An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
A complete geography lesson on rivers in Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, word bank, extensions, videos and plenary game.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about identifying, describing and comparing rivers in Europe.
What is a river?
How is it formed?
Parts of a river
Rivers on maps of Europe
Europe River facts
What are Fjords?
Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Differentiated recording tasks provided so children can label a map of Europe with the main rivers. Includes 3 extensions.
Activities for all styles of learners
Scaffolded learning
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe?
Countries of Europe
Compare cities in Europe
Climate of Europe
Mountains of Europe
A complete geography lesson on the mountains of Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, video, extensions and games.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about the mountain ranges of Europe.
Map work
Famous peaks
Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Differentiated recording tasks provided with two extensions.
Photo analysis starter activity
Activities for all styles of learners
Scaffolded learning
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe? lesson pack
Countries of Europe lesson pack
Compare Cities of Europe lesson pack
Climate of Europe lesson pack
Rivers of Europe lesson pack
A complete lesson on the climate of Europe, focusing on map skills and locational knowledge. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, video links, interactive activities, worksheets, answers, extensions and challenges.
This lesson is ready-to-go, written for a year 3 class, so suitable for years 3 and 4, but easily adaptable for years 5 and 6 (the extension tasks are suitably challenging).
Higher level questioning
Easy to mark
Written as part of a unit on Europe.
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe:
Where is Europe?
Label Countries of Europe Lesson
Compare Cities in Europe
Mountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
All reviews welcome.
A set of 19 Arctic poems written for children to understand, enjoy and learn from. Perfect for teaching a topic on the Arctic. All written in different styles; to engage, inspire and teach about the Arctic whilst developing key reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
The poems are descriptive whilst using facts to educate and inspire.
Each poem could spark a whole lesson, they start discussions on important geographical issues about the Arctic:
What is the Arctic? What is it like there?
Global warming,
The future of the Sami people,
Understanding Inuit life,
Living with the polar night,
Taking responsibility for our world
Ice burgs
The Inuit Language
Arctic animals
Each poem comes with a simple explanation of its essential components. The children could use these as a scaffold before going on to write their own poem about the Arctic, or respond in a different way with a letter/poster/story/newspaper article etc.
A range of engaging but easy to imitate poetry styles are used:
Didactic Poems
Free Verse
Ghazal Poems
All the poems are written by me and the images are copyright free.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in my poems about India
The final part of seven engaging lessons which bring Scandinavia into the classroom. Discover interesting information, amazing videos and differentiated activities while covering key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go.
This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3.
This lesson covers these important teaching points:
Who are the Sami people? History of people and discussion
Where do the Sami people live? Map study
What is changing for the Sami people? Video of lifestyle and information
Why has their lifestyle changed? Images and discussion
What does the future look like for the Sami people?Video of opinions
How could we help? Main activity
Which technique have you used? Self assessment challenge task
All resources are included, so just open the video links and print the detailed lesson plan and your lesson is ready.
All lessons in this unit are designed to link to and extend work in English with challenges linking to English objectives, e.g. persuasive writing features.
All reviews welcome.
To teach Scandinavia throughout the curriculum, download my English and art units:
Scandinavia Art Unit
Scandinavia Story Writing Unit
You can find many more engaging and high quality resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop
7 Quality lessons covering all aspects of life in Scandinavia and National Curriculum Geography learning objectives.
Powerful images, video links, resources, detailed plans and no preparation needed.
Enjoy my other Scandinavian Units:
Scandinavian Art Unit
Writing Scandinavian Christmas Stories
Check out my other popular Geography units:
A complete geography lesson teaching the countries of Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, answers, extensions and videos.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about using an atlas, Europe, European languages and flags.
Use the differentiated map worksheets to enable success for every child. Extensions are provided for fast finishers and those hungry for even more.
Answers on PPT
Teach as part of a geography unit on Europe. Check out the other lessons:
Where is Europe?
Compare Cities of Europe
Climate of Europe
Mountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
One of seven engaging lessons which bring Scandinavia into the classroom. Discover interesting information, amazing videos and differentiated activities while covering key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go.
This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3.
This lesson teaches important map skills and an understanding of the world, key continents and oceans.
All resources are included, so just print the map template and detailed lesson plan and your lesson is ready.
All lessons in this unit are designed to link to and extend work in English with challenges linking to English objectives, e.g. persuasive writing features.
All reviews welcome.
To teach Scandinavia throughout the curriculum, download my English and art units:
Scandinavia Art Unit
Scandinavia Story Writing Unit
You can find many more engaging and high quality resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop
A complete lesson pack on UK coastal areas and change over time. Includes lesson plan, starter activity, 34 slide PowerPoint, photo analysis, written activity, plenary and challenge.
Download this detailed and engaging lesson covering the physical and human features in UK coastal areas and how they change over time.
Whole Lesson
Teach KS2 with this easy-to-use lesson containing a thought provoking starter and an interesting input full of images to prompt high quality dialogue about geographical features.
Use the mixture of independent, paired and group work to provide opportunities for discussion, in depth reflection and evidence for assessment.
