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Sue Summers Shop

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I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
Spanish Affirmative and Negative Words with Stem Changes Verbs

Spanish Affirmative and Negative Words with Stem Changes Verbs

This Spanish affirmative and negatives activity includes 10 English to Spanish sentence translations with common stem change verbs and nouns. Sample verbs include servir, almorzar, entender, pedir, jugar, and pensar. Nouns include food, family and people vocabulary such as onions, mushrooms, dessert, sister, and grandma. A sample sentence is: This restaurant also serves dessert every day. The activity includes 8 affirmative and negative words that students must translate to Spanish. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Adjectives, Comparatives, and Superlatives Practice Chart

Spanish Adjectives, Comparatives, and Superlatives Practice Chart

Students practice common singular and plural Spanish adjectives, comparatives, and superlative adjectives by completing 3 columns containing 23 different adjectives. There are 2 different versions of practice sheets, plus an answer key. Both practice sheets containing 4 columns as follow: 1. inglés 2. español 3. comparativo 4. superlativo On one practice sheet, students supply the Spanish adjective, the Spanish comparative adjective, and the Spanish superlative adjective. On the other practice sheet, students supply the English adjective, the Spanish comparative adjective, and the Spanish superlative adjective. Also included is a completed chart answer key. Sample adjectives include bonito, feo, triste, feliz, extraña, malo, and rubio. 3 pages
Spanish Superlative Adjectives Sentence Translations

Spanish Superlative Adjectives Sentence Translations

Students practice Spanish superlative adjectives with a variety of adjectives and nouns. There are 11 English to Spanish sentences total. A sample sentence is: My cousins are the tallest children in our family. Sample adjectives include funniest, most athletic, happiest, fastest, tallest, and most handsome. Sample nouns include teacher, brother, player, assignment, book, months, and cakes. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Pero vs. Sino Conjunctions Fill in the Blank and Sentence Translations

Spanish Pero vs. Sino Conjunctions Fill in the Blank and Sentence Translations

Students practice the conjunctions pero and sino with common Spanish vocabulary. There are 6 sentences total, each containing 5 parts. They are: 1. A question that relates to the fill in the blank and sentence that follows. 2. A fill in the blank with pero or sino response sentence. 3. Translation of the first sentence response. 4. A fill in the blank with pero or sino second response sentence. 5. Translation of the second sentence response. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Comparative Adjectives with Family Fill in the Blank and Sentences

Spanish Comparative Adjectives with Family Fill in the Blank and Sentences

Students practice Spanish unequal comparative adjectives with Spanish family and pets vocabulary. There are 14 sentences total, 10 sentences that use más + adjective + que, and 4 sentences that use menos + adjective + que. Students fill in the blank with the comparative adjectives, and then provide the English translation for each. A sample sentence is: Mis mascotas son ____ (cooler than) sus mascotas. Sample adjectives include estricto, feo, extraño, alto, bonito, and inteligente. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Nature and Geography 4 x 4 Matching Squares Puzzle

Spanish Nature and Geography 4 x 4 Matching Squares Puzzle

Students assemble a 4 x 4 Spanish/English vocabulary puzzle with 27 different nature and geography related words. Sample words are: antiplano, arroyo, bosque, cascada, frontera, mar, montaña, playa, río, selva tropical, sierra, valle, and volcán. Most words are repeated which makes the puzzle more challenging. Just photocopy enough for a class set (1 for every 2 students if working in pairs, or 1 per student if working alone), cut and fasten with a paper clip. Distribute to students and challenge them to reassemble the puzzles as quickly as possible. There is a list of all words alongside the puzzle in Spanish and English. This can be used as a vocabulary bookmark and reference. 2 pages
French Basic Language Hotel Skit / Role Play & Follow-up Worksheet

French Basic Language Hotel Skit / Role Play & Follow-up Worksheet

This is a 2-person skit between a traveler checking in to a hotel in France and the hotel receptionist. Students must respond to typical questions, spell their names, provide their phone numbers, etc. It's short enough for students to memorize in a couple days of practice and utilizes useful, everyday language. Your students will find this role play fun to practice and present! It's also a great speaking activity for a sub lesson. A follow-up translation worksheet is included. 2 pages
French Calendar and Dates Skit / Role Play / Speaking Activity - Le Calendrier

French Calendar and Dates Skit / Role Play / Speaking Activity - Le Calendrier

This is a 2-person, 9 line skit between a young girl and her grandmother who are discussing the timing of the girl's birthday and the preceding holidays. Dates, calendar, and holidays are the focus of the skit. Thanksgiving and Christmas are mentioned, along with the girl's birthday. Additional key words and phrases used in the skit are: Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?, la date aujourd'hui c’est , vouloir + infinitive, j'adore, aimer + infinitive, pouvoir + infinitive, and there are 3 different French dates mentioned in the skit. Included in the download: 1. Bilingual French and English skit, copied 2 per page for student handouts. 2. French only skit, copied 2/page for student handouts. This can be used as a translation assignment. 3. Bilingual French and English skit in large font that can be projected. Use for presenting and practicing vocabulary. 3. French only skit in large font that can be projected. Use for presenting and practicing vocabulary. 4 pages
French Body Parts / Doctor Appointment Skit - J'ai Mal à la Gorge!

