Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
This is an original short story written by me personifying Titanic as a woman before its sinking. There are four pages for the children to read and then I have created Comprehension activities, vocabulary activities, creative writing activities, SPaG activities, and deduction activities. This is suitable for year 5 and 6 or a good reader further down the Key Stage. It is a pdf file which can be printed out as individuall workbooks. It would also be useful for group work reading. There's a twist to the story
A complete unit of work on Analysing Poetry. Suitable for KS2 and Lower Key Stage 3
Discussion questions for shared discussion
Simpler analysis questions for differentation
Poetic terminology sheet and individual terminology definitions for classroom display.
2 Analysis worksheets
My Poetry Analysis
I have also included two poems written by me and a powerpoint presentation.
A 14 page workbook aimed at Yr3/4 or slower learners in KS2
Definition of Nouns, Verbs , Adjectives and Adverbs with follow on writing activities.
Children are asked to underline the parts of speech in their own writing in a specific colour.
There are short and longer pieces of writing expected.
Each page can be printed out separately or put together as one workbook.
Great for differentation or composite classes.
A great resource looking at the Jewish celebration of Passover for KS1 and KS2. An original story about Moses and The Ten Plagues written in child friendly vocabulary. Following the story there are writing and drawing activities, including newspaper articles, diary entries, recall of story, find suitable adjectives and alphabetical order. Children need to empathise with both the Egyptians and The Israelites in some of the written tasks. A word mat is included to aid writing and help spelling. A Powerpoint is also included.
This PDF file can be printed out for the children to read at whole school assembly. The powerpoint presentation can be used for school assembly or for discussion in class. It is suitable for KS1 and could be adapted for KS2. It is suitable for interdenominational schools. It includes readings, the word HARVEST broken up into separate letters representing various words associated with harvest, a poem and a short prayer. The main themes are:-
Saying thank you to God, to farmers,to fishermenand to fruitpickers.
Sharing with others
Thinking about God as creator
Taking care of God's world.
Another one of myRoald Dahl resources, Matilda, a clever, brave, book loving girl who overcomes bad people and bad situations. The children will enjoy this PDF file printed off as a complete workbook or as individual pages to be used for display. There are a wide variety of written and drawing tasks including descriptive writing, poetry, newspaper and diary writing, internet research, comprehension questions, who said this, a word puzzle, book reviews, favourite character and vocabulary tasks.
A great resource for KS2 to discuss together as a class using the powerpoint presentation, in groups for differentation or as indivdual workbooks. Black and white resource. PSHE we all have choices to make and children find these as difficult as adults.
Choosing to follow school rules, think for yourself, save or spend, tell the truth, what to eat, choosing friends.
Dilemmas:- children will write or discuss cheating, bullying, accidental damge, finding money and incorrect change. The final page is cooperation.
A pdf file, an original story about a refugee. This 28 page pack contains one mini novel of 6 chapters which can be used as a whole unit of work when covering Refugees or the effect on children during a war. As a published writer this is one of my own favourite short stories. It is a story about a thirteen yearVietnamese girl during the American Vietnamese war. The young girl's family are taken away and she has to survive alone. A great resource to begin guided reading before giving children a full novel.
Written activities include Comprehension questions, Dictionary work, Grammar:-Nouns, Verbs ,Adjectives and Adverbs, Prediction, Verb Tenses, Creative writing empathetic and imaginative. Two background sheets are also included.
Pack contains 6 chapters with worksheets for each chapter covering areas of learning such as;
Word Analysis
Creative Writing
Dictionary Work and more!
Suitable for KS2
Check the preview.
• English / Guided reading
• English / Fiction
• English / Grammar and punctuation
• English / Language and linguistics
• English /
• 7-11
This is a pdf file of original poems for KS2. The poems must be read and then each one has an analysis sheet and a written activity to be completed by the pupil. The poems included are about seasons, cities, rivers, shoes and trees. The pupils are asked to answer comprehension questions, use dictionaries to find meanings of words, create their own poems and look for types of words. The workbook may be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual poetry exercises.
24 original writing prompts. A PDF file which can be printed as individual task cards or as a complete booklet for SEN children to encourage creative and imaginative writing, spelling and grammar, writing instructions, letter writing, newspaper articles, magic stories, superhero stories, pirate stories, historical stories, animal stories and about myself. This would also be good to put in your substitute teacher file for that unexpected absence. It is not a seasonal resource therefore could be used at anytime of the year.