Enjoy some free time while the children enthusiastically get on with the written activity and question each other when completing the challenge activity.
Finish the lesson with an effortless plenary for children to share their learning and present the challenge work, this lesson is all ready to go to enthuse your pupils about UK coasts.
Find all the physical and human features of coasts explained clearly and reinforced with images and diagrams. Read and print a detailed lesson plan and all the resources needed.
Consolidate the children’s learning using ICT. Offer two reasoning extension activities to challenge the children and deepen their understanding of Geography.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Learn about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments,
Learn about the interaction between physical and human processes, formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments.
All reviews welcome.
A logical follow up lesson would be here covering human impact on coasts.
You might also be interested in these high quality Geography lessons:
Journey Through Surprising Russia
Tour Breathtaking Scandinavia
Visit the Grand Yosemite National Park
The third of seven engaging lessons which bring Scandinavia into the classroom. Discover interesting information, amazing videos and differentiated activities while covering key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go.
This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3.
This lesson covers these important teaching points:
What physical regions are in Scandinavia? Map analysis
What physical features are in Norway, Denmark and Sweden? Images and explanations for each
Who can remember these? Video analysis for AFL
What have we learnt? Children to show by explaining each map
Which country is this?Children to use their learning to figure out the images
All resources are included, so just print the maps and a detailed lesson plan and your lesson is ready.
All lessons in this unit are designed to link to and extend work in English with challenges linking to English objectives, e.g. persuasive writing features.
All reviews welcome.
To teach Scandinavia throughout the curriculum, download my English and art units:
Scandinavia Art Unit
Scandinavia Story Writing Unit
You can find many more engaging and high quality resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop
A detailed lesson covering coasts and how they can change. Includes a 38 slide PowerPoint, a detailed plan, 2 writing templates and a challenge activity including another writing template. Covers the impact of tourism, shipping, urbanisation, overfishing and communities on the coast.
Written for UKS2 but can easily be used by all year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
An engaging starter, mixture of independent, paired and group work.
Plenty of opportunities for discussion and for children to share ideas.
Full of lots of interesting images to prompt discussion about geographical features.
An extension activity to challenge the higher ability.
Plenary for children to move on in their learning.
Covers national curriculum learning objectives:
Learn about diverse places, people and resources
Learn about natural and human environments
Learn about the interaction between physical and human processes
Learn about the formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments
All resources included.
All reviews welcome.
A complete geography lesson comparing two cities in Europe. Includes a thorough teaching PowerPoint, interactive activities, worksheets, word bank, extensions, videos and plenary.
Follow the ready-to-go PowerPoint to teach about the human and physical features of Bristol and Berlin.
City layout
Art and culture
Planned for years 3 or 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Differentiated recording tasks provided with an extension.
Photo analysis starter activity
Activities for all styles of learners
Scaffolded learning
Check out my other popular Geography lessons on Europe from the unit:
Where is Europe?
Label Countries of Europe Lesson
Climate of Europe
Mountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
The fourth of seven engaging lessons which bring Scandinavia into the classroom. Discover interesting information, amazing videos and differentiated activities while covering key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go.
This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3.
This lesson covers these important teaching points:
Where would people settle in Scandinavia? Map analysis
Why have people settled by the coast, waters and on flat land? Photo study and explanations
What are the capital cities like? Maps and facts to discuss
Where do they source water from? Map study
What natural resources do they trade and how?Children to use fact cards to complete a table
What have you learnt? Logo design task
Can you use your reasoning skills? Challenge pollution task
All resources are included, so just print the fact cards, tables and a detailed lesson plan and your lesson is ready.
All lessons in this unit are designed to link to and extend work in English with challenges linking to English objectives, e.g. persuasive writing features.
All reviews welcome.
To teach Scandinavia throughout the curriculum, download my English and art units:
Scandinavia Art Unit
Scandinavia Story Writing Unit
You can find many more engaging and high quality resources at my Teachallenjoy Shop
A complete bundle of lessons for a whole KS2 Geography unit on Europe. Includes 6 complete lessons, each with input, starter activities, paired and group work, range of differentiated written tasks, extensions and plenaries.
Written for years 3 and 4, easily adaptable for years 5 and 6.
Covering physical and human geography, locational knowledge and landforms and processes. All the objectives from the National Curriculum.
Cross curricular skills also linked; such as diary writing, graphing, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams etc.
All lessons complete with a thorough and engaging teaching PowerPoint, printable worksheets, answers, challenges and video links.
Use and enjoy.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular KS2 Geography units:
Scandinavia 7 Lesson Pack
Yosemite 8 Lesson Pack
A lesson pack teaching the physical features of Russia. Includes a teaching PowerPoint, photo analysis, paired and group activities, differentiated written work, all printables and a plenary.
Starter activity
Odd one out photo analysis
Videos and information on each biome
Varied outcomes
The Powerpoint takes you through photo and map analysis of Russia and a range of activities to give the children a deep and rounded understanding of this place.
