Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
This is a fun activity which encourages problem solving and mastery within place value, (plus a little bit of revision with co-ordinates too!) My class loved it.
Learning Objectives for this activity:
Y5 Learning objective - to multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Y5 Learning objective – to determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1 million.
Y5 Learning objective - to add whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction).
Y4 Learning objective – describe positions on a 2-D grid as co-ordinates.
Ten bar multiplication and division problems (all using multiplication facts for the 3 and 4 times-tables), with a choice of 3 possible bar models. Great for collecting evidence of fluency and reasoning. Presented 2 to a page for easy photocopying.
Learning Objectives covered:
LO: To solve multiplication problems using the 3 & 4 times table.
LO: To use a bar model to support calculations
3 STEM inspired Place Value activities, which cover the place value objectives from Yr 2 through to Yr 5 and come complete with planning.
The STEM Challenge and Mystery Number Activity use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) model currently recommended to encourage Greater Depth of understanding of number, as used in Singapore.
Learning Objectives included are:
• Represent numbers using different representations.
• Find 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 more or less than a given number.
• Recognise the place value of each digit in a 2, 3, 4 or 5- digit number (hundreds, hundreds, tens, and ones).
• Read and write numbers up to 10,000 in numerals and in words.
• Solve problems, including missing number problems and place value.
True or false activity to promote reasoning with rounding.
Suitable for Year 4 and/or a quick revision activity for Year 5
Year 4 LO - To round decimals up to 2 decimal places.
I have used these resources this week to introduce grid method of multiplication and build on advice from White Rose Hub resources. Pack includes initial discussion prompt, 5 days of talk-time activities (or 2 lessons worth of questions), and a matching activity to assess pupil understanding and reasoning skills.
Inspired by Nrich & White Rose hub materials this is a bundle of 11 different problem solving activities, to practice working systematically. I have been using them as starters to get discussion and reasoning flowing, and to collect and share different ways of setting out problems.
A bundle of 10 Fraction activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. I have included some Year 2 objectives to allow for quick assessment of previous objectives taught. Perfect for lesson starters to encourage discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 activities to a page.
A set of 10 Time related problems. Great for starters, to prompt reasoning and discussion, and also gather evidence of fluency skills. Includes concept cartoons and Roman Numerals
Learning objectives covered:
LO: To tell the time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute (Fluency & Reasoning – Yr. 3)
LO: Convert between analogue and 12-hour digital clocks (Fluency – Yr. 3)
LO: To know the number of seconds in a minute. (Fluency & Reasoning – Yr. 3)
LO: To know the number of days in the month and months in a year. (Fluency & Reasoning – Yr. 3)
LO: Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals (Fluency & Reasoning – Yr. 3)
Struggling with bar modelling and finding multiplication and division tasks which do more than test you students calculation skills?
These activities encourage lots of talk, lots of reasoning and provide examples of your students fluency with calculation skills. They are also an excellent way for students to show their understanding of Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial representations of the process of division and multiplication.
A pack of 10 concept cartoons to promote reasoning on geometry topics, which can be used to provoke thinking, highlight common misconceptions, assess understanding or to promote mathematical discussion.
This pack can be used as a whole class discussion piece, or individually with students recording their reasoning in their maths journals or books (Each example is repeated in an easy to photocopy, 4 to a page format, for individual student work).
Learning Objectives covered in this pack:
• Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
• Recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them.
• Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn.
• Identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle.
• Describe the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes using accurate language, including lengths of lines and acute and obtuse for angles greater or lesser than a right angle. (Non- statutory guidance)
• Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations (Yr. 4 LO)
A second bundle of 10 Place Value activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 activities to a page.
LO`s included:
(Yr. 3 Fluency & Reasoning) – Recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number.
(Yr. 3 Fluency & Reasoning) – Count in multiples of 50 from zero.
(Yr. 3 Fluency & Reasoning) - Identify 100 more or 100 less than any given number.
(Yr. 3 – Problem Solving & Reasoning) - Solve number problems involving recognising the place value within a 3 digit number.
(Yr. 3 – Problem Solving & Reasoning) - Compare and order whole numbers to 1000.
Plot quadrilaterals and then transform the shape, using this game.