The third resource in my series of Explorers and Navigators, a PDF file and powerpoint presentation suitable for KS1 and KS2. This is a child friendly story written in simple language telling the facts about Vasco Da Gama's journey around Africa to the trading city of Calcutta in India. It can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual pages for project work and display. It includes reading and writing activities, diary entries, a ship's log entry, newspaper reporters questions, descriptive and imaginative writing and a few comprehension questions.
This is a great PDF resource for the topic The Victorian Era. There are three stories written by me in child-friendly vocabulary about the lives and legacy of three famous Victorian women, Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling and Beatrix Potter. Each story has 5 accompanying worksheets which involve comprehension questions, grammar questions, cartoon strips, spelling puzzles, words and meanings, writing diary entries, writing newspaper reports, letter writing and imaginative writing. The resource can be printed out for groupwork and differentation within the classroom set up. I have also included a powerpoint presentation which can be used with the slower children and the teacher.
A workbook for Key Stage 1/2 PHSE
-Setting targets
-All about Me
-Class Rules ( includes discussion with a partner ordering the rules from most to least important)
-Citizenship in school
Summer holidays
Choices good and bad
A resource for KS1 and KS2 based on the characters of Roald Dahl. A quiz on the characters.
Children can read clues and guess the character. I have also included a timeline on the publication of various books and a few ideas for written work eg. bullying, life with a single parent, why do you like his books? Character? Storyline?
I have included a powerpoint presentation for class discussion.
Would also be good for Literacy Working Wall or Reading Wall
30 page booklet for Upper KS1 and KS2 based on Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox. This powerpoint and PDF file can be printed out as individual worksheets or as a complete workbook for the entire class. The resource is in black and white with a coloured front cover. There are a variety of activities which can be given to all children therefore it is great for differentation. Would be very useful when doing guided reading.
The activities included are: descriptive writing, plurals, diminutives, poetry writing, book reviews, drawing and labelling activities, letter writing, favourite character and reasons why, themes in the novel, characteristics of the characters, discussion around quotes from the novel, internet research, vocabulary exercises, conflict Man v Nature. Might be useful for World Book Day.
KS2 will love this series of worksheets based on Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. A pdf file to be printed out either as a complete workbook or as individual worksheets for differentation. Would be fantastic to use for project work on pirates. There are 28 differentiated worksheets including, descriptive writing, diary entry, poster making, character traits, drawing activities, book reviews, comic strips, internet activities and sorting character activities. There are also opportunities for children to write their own poems and pirate stories. This is a similar resource to my ,recommended by TES, Roald Dahl Resources.
A 14 page workbook for Years 5/6. can be printed out a whole workbook or individual sheets.
A powerpoint presentation for classroom use
Task word lists taken from the Statutory requirements Appendix 1 Spelling
Sentence construction
Words and Meanings
Dictionary work
Matching word to meanings
'ous' or 'ious'
alphabetical order
'ough' words
Suffixes 'al' 'ous' 'able'
This will be a great resource for weekly spellings and linked activities.
A superb resource recently updated for studying classification of animals with comprehension and quiz sheets for KS1 and KS2. This will be useful if you have a summer zoo trip organised or are studying animals. The worksheets can be printed out as individual sheets or as an entire workbook. Children are asked to read the fact sheets and then answer questions, write their own animal stories and poems and find out more facts about animals found only in Australia.
A 20 page PDF File and Powerpoint presentation suitable for KS1/2. Includes worksheets on personal information, Likes and dislikes, family, favourite things, target setting, friendship, healthy eating, making choices and the future. This resource can be printed out as individual worksheets or as a complete booklet and will be very useful at the start of the year to help teachers requiring information about their individual pupils. they can be printed out and used for display boards. Writing and drawing activities have been included which will be good for differentation.
A 14 page workbook with relevance to the Statutory requirements for Literacy KS1/2 in regards to spelling
Contains Wordlists referred to as Target Words
Prefixes: con, ex, in, im, re, pre
Comparison of adjectives
Dictionary work
Sentence construction
i before e
Words and Meanings