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Miss Waddams

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Teaching resources for Business Studies and literacy resources. There are also some video tutorials for KS3 computing.




Teaching resources for Business Studies and literacy resources. There are also some video tutorials for KS3 computing.
Financial Documents

Financial Documents

3 Resources
Includes A3 revision posters that outlines each of the financial documents between a customer and supplier. There is a task sheet outlining the process of completing the financial documents - of which I have created templates of each document to allow students to complete them independently. As there are some exam techniques I have included my Exam Help Prompts guide.
Creating Charts in Excel

Creating Charts in Excel

This resource pack includes 5 videos that will assist students to independently create charts to their target grade or exceed it. These differentiated task sheets allow students to self assess where they are at and identify what they need to do to improve their grade. If you download this resource please leave a comment. Thank you for looking.
Task for Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Accounting Ratios

Task for Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Accounting Ratios

In this resource pack are differentiated workbooks from grade A* to grade E-D. Included is a business scenario that requires students to complete shaded cells on the Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet. There are also some exam style questions related to this topic and a help resource for students to compose specific mark answers with working examples (this is avaiable as an additional paid resource that can be edited - this version in this bundle is a PDF document). To help students complete the documents and more understanding of the accounting ratios I have also included a PDF version of my paid resource of the revision posters I have designed. These are also available in editable version. If you download this resource please leave a comment and rating. Thank you for looking.
Exam Help Prompts

Exam Help Prompts

Created to help Applied Business students to write their exam answers based on 1 mark, 2 mark, 6 mark and 9 mark answers. Included are two sides - 1 looks at the command words and tips on how to structure and answer. Side 2 looks at good working examples based on the Unit 2 - Finance of Business Studies and how marks can be obtained. If you download this please leave feedback with how you found this resource. Thank you for looking.
Accounting Ratios Posters

Accounting Ratios Posters

I have created these posters to help current year 11 students to understand what each of the 7 accounting ratios mean and how to interpret them. This relates to the WJEC Applied Business Studies curriculum and includes the following ratios: 1) Gross Profit % 2) Net Profit % 3) Acid Test Ratio 4) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) 5) Current Ratio 6) Debtors' Collection Period 7) Creditors' Payment Period Incuded is an example of what a 2 mark answer would look like for each ratio as well as how to interpret what the figures show. I haven't included the formula as these are provided in the exam. If you download please give feedback on how to improve them. Thanks for looking.
WJEC Applied Business Unit 2 Revision A3 Posters

WJEC Applied Business Unit 2 Revision A3 Posters

This pack includes 8 A3 posters to help students with their revision for the Unit 2 WJEC Applied Business Studies exam. Posters 1 and 2 have a working business example of the business financial documents flow process in order with details of the purpose of each one and what the consequences are if the are filled in wrong. Poster 3 has a breakdown of each payment method type and what the advantages and disadvantages are for using each type. Poster 4 has the pros and cons of using a computerised accounting system. Poster 5 and 6 uses a business example and what the purpose of using financial documents (Trading Accounts, Profit & Loss Accounts, Balance Sheet and Accounting Ratio’s to interpret these financial statements). The P&L accounts and Balance Sheets uses colour coded calculations to help students perform the calculations on each one. The Accounting Ratio’s show how to calculate each one with guidance on how to interpret them including stakeholders interest. Poster 7 and 8 looks at a made up business to make budget forecast with details of what a budget is and its advantages. Gives working examples of fixed and variable costs, which then follows on to working out the break even for the business. Includes both the contribution method and graph method. A scenario is provided to make a judgement on what the effects on the break even if the cost of a product is increased and what action can be taken to minimise the impact on what could the potentional impact have on the course of action. I have included details on the Margin Of Safety and how it can be calculated. I have tried to make this user friendly to help students with their revision and it includes samples of past answers to mirror the correct answers needed for their exam. If you download this please leave a comment if I can improve it any way. Thank you.
Revision Poster - Budget, Break Even and Margin of Safety

Revision Poster - Budget, Break Even and Margin of Safety

These are A3 posters that I have produced to help students with their revision for their WJEC Applied Business Studies exam. This revision guide includes examples of a completed budget based on a made up business to forecast projections. I have also included details of why budgets are used which mirror the exam board's previous answers. There is also a guide using the same business to calculate the break even for both the Contribution Method and Graph Method. Included are some information about what the impact on the break even if the cost of flowers were increased by the supplier; the effects this will have; what action could be taken and what the consequences could have on the business. I have also included the Margin of Safety and how this can be calculated. Useful to print for individual students to help with their revision or on the wall in the classroom. If you download and have used this please give feedback to how you have found them. Thanks.
Revision Guide A3 Posters - Profit & Loss Accounts, Balance Sheets and Accounting Ratios

