
Feliz Navidad - Spanish Bingo
32 Bingo cards for Spanish learners
Uses and teaches Spanish Vocab
Simply give each student a bingo card (32 supplied) and the teacher reads out a random word from the Vocab sheet.
Simple, and zero preparation required from the teacher.

German Language Learning Websites
A short list of German Language learning websites that may be useful for GCSE and beyond.

Joyeux Noël - French Christmas tree activity
Place the objects on the Christmas tree - this can be line drawings or it can be drawing lines from the text onto an appropriate place on the Christmas tree.

Feliz Navidad - Spanish Christmas tree activity
Place the objects on the Christmas tree - this can be line drawings or it can be drawing lines from the text onto an appropriate place on the Christmas tree.

Joyeux Noël - French Christmas Activities
A series of French activities for language learning classes
- Christmas Bingo game
- Christmas tree activity
- Vocab cards

Feliz Navidad - Spanish Christmas
A series of Spanish activities for language learning classes
- Christmas Bingo game
- Christmas tree activity
- Vocab cards

Modal verbs in German
Introduces students to modal verbs in German. Contains presentation, student workbook and several exercises for students.

Gender patterns in German
Includes a set of card in a matching activity, a set of student exercises a powerpoint presentation and all you need to teach this to students.

German - Passive perfect, present perfect and imperfect worksheets
Set of exercises for passive perfect, present perfect and imperfect.

Conditional and Subjunctive - German
Exercises, handout and presentation on the conditional subjunctive in German

The future tense - German
A full lesson describing the future tense in German. Includes presentation, starter, student exercises. In fact everything you need for a great lesson!

KS3 Full stops and Capital letters in English writing
KS3 Full stops and Capital letters in English writing .
This complete differentiated teaching resource helps pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of capital letters and full stops. Includes full answers.
Students are taught how to effectively identify capital letters and full stops in writing, and how to implement them in their own work.
- Full teaching slide deck
- Starter activitiy
- Workbook (four page) with teacher answer book
- Ten sentence adding capital letters resource

Nominative, accusative & dative cases in German
Overview of nominative, accusative & dative cases in German including cases charts for students to memorize and work on from home.

German Comparative adjectives
Great resource to introduce comparative adjectives.
Includes presentation and two student worksheets

German Grammar GCSE Bundle
Great value - suitable for GCSE students.
A great price on this grammar bundle containing a variety of Lessons, exercises and starters.
Some fantastic ideas and lessons in here, prepared and ready to go!

The perfect tense in German
Full lesson about the perfect tense in German. Resources include a starter, presentation and exercises for students. In short everything you need for a great lesson!