Learning Objectives (from New Curriculum) covered are:
LO - classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties.
LO - describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant.
LO - describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right and up/down.
LO - plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon.
A bundle of 6 Place Value talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters, presented with 4 activities to a page for easy photocopying.
Includes the following Learning Outcomes:
LO – To be able to recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (hundreds, tens, and ones) (Yr. 3 LO. Mastery with greater depth).
LO - Solve place value problems (Yr. 3 LO. Problem Solving)
LO – To solve number problems and practical problems with number and place value. (Year 3 LO)
LO – To be able to recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (hundreds, tens, and ones) (Place Value Reasoning- Yr. 3 LO)
A bundle of 11 Place Value activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents (includes negative numbers). Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them, means you always have written evidence of students problem solving and reasoning skills! Presented in easy to photocopy format, with 4 or 2 activities to a page.
Learning Outcomes included are:
LO - Recognise the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number (Yr. 4 - Problem solving)
LO - Solve number and practical problems with number and place value, with increasingly large positive numbers (Yr. 4 - Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO: Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Fluency)
LO - Solve problems including missing number problems, using place value and more complex addition and subtraction (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Find 1000 more or less than a given number (Yr. 4 Problem Solving & Reasoning)
LO - Count in multiples of 1000`s through negative numbers (Yr. 4 Fluency)
A bundle of 10 Multiplication and Place Value talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Fluency and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page (sometimes 6 to a page).
Learning Objectives included:
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 50. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 4. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – To count from 0 in multiples of 8. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO - Find 10 more or 10 less than a given number. (Fluency Yr. 3)
LO - Compare and order numbers up to 1000. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (Reasoning Yr. 3)
LO – Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts and place value. (Reasoning Yr. 3)
10 fraction activities focusing on reasoning and mastery of basic concepts. Suitable for Year 2 and Year 3. Perfect for lesson starters or to collect written evidence of student reasoning about fraction concepts. Activities include fractional parts, fractions on a number line and concept cartoons.
This is a week of planning and resources - all tasks are pre-assessments of LO`s covered in Year 2 to be sure all gaps are covered before you move onto the Year 3 objectives. Task inspired by NCETM mastery materials.
Learning Objectives covered:
LO: To add fractions with the same denominator. (Yr. 3)
LO: To count in fractions up to 10, starting from any number and using the ½ and 2/4 equivalence. (Yr. 2)
LO: Recognise, find, name and write fractions as 1/3, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ of a length, shape or set of objects or quantity. (Yr. 2)
LO: recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity (Yr. 1)
A bundle of resources to help with reasoning and visual representations of fractions.
Learning Objectives covered:
Show using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators.
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator up to one whole.
Find pairs of fractions that add up to a whole.
Solve fraction problems using what I know so far about fractions.
Ten rounding activities, including rounding of decimals, with reasoning and problem solving.
Use them to start every maths lesson, encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page (sometimes 2 to a page).
Learning Outcomes included are:
LO - Solve problems involving rounding (Yr. 4 – Fluency & problem solving)
LO – To round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 (Yr. 4 – Fluency)
LO – To round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 (Yr. 4 – Reasoning)
LO – To be able to reason on rounding facts known (Yr. 4 - Reasoning)
LO - Solve problems involving rounding decimals (Yr. 4 – Problem Solving & reasoning)
A bundle of 10 Multiplication talk time activities inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery and Reasoning documents. Perfect for lesson starters to encouraging discussion and reasoning between students AND as a cheeky bonus, using them means you always have written evidence of students reasoning skills! Set out in easy to photocopy format, 4 to a page (sometimes 3 to a page).
Includes the following Learning Outcomes:
LO – Yr. 3 – Problem Solving - Calculate mentally using multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables, including two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers.
LO - Yr.3 – Problem Solving & Fluency - Using multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables, including two-digit numbers multiplied by one-digit numbers to solve problems.
LO - Yr.3 – Problem Solving & Reasoning - Solve calculation problems involving multiplication and division, including missing number problems, simple positive integer scaling and simple correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects.
LO - Yr. 3 – Problem Solving - Solve number problems using multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.