Easy rhyming poem based on the story of The Gingerbread Man.
Great for adding actions to, talk for writing, class performances, putting to music.
Suitable for EYFS- Year 1/2.
Easy rhyming poem based on the story of The Three Little Pigs.
Great for adding actions to, talk for writing, class performances, putting to music.
Suitable for EYFS- Year 1/2.
Nativity play written to be filmed in bubbles.
No songs included (but could be added).
Approx 30 minutes when performed.
Speaking parts -
Minimum: approx. 19 (mixed classes who have to social distance)
approx. 14 (one class/group)
Maximum: approx. 45
*Santa is so excited about the very first Christmas, but there is a problem.
Those pesky germs mean that no one can go and visit the baby Jesus when he is born!
The elves think that they can help by collecting presents for Jesus from everyone in the Nativity story, but they discover that Christmas is about more that just gifts. *
Easy rhyming poem based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Great for adding actions to, talk for writing, class performances, putting to music.
Suitable for EYFS- Year 1/2.
Christmas play written to be filmed in bubbles or small groups (with singing).
Approx 25 minutes when performed.
Speaking parts -
Minimum: approx. 13
Maximum: approx. 34
*The Elves plan on throwing Santa a surprise birthday party, but disaster strikes when they all end up poorly in bed! The surprise is ruined, but Santa teaches them that there are ways to still be together even when they are apart. Suggested song lyrics included. *