Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
Firstly, my name really is Sunshine Susie! (I know! Can you believe it?!) My goal is to create and share products that engage your students, make your life easier, so you can get out of school and start living more. Have a lovely day! Sunshine.
My mixed year 3/4 loved these activities.
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book `The Twits`by Roald Dahl. Planning and text is attached, each activity has instructions attached.
Files included (7)
My mixed year 3/4 loved these activities.
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book `I was a rat!`by Philip Pullman. Plus word of the day activities, with spelling from the latest Year 3 & 4 spelling list.
Planning and text is attached, plus Blooms questioning grid to model higher level thinking question stems. Each activity has instructions attached.
A set of four differentiated mazes for student to colour a path through, counting on in tenths or hundredths (or just ones for SEN). Plus a blank grid for students to design their own mazes.
Year 4 Learning Objectives: count up and down in tenths and hundredths.
This Talk time discussion activity was inspired by NCETM Mastery documents.
Zippy Onion our class mathematician sparks reasoning and discussion on place value around the Year 4 Learning Objective - Find 1000 more or less than a given number.
I have given four to page for ease of printing.
Two activities for students to practice representations of tenths as fractions, pictures, decimals and in words.
Covers LO:
LO: Recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book `The Iron Man`by Ted Hughes. Plus word of the day activities, with spelling from the latest Year 3 & 4 spelling list.
Planning and text is attached, plus Blooms questioning grid to model higher level thinking question stems. Each activity has instructions attached.
Files included (7)
Inspired by NCETM guidance (which is attached), this bundle of multiplication resources is superb for moving students through CPA process (concrete, pictorial, abstract), also includes NCETM lesson plan and questions from the `Models and Images`resources. Bundle includes:
Multiplication as an arrray
Multiplications as repeated addition
Multiplication on a number line
Problem solving
True or false activity to promote reasoning with rounding.
Suitable for Year 4 and/or a quick revision activity for Year 5
Year 4 LO - To round decimals up to 2 decimal places.
This is a fun activity which encourages problem solving and mastery within place value, (plus a little bit of revision with co-ordinates too!) My class loved it.
Learning Objectives for this activity:
Y5 Learning objective - to multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Y5 Learning objective – to determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 1 million.
Y5 Learning objective - to add whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction).
Y4 Learning objective – describe positions on a 2-D grid as co-ordinates.
A week of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book The BFGby Roald Dahl. (Suitable for Year 3 or Year 4). Planning and text is attached, each activity has instructions attached.
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book `The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane`by Kate DiCamillo. Plus word of the day activities, with spelling from the latest Year 3 & 4 spelling list. A week of planning, the text extract and all resources are attached.
This was so useful in showing the class a range of different graphs for the same data, and in improving their reasoning ability on what each graph shows. Correct reasoning is modelled in the task and the students then went on create their own, using mastery level reasoning skills.
Superb for sparking discussion.
In both powerpoint (editable) and pdf format
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book `The Firework Makers Daughter`by Philip Pullman. Plus word of the day activities, with spelling from the latest Year 3 & 4 spelling list.
Planning and text is attached, plus Blooms questioning grid to model higher level thinking question stems. Each activity has instructions attached.
A weeks worth of reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book The Twitsby Roald Dahl. Planning and text is attached, each activity has instructions attached.
Learning objectives from 2014 English National Curriculum covered include:
Understand how writers use figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere.
Be able to locate key information for a purpose
Identify the main ideas from more than one paragraph
Make predictions based on what is stated and implied
Ask questions to improve understanding
Begin to understand what the writer is implying in a text
Four reciprocal / guided reading activities to accompany the book `The Owl Babies`by Martin Waddell. The text is also attached.
Each activity has instructions attached.
I have broken the GPS (SPaG) progression documents into objectives per strand, to make it easier to track progress, or isolate gaps in student knowledge.
Really useful if you have a mixed year group class or a class with a wide range of abilities.
Inspired by NCETM Maths Mastery documents - Zippy Onion sparks discussion on rounding, students are encouraged to record their reasoning on facts known, also includes a self-assessment grid.
Year 4 objective - To reason on rounding facts known.
I have included four per sheet for ease of photocopying.
Inspired by the Year 5 Mastery documents, these maths trails practice basic addition and subtraction skills. Calculations are presented within parenthesis to begin to expose students to algebraic layouts in Year 5.
Four differentiated trails:
High ability (numbers to 10,000),
Medium ability (numbers into 1000`s),
Lower ability (numbers in the 100`s)
SEN (numbers up to 100)
I collected these prompts as a way to promote class discussion around e-safety. After discussion students debated the safest thing to do in each situation, and recorded their ideas, which then went into an interactive display.
SMSC Learning Objectives
Yr 3.
Can identify and explain how to manage the risks in different familiar situations.
Can identify how to ask for help.
Can explain how my actions have consequences for myself and others.
Can describe the nature and consequences of bullying and express some ways of responding to it.
Yr 4.
Can take responsibility for my own behaviour and safety and realise that actions have consequences.
Can have some strategies to cope with peer influence and peer pressure.
Can identify some factors that affect emotional health and wellbeing e.g. relationships with family and friends, stress levels, physical activity, diet, self-image, media.
ICT Learning Objectives
use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact