces of bitesize information. Listening for detail is encouraged here. Introducíon al tema Folletín is a short conversation where two people discuss the topic in a semi-natural way. There are comprehension exercises and the transcript is provided. Perfil del tema This sequence of 18 pictures gives a socio-enconomico-historico background to the topic with gapped verbs and ideas for personal research for the oral. Ejercicios de lectura Four types of reading exercise. ¿Quién dice qué Work out to whom the opinions belong-exam style exercise Frases mezclades Relate which speech bubble relates to which context. Exercise which samples wide range of aspects of topic. Entrada de un blog Personal writing relating to the topic with varied range of exam style comprehension questions **Classical writing ** Leopoldo Alas «Clarín» - Un fragmento de «La Regenta»File **Examen oral. ** 8 tarjetas de preparacíon 8 AQA style preparation cards to rehearse for the oral examination **Traduccíon español-inglés ** 3 translations closely linked to previous content **Traduccíon inglés-español- ** 4 translation from English to Spanish with an interactive online exercise to practise a version similar to final version.
La igualdad de los sexos-AQA AS Spanish Unit

La igualdad de los sexos-AQA AS Spanish Unit

A comprehensive set of AQA AS level Spanish resources systematically covering all skills. New vocabulary is practised with key grammatical points and there is much interleaving of materials. Full mark schemes are given. Approximately one month’s work. Vocabulario y gramática Listoteca comprises sets of vocabulary suitable for introductory “GCSE” level discussion of topic. Links to interactive online exercise. The grammatical exercises which follow practise key points using the vocabulary introduced in the previous exercise. Excel spread sheet contains all the vocabulary from the topic so that it can be uploaded into your favourite app or web vocabulary practice site. Datos y cifras Presentacion de PowerPoint contains lots of practice of statistical trends in the topic and will help build confidence in use of number in oral exam etc. Cajitas de informacíon This listening exercise with transcript introduces the topic through short pieces of bitesize information. Listening for detail is encouraged here. Introducíon al tema Folletín is a short conversation where two people discuss the topic in a semi-natural way. There are comprehension exercises and the transcript is provided. Perfil del tema This sequence of 18 pictures gives a socio-enconomico-historico background to the topic with gapped verbs and ideas for personal research for the oral. Ejercicios de lectura Four types of reading exercise. ¿Quién dice qué Work out to whom the opinions belong-exam style exercise Frases mezclades Relate which speech bubble relates to which context. Exercise which samples wide range of aspects of topic. Entrada de un blog Personal writing relating to the topic with varied range of exam style comprehension questions **Classical writing ** Leopoldo Alas «Clarín» - Un fragmento de «La Regenta» **Examen oral. ** 8 tarjetas de preparacíon 8 AQA style preparation cards to rehearse for the oral examination **Traduccíon español-inglés ** 3 translations closely linked to previous content **Traduccíon inglés-español- ** 4 translation from English to Spanish with an interactive online exercise to practise a version similar to final version.
El laberinto del fauno-comprehensive resources

El laberinto del fauno-comprehensive resources

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each scene and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the film with your students Getting to know the film Detailed summary of film with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.