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Spooky Studies Halloween learning booklet

Spooky Studies Halloween learning booklet

Fifty page Halloween themed learning booklet! Covering topics such as; vampires (history, mythology, consumption and diseases, Vlad the Impaler, gothic literature and more!), werewolves (mythology, revenants, lycanthropy, stigma and discrimination, folk tales and more!), witches (witch trials, the plague, feminism, and more!) and Halloween (Pagan origins, Roman changes, tradition origins and more!)
Halloween/Spooky History Lesson set

Halloween/Spooky History Lesson set

4 History lesson powerpoints, with over 50 slides total, covering spooky/halloween based topics! Topics include… Vampires Linking to Ancient Egyptian origins, tuberculosis, Vlad the Impaler, Dracula and more! Werewolves Linking to werewolf trials, revenants, mythology and real life explanations! Witches Linking to the witch trials, Salem, sexism and Wicca! The origins of Halloween Linking to Paganism, Roman influences, Christianity and the origins of other Halloween traditions!