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Life of Prophet Muhammad
The life of Prophet Muhammad as a Powerpoint presentation.
Includes key events and the importance of those on Muslim belief and practices today.
Includes: Childhood, first marriage, prophethood, persecution, migration, conquest and the death and a short slide on the aftermath of death.
Can be reduced down: Night journey can be shorted/removed.

Sunnah and Hadith (differences) lesson
Based on GCSE Islam content (can be applied to any exam board). Key differences between hadith and sunnah.
Worksheets and presentation included.

Sunni and Shia key beliefs
Presentation with inforamtion sheets and worksheet on Sunni and Shia beliefs (six articles and five roots)

Abraham and Abrahamic religions
Lesson for KS3 students.
The lesson looks at what the Abrahamic religions are, the story of Abraham according to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
It also reflects on the importance of Abraham.
Extention task is on ancient mesopotamia to understand context.
Information sheet on the story of Abraham included.

Jerusalem and Abrahamic religions
A lesson on the importance of Jerusalem for Jews, Christians and Muslims - an information sheet for each of these.
A table for students to record this information.
The presentation’s final task reflects on pilgrimage in general.

Matching tasks
Matching tasks - can be used as starters or plenary tasks.
Matching tasks include:
Places of worship.
Holy Books.
Name of divine.
Number of followers.

Jesus in different religions information sheet
An information sheet explaining Jesus from the view of:
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Bahai.

Living the Christian Life revision
GCSE revision materials.
A list of questions based on edexcel spec b - christianity.
An exam structure sheet also provided - an exemplar paragraph and space for students to add another paragraph.

Companions of the Prophet
Lesson about seven companions of the Prophet including:
Abu Bakr
Presentation with information sheets on each person and a table to complete.

Shahada and Salah
Lesson on 10 Obligatory acts, Shahada and Salah. Includes a learning check with answers

Models of atonement
Slides and word document on the 3 models of atonement found on the Eduqas A level Spec (Christianity)