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Inside Blood Summary Bookmark

Inside Blood Summary Bookmark

Circulatory System - The Blood This a bookmark summary which can be stuck in students books to help them revise later on. It includes information on red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. 1x A4 Page consisting of 2 bookmarks (8x21.5 cm) All images/diagrams drawn by myself :) Biology B2 Organisation
What is Blood? A4 Poster

What is Blood? A4 Poster

Circulatory System - The Blood This is a poster that includes information on red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. 1x A4 Page All images/diagrams drawn by myself :) Biology B2 Organisation
Discrimination in Care Poster

Discrimination in Care Poster

Discrimination in care classroom poster BTEC Health and Social Care Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Aim A1 Promoting equality, diversity and preventing discrimination
B1 Magnification / Microscopes Worksheet Pack

B1 Magnification / Microscopes Worksheet Pack

Visually appealing worksheets covering magnification and microscopes. Worksheets are designed so that students can work through them independently with reference to a textbook. Alternatively these worksheets are perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. Microscopy Magnification GCSE Biology Topic 1 Cell Biology All diagrams drawn by me :)
U5A1 - Equality, Diversity & Discrimination in Care (Worksheet)

U5A1 - Equality, Diversity & Discrimination in Care (Worksheet)

‘Equality, Diversity and Discrimination in Care’ worksheet (2 A4 pages, so can be printed double sided) covering all of Unit 5 Learning Aim A1. It is a great resource to summarise your learning as well as for reference during your controlled assessment. BTEC Health and Social Care Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Aim A1 Promoting equality, diversity and preventing discrimination
Specialised Cells Diagrams

Specialised Cells Diagrams

Cell Differentiation and Specialisation Specialised Cell Diagrams Includes: x1 Animal Cells - Muscle, Nerve and Sperm Cell (6 per page) x1 Plant Cells - Root Hair, Phloem and Xylem Cell (6 per page) x1 All Cells (2 per page)
HSC P.I.E.S Development Revision Clocks

HSC P.I.E.S Development Revision Clocks

Visually appealing worksheets covering PIES Development. Revision clocks are designed so that students can summarise information to a textbook. These become the perfect resource for students revising for the upcoming exams. Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood Health & Social Care Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development
B1 Cell Differentiation & Specialisation Challenge Grid

B1 Cell Differentiation & Specialisation Challenge Grid

Visually appealing challenge grid covering differentation and specialised cells. This sheet is designed so that students can revise either as Q&A questions, a four-in-a-row game as well as a dice roll game (First dice roll X axis, second row Y axis). It is perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. GCSE Biology Topic 1 Cell Biology All diagrams drawn by me :)
B1 Subcellular Structures Challenge Grid

B1 Subcellular Structures Challenge Grid

Visually appealing challenge grid covering subcellular structures. This sheet is designed so that students can revise either as Q&A questions, a four-in-a-row game as well as a dice roll game (First dice roll X axis, second row Y axis). It is perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. GCSE Biology Topic 1 Cell Biology All diagrams drawn by me :)
B2 Food Tests, Digestion & Enzymes Challenge Grid

B2 Food Tests, Digestion & Enzymes Challenge Grid

Visually appealing challenge grid covering the digestive system, food tests and digestive enzymes. This sheet is designed so that students can revise either as Q&A questions, a four-in-a-row game as well as a dice roll game (First dice roll X axis, second row Y axis). It is perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. GCSE Biology Topic 2 Organisation
B2 Cardiovascular System Challenge Grid

B2 Cardiovascular System Challenge Grid

Visually appealing challenge grid covering the circulatory system. This sheet is designed so that students can revise either as Q&A questions, a four-in-a-row game as well as a dice roll game (First dice roll X axis, second row Y axis). It is perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. Includes information on: Blood Heart Blood vessels Stents Statins GCSE Biology Topic 2 Organisation
Unit 5 Aim A – Examine Principles, Values and Skills (Splat Revision Sheet)

Unit 5 Aim A – Examine Principles, Values and Skills (Splat Revision Sheet)

This revision splat sheet that summarises Unit 5 Learning Aim A and is a perfect tool to have during the controlled assessment, due to its easy read nature and layout! A1 Discrimination in Care A2 Skills, Attributes and 6Cs A3 Empathy and Establishing Trust BTEC Health and Social Care Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Aim A1 Promoting equality, diversity and preventing discrimination
The Blood Worksheets (+Answers)

The Blood Worksheets (+Answers)

Circulatory System - The Blood x4 Visually appealing worksheets covering blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. (It includes x2 answer sheets) Worksheets are designed so that students can work through them independently with reference to a textbook. Alternatively these worksheets are perfect for GCSE Biology students revising for the upcoming exams. All images/diagrams drawn by myself :) Biology B2 Organisation
HSC Emotional Development Workbooklet

HSC Emotional Development Workbooklet

A 7-page visually appealing workbooklet summarising emotional development across the lifestages. The workbook is designed so that students can work through it independently with reference from a textbook. Alternatively it is perfect for students revising for the upcoming exams. Empathy Secure/disrupted attachmnet Attachment theories - Bowlby, Ainsworth, Schaffer & Emerson Self-concept, image and esteem BTEC Health and Social Care Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development LAA3 Emotional Development Across the Lifestages
HSC Physical Development Workbooklet

HSC Physical Development Workbooklet

A 8-page visually appealing workbooklet summarising physical development across the lifestages. The workbook is designed so that students can work through it independently with reference from a textbook. Alternatively it is perfect for students revising for the upcoming exams. Lifestages Growth and development Percentiles Gross/fine motor skills Primary/secondary sexual characteristics Puberty and hormones Maturity (Peri)menopause Ageing BTEC Health and Social Care Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development LAA1 Physical Development Across the Lifestages