Revision Guide A3 Posters - Profit & Loss Accounts, Balance Sheets and Accounting Ratios

These are A3 posters that I have produced to help students with their revision for their WJEC Applied Business Studies exam. This revision guide includes examples of completed Trading Accounts and how to use the information to complete a Profit & Loss Account, and Balance Sheet. I have included colour coded help to work out calculations on both the P&L Account and Balance Sheet. There is also guidance on how to calculate each Accounting Ratio and what to look out for when interpreting this in the exam. Useful to print for individual students to help with their revision or on the wall in the classroom. If you download and have used this please give feedback to how you have found them. Thanks.
Revision Poster Financial Documents, Payment Methods & Computerised Accounting

Revision Poster Financial Documents, Payment Methods & Computerised Accounting

These are A3 posters that I have produced to help students with their revision for their WJEC Applied Business Studies exam. This revision guide includes examples of completed financial documents based on a made up business. I have also included details of why each form is used and what the consequences of errors being made on each one. I have also produced a poster for each payment method type with the advantages and disadvantages of each type. There is also a poster for businesses using an accounting system and some advantages & disadvantages based on the exam board’s previous answers. Useful to print for individual students to help with their revision or on the wall in the classroom. If you download and have used this please give feedback to how you have found them. Thanks.
Financial Documents between Customer and Supplier

Financial Documents between Customer and Supplier

I have created these resources to help current year 11’s with their exam. Included is a document providing a step by step guide on how to fill in each form in the process, what should be checked and the consequences if each form has been incorrectly completed. I have created templates for each document in Publisher to allow the students to use the Task sheet to complete each form to get them confident for their exam. The answers are also provided as a PDF document. To accompany this I have included an exam test paper that can be used when completed to test the student’s understanding.
The Marketing Mix (and 4 P's marketing strategy)

The Marketing Mix (and 4 P's marketing strategy)

I have created this lesson resource to introduce the Marketing Mix for GCSE Business Studies. Included are differentiated task sheets for a scenario. This gets students thinking about how to market a product effectively using the 4 P strategy. This is a shortened version of a double lesson I am planning on teaching which I have included exam style questions to test their knowledge and understanding of this topic and how it connects to Market Research. If you download please comment on what you thought of the resources, including what I can do to improve it. Thank you.
Literacy Sentence Starters

Literacy Sentence Starters

There are two resources here - self assessment sentence starters for computing students that encourages them to improve their literacy when explaining what they have done. The second resource is a PEEL sentence starter that helps pupils write improved sentences using the P.E.E.L structure. On both I have differentiated them to suitable grading so that pupils can see how they can improve their literacy skills.
Sole Trader

Sole Trader

One lesson that covers what a sole trader is. Included are differentiated worksheets that cover the 1-9 grading that can be used for individuals for challenging them. There is also access to a help presentation put together that pupils can use to help them complete this task that can be used with the lesson or not.
Create advertisement banner in Fireworks

Create advertisement banner in Fireworks

OCR Nationals new Unit 21 specification for Level 2 ICT. Video tutorials to show pupils how to create MERIT and DISTINCTION level advertisement banner using Adobe Fireworks. Demonstrates how to create a hyperlink and a rollover feature for MERIT and frames for DISTINCTION. Please comment if you use these.
How to use Fireworks to create navigation bar

How to use Fireworks to create navigation bar

OCR Nationals new Unit 21 specification for Level 2 ICT. Word tutorial and videos to allow pupils to create a drop down feature on a navigation bar and to export it using Adobe Fireworks. Please make comments if you have used it.
Create an advertisement banner

Create an advertisement banner

OCR Nationals Level 2 ICT Unit 21, these documents allow pupils to create an advertisement banner. There is a worksheet that outlines what pupils are to do and what they have to do to meet what level (P/M/D) there is a smiley face at the bottom for pupils to tick off when they have done so you can get feedback of how pupils felt they achieved. Also included are step by step guide on how to achieve a MERIT and DISTINCTION by including hyperlinks and using frames in Fireworks.
Unit 21 AO1 Reviewing graphics

Unit 21 AO1 Reviewing graphics

These are three differentiated worksheets for pupils to fill in their responses for the reviewing graphics. Makes it easy for them to complete to their target level.
Merit/Distinction AO5 ICT

Merit/Distinction AO5 ICT

OCR Nationals ICT Level 2, Unit 1 (2010 spec) AO5 spreadsheet task. This PowerPoint allows pupils to develop their self independent skills by using the screenshots to allow them to achieve Merit/Distinction by themselves.
Mail merge a letter

Mail merge a letter

For new spec level 2 OCR Nationals ICT, AO4. This worksheet was created based on the theme of Downloadable Tunes. You are welcome to use it and edit information to suit the scenario you are using. Attached is the spreadsheet that contains the customers from Downloadable Tunes.