A reasoning plenary brings the lesson together.
Maps, videos, images and fact slides show the various biomes, animals, landscapes and weather of Russia. All printable resources included and ready-to-go.
Differentiated activities cover three ability groups with a reasoning challenge activity.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in these high quality Geography lessons:
Tour Breathtaking Scandinavia
Visit the Grand Yosemite National Park
Uncover UK Coasts
One of eight engaging lessons which bring Yosemite National Park into the classroom. Includes a 37 slide teaching PowerPoint, photographs, videos, higher level questioning, paired and group activities, all resources and differentiation.
Teaching Points
What are human features?
What are physical features?
What is wilderness?
How have these changed over time?
What might the park look like in the future?
Covers key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go.
Resources Included
Teaching input
Photos to analyse in pairs and groups
Integrated video link
Differentiated activities
Sorting worksheet
Lessons in this unit are designed to support, challenge and extend learning so that every child can access, enjoy and exceed expectations.
This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3.
Human and Physical Geography National Curriculum Learning Objectives
understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of …a region within North or South America
describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: … rivers, mountains
describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use,
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular geography lessons on this topic:
Scandinavia Physical Features
Russia Physical Features
UK Coast Physical Features
A complete lesson on erosion on the UK coast, teaching the concepts of bays headlands, arches, stacks, stumps, caves and much more. Engaging resource pack with differentiation, answers, videos and animations.
Includes a PowerPoint leading you through the whole lesson and all the necessary resources.
Covers these national curriculum objectives:
- Learn about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments,
- interaction between physical and human processes,
- formation, use of and change of landscapes and environments.
Written for UKS2 but can easily be used by all year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
An engaging starter, mixture of independent, paired and group work.
Plenty of opportunities for class dialogue and for children to share ideas.
Full of interesting images to prompt discussion about geographical features.
An extension activity included to challenge the higher ability.
Plenary available for children to share their learning and present the challenge research.
All reviews welcome.
For more useful and reliable Geography lessons, plans and resources follow the links below:
- Human Impact on Coasts KS2
- UK Coasts Physical Features KS2
- Journey Through Russia, Physical Features KS2
- Scandinavia Unit KS2
- Yosemite National Park Unit KS2
You can also find many more inspiring and engaging KS2 resources for a wide range of subjects at my shop: Teachallenjoy
Inspire your pupils with this KS1 assembly celebrating World Poetry Day.
Includes an engaging PowerPoint, 4 poems, geography map skills, video link, reasoning questions and interactive activities.
This ready-to-go 27 slide PowerPoint leads you through the assembly explaining World Poetry Day and poetry. Read the children 4 world habitat poems written about environments from across the globe.
Choose poems from a world map, before reading about the animals, landscape and climate of jungles, grasslands, deserts and the arctic. Enhance geography skills whilst developing vocabulary and a passion for poetry.
An engaging video is included to provide a range of role models who clearly enjoy reading poetry and bringing it to life.
Celebrate World Poetry Day every year on March 21st to encourage diversity and a shared understanding of the world.
Use this assembly to inspire your pupils to become writers, enjoy the video link of a range of people reading a poem about how poets can write anywhere.
Check out my other popular KS1 assemblies:
Mental Health Awareness Week KS1 Assembly
Albert Einstein KS1 Assembly
Charles Darwin KS1 Assembly
Over 260 differentiated geography comments for boys and girls, covering 10 key areas for your primary KS2 reports. Create your report comments quickly this year by simply choosing a collection of comments to suit each child, one from each section. There are enough comments to create different personalised paragraphs of comments for a whole class of 30 children.
Written for the whole of KS2 focusing on learning aptitudes and the general areas covered so perfect for years 3, 4 , 5 and 6.
Save Time
Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these original comments to create personalised and thoughtful reports.
264 comments overall, divided into high, middle and low ability groups. Each group contains 10 sections with enough comments to make 30 personalised reports. 65 low ability, 76 middle ability and 85 high ability statements altogether. There are also 30 next steps included, 10 for each ability group.
High Quality
Use these high quality geography report comments, covering:
World Biomes
Physical features
Human features
Major countries
Major cities
Technical terms
Geographical fieldwork
Easy to Use
They all come in a girl and a boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. Collect statements for each child to make a paragraph then simply add in their name a few times to polish off your work.
Just highlight the comments you have used to make sure all your 30 geography reports are quickly made and completely different.
Check out my other handy end of year resources:
General Report Comments
320+ English Report Comments
280+ Maths Report Comments
Report Comments MEGA BUNDLE
A complete geography unit teaching about the wonders of Yosemite National Park in America. Includes 8 compelte lessons, 8 PowerPoints, 8 resource packs, 8 plans, 8 starters, 8 inputs and 8 plenaries.
Nationals Curriculum learning objectives
Quality Teaching Inputs
Geography skill focused
Real life images
Video links
Resources all included
High quality outcomes
Cross Curricular links
Easy to use
Save time, reduce stress and enjoy teaching with this unit. No preparation needed.
Check out my other popular Geography units: