Make a Place Value Bunting
Print these on A3 paper, cut them and punch holes for the string. Then let children make buntings where each bunting contains the same representations of a number.
Place value bunting
Print on A3 paper, cut out the triangles and use a hole puncher to make holes for the string. Then mix all the triangles and have children make number buntings by regrouping all the representations of a number.
Make a 10 to subtract - beads activity
This sheet is to be used alongside real beads. Particularly suitable for SEN pupils that enjoy following procedural language.
Number bonds to 10
A count-draw-write activity to reinforce the knowledge of number bonds to 10.
Part part whole model with + and -
This resource is suitable for reluctant writers. The numbers in the last sheet can be printed out and cut out for the pupil to stick instead of writing.
Compound measures word problems
Three word problems for compound measures for Y8 and Y9.