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Sue Summers Shop

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I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Crossword and Flag IDs

Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Crossword and Flag IDs

The crossword includes the 20 official Spanish speaking countries, plus Puerto Rico. Also included are 8 clip art images of flags from Spanish speaking countries. Students are instructed to: 1. Write the capital next to each country clue. 2. Complete the crossword with the capital of each Spanish speaking country. If desired, you may also have the students write the country under each of the 8 flag images. This crossword is a good substitute lesson plan. Students first find the countries and capitals on a map or from a list, if you prefer. After completing the crossword and flag IDs, students can work with partners quizzing each other on the countries and capitals. 2 pages, including the answer key
Spanish Countries Mnemonics and Language Facts

Spanish Countries Mnemonics and Language Facts

This student reference contains mnemonic sentences for the Spanish speaking countries in South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Guam and the Philippines, and the "leftover" countries of Spain, Mexico, the U.S., and Equatorial Guinea that are scattered in different geographic regions. There are notes about the meanings of some countries, as well as a list of the top 5 most widely spoken world languages. These catchy sentences will help your students remember the Spanish speaking countries and their locations for years to come! 2 pages
Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity

Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity

Recycling Vocabulary Sketch and Label Activity - Students sketch and label on the recycling containers 10 items that can be recycled. There are 2 designs from which to choose. Students will enjoy sharing their creations with their classmates! This is a fun activity for Earth Day or whenever the environment is studied. Instructions for the activity are included on the worksheet.
Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Bookmark

Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Bookmark

This bookmark contains the 21 Spanish speaking countries and their capitals. There are 6 bookmarks per page. Just copy onto card stock, cut and distribute to your students. Challenge them to memorize them for a quiz, extra credit or a class game! 1 page
Continents 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Continents 2 Emergent Reader Booklets

Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages containing clip art images and names of the 7 continents. Also included are suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. Students first read and cut out the booklet that contains text and images. They then sketch the continents and create their own version using the text only template. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice the continents. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to each continent. 6 pages
Spain Booklets - ENGLISH - Spanish Culture

Spain Booklets - ENGLISH - Spanish Culture

Introduce your students to Spanish culture! These booklets contain many things for which Spain is famous such as flamenco, bullfighting, running of the bulls, soccer, olives, castles, cathedrals, Iberian ham and Don Quixote. Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations. They then create their own version using the text only template. Each booklet contains 12 pages: the title page with 11 additional pages. This item also includes suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text. The booklets are also helpful additions to interactive notebooks. 8 pages
Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Jeopardy Game

Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Jeopardy Game

Students practice Spanish speaking countries and capitals in a fun way! This PowerPoint Jeopardy game contains all 20 official Spanish speaking countries, plus countries and territories where Spanish is still widely spoken, or where there has been significant Spanish influence in the past. They include Puerto Rico, Andorra, Guam, Philippines, and Gibraltar. The 5 categories are North America A, North America B, South America, South America and Africa, and Potpourri. Students click a number under one of the categories and a country will appear. The next click displays the capital city, the point value, and a house that can be clicked to return to the game board. The previously clicked questions are highlighted to show students that they have already been used. There are 2 randomly placed "Sorpresa" slides that double the points of the next conjugation, if answered correctly. This is a no prep activity that can be modified to suit your purposes in your classroom. Also included are 2 slides that can be printed and given to students to complete while they are in the audience. Each contains a shell of the game board with the categories at the top and the point value in each cell. As participants choose their questions, the students in the audience can write the country and the corresponding capital city. Instructions for the game are included. This is great review activity for back to school, the end of the year, or anytime in between! 61 pages
Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Signs / PowerPoint

Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Signs / PowerPoint

Use these signs to decorate your room and present, practice and review Spanish speaking countries and capitals. In addition to the official Spanish speaking countries, the presentation includes the U.S. and Puerto Rico because of the large number of Spanish speaking residents as well as Guam and the Philippines because of the Spanish influence in those 2 locations. Both Guam and Puerto Rico indicate that those 2 locations are part of the U.S. There are 3 slightly different sets included in this product to give you flexibility in your classroom. The 3 sets are: 1. Spanish speaking countries with the corresponding flags. The flag and geographic region are on the presentation and the country comes out on mouse click. 2. Spanish speaking countries with corresponding flags and capitals. The flag and geographic regions are on the presentation and then the country and capital come out one at a time on mouse click. 3. Flags for each Spanish speaking country There is a sign introducing the different geographic regions for each group (one sign for North America, Europe and Africa, one for Central America, one for the Caribbean and one for Asia/South Pacific). There is also one slide that lists all countries and their capitals by geographic region. This can be printed and given to students for their reference. 89 pages
Spanish Speaking Countries Bundle of 5 Items

Spanish Speaking Countries Bundle of 5 Items

5 Resources
Save over 30% by purchasing these Spanish speaking countries resources bundled together! Included in this bundle: 1. Countries and Capitals Crossword and Answer Key - 2 pages 2. Countries Mnemonics and Facts - 2 pages 3. Countries PowerPoint Bulletin Board Flags, With and Without Country Names - 89 pages 4. Countries and Capitals Bookmark, 6 per page - 1 page 5. Countries Categories Vocabulary Activity Bundle - 22 pages The 5 resources are also sold individually on TES.