French Body Parts / Doctor Appointment Skit - J'ai Mal à la Gorge!

This 12 line skit between a doctor and patient utilizes lots of useful, everyday phrases, such as "Let's see", "I'm sorry", and "Help me, please." The skit includes several French commands, and common phrases such as pas du tout and c'est tout. The English translation is included. Included in the download: 1. Bilingual skit in large font for presenting and reviewing vocabulary and pronunciation as a class. 2. French only skit in large font for reviewing vocabulary, pronunciation practice, and translation practice as class. 3. Bilingual skit copied 2 per page for paper saving student handouts 4. French only skit copied 2 per page for paper saving student handouts. This can also be used as a translation assignment. This is a great interpersonal speaking activity for a French body parts unit, and it works well for a French substitute lesson. 4 pages
Spanish Feelings Bundle of 6

Spanish Feelings Bundle of 6

6 Resources
This Spanish feelings bundle includes: - 18 images to identify - question responses and image IDs - matching and images IDs - crossword and image IDs - word search and image IDs - vocabulary reference Answer keys are included for the worksheets. 12 pages
Spanish Tener Expressions Bundle of 7

Spanish Tener Expressions Bundle of 7

7 Resources
This Spanish tener expressions bundle includes: - 5 sentence translation worksheets - crossword puzzle - tener expressions Spanish/English and English/Spanish reference. The reference can be used to present and practice vocabulary, and is great for a student handout. 14 pages
Spanish Numbers and Age Questions - ¿Cuántos Años Tienes?

Spanish Numbers and Age Questions - ¿Cuántos Años Tienes?

This activity includes 10 questions using "Cuántos años" with tu, el and ella and a designated number for students to use in their responses. There are examples of both questions and answers for student reference. Also included are 24 numbers for students to write. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Numbers Puzzles Bundle of 3

Spanish Numbers Puzzles Bundle of 3

3 Resources
Spanish Numbers Double Puzzle Worksheet - Students must unscramble 15 number words. They then transfer the letter in each numbered cell to other cells at the bottom of the page with the same number in order to solve the mystery word. Spanish Numbers Zero to Twenty Crossword Puzzle and Image IDs - This Spanish numbers crossword contains: 1. English number word clues from zero to twenty. Students complete the crossword with the Spanish equivalent. 2. Instructions for students to write the Spanish number word next to each clue. 3. Nine number images for students to identify with a Spanish number word. The 3 tasks on the worksheet give students plenty of practice with their numbers. Spanish Numbers 0 - 20 Word Search and Image IDs - This Spanish numbers word search puzzle has instructions for students to: 1. Write the English word next to the Spanish number words 2. Find the Spanish number words in the word search 3. Write a Spanish number word under each of the 9 digit images.
Spanish Numbers Listening and Math Activity - St. Patrick's Day Theme

Spanish Numbers Listening and Math Activity - St. Patrick's Day Theme

This Spanish numbers listening activity will hold the attention of your students as they make their way around the oval writing the Spanish numbers that you dictate! After all numbers are dictated, students quickly do the math to find the correct final answer based on the numbers that they heard and wrote. They will be anxious to raise their hands and share their results! You choose the numbers for the activity so it can be used for very basic numbers or large numbers, depending on your focus. 2 pages
Spanish Numbers and Math Listening Activities Bundle of 3

Spanish Numbers and Math Listening Activities Bundle of 3

3 Resources
These Spanish numbers listening activities will hold the attention of your students as they make their way around the oval writing the Spanish numbers that you dictate! After all numbers are dictated, students quickly do the math to find the correct final answer based on the numbers that they heard and wrote. They will be anxious to raise their hands and share their results! You choose the numbers for the activities so they can be used for very basic numbers or large numbers, depending on your focus. The 3 activity themes included in the bundle are: American football soccer numbers The numbers activities are perfect to use when introducing numbers for the first time, or as back to school review for students with Spanish experience. They can also be used as larger numbers are introduced and they're great for review throughout the year to keep numbers fresh. Instructions for use are included in the download. All of the activity sheets are sold individually on TES. Purchasing this bundle offers significant savings over the individual price.
Spanish Greetings Skit / Role Play - Teacher & Student

Spanish Greetings Skit / Role Play - Teacher & Student

This is a 12-line greetings skit between a teacher and student. After the two meet, the student asks about another student and leaves to go talk with him/her. The download includes: 1. Skit in English and Spanish copied 2 per page for student handouts. 2. Skit in Spanish only copied 2 per page for student handouts and translation activity. 3. Skit in Spanish and English with enlarged font for presenting and practicing vocabulary and pronunciation. 3 pages
Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation and Notes - El Alfabeto

Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation and Notes - El Alfabeto

This is a pronunciation guide and reference for the 30 original Spanish letters of the alphabet. It can be used to present and practice pronunciation, and given to students for reference. There are 3 columns: 1. Spanish letter 2. Pronunciation 3. Notes and English examples of the sounds There are also 4 boxes that include explanations about the layout of the guide, the letters k and w, the number of letters in the alphabet, and the pronunciation of c and z in some parts of Spain. 1 page