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Teachercellar's Shop

Average Rating4.46
(based on 55 reviews)

Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017




Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
PSHE Anti-Bullying  Workbook

PSHE Anti-Bullying Workbook

This resource is for Upper KS1 and KS2. It consists of a wordbank with words related to bullying and worksheets for the children to discuss with each other or as a class and then write their own feelings and opinions on bullying. They also have to design an antibullying poster. I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use during Talking and Listening time.
Teacher's Tools

Teacher's Tools

8 Resources
A bargain bundle every teacher will need. 8 workbooks analysing poetry, guided reading cards and workbook, Non fiction ideas, task cards and writing prompts. These are useful for KS1 and low ability KS2.
A Selection of  Literacy Resources

A Selection of Literacy Resources

I am offering this selection of resources as a freebie to give you an insight into the type of resources I create. I am a published author of poetry and short stories. This PDF file will give you an overall picture of the resources which have been recommended by TES and other teachers. I hope you like this and will review my work.
The Easter Story Workbook

The Easter Story Workbook

An original story written for Early Years and KS1 outlining events for Holy Week. A PDF file and powerpoint presentation. Can be used in a number of ways. 1.Class assembly with children reading each daily entry while others perform role play activities. 2. A guided reading activity or a mini class novel 3. A printed workbook as there are activity pages included Consists of story pages, writing and drawing activities, a word mat , a timeline from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday
PSHE Staying Friends

PSHE Staying Friends

An 18 page workbook suitable for KS1/2 on conflict with peers. This could be given as an individual workbook or used with groups for differentation. It would also be good as a starter for World Conflict Issues. Includes: Definition of conflict Describe a conflict they have had with someone in the past. How did they resolve the conflict? Why is it important to talk and listen to others? Ways to resolve conflict. Fun Activity Conflict in Fairytales. I have also included a powerpoint presentation
Sentence Building Cards to aid Writing

Sentence Building Cards to aid Writing

A great SpaG Resource which I have produced in colour and in black and white. I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use, this could be used by the teacher to model writing. There is a set of instructions. Includes: choose a character, a setting, a time, a characteristic, an event, an object, a verb, an adjective and an adverb. The children will pick one from each card and create their own sentences or perhaps a short story. This will also be a useful tool during guided reading time as it can be used with groups. also super for differentation. The final page is a SPag Tick List.
Guy Fawkes and The Gun Powder Plot

Guy Fawkes and The Gun Powder Plot

This is a 16 page history and literacy based workbook for all levels in KS2 and perhaps Upper KS1. There are fact sheets and various writing activities for high achievers and low achievers. The pdf file can be printed out as a single booklet or as individual worksheets I have also included a Powerpoint presentation. This resource includes:- Fact Sheets Comprehension Questions Nouns and verbs Another word for An internet research sheet Create a newspaper article Poetry writing Narrative writing Descriptive writing Design a comic strip. Great for differentation or composite classes
Christmas Reading and Writing Book

Christmas Reading and Writing Book

This is suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2 or SEN children. Great for differentiation and can be adapted for individuals. The 30 page booklet consists of 15 colour sheets and 15 duplicated black and white sheets. I have also included the Powerpoint presentation. The following are included:- Writing sentences Descriptive writing Poetry…original text Story…original text with comprehension questions and the children are then asked to finish the story Singular and plural Writing lists Writing an acrostic poem Spelling activity…unscramble Christmas words Writing instructions Brainstorming winter words
PHSE bundle

PHSE bundle

5 Resources
This bundle consists of 5 workbooks to use with the children. There is a growth mindset story pack, a British Values workbook, Citizenship looking at the lives of Martin Luther King and Florence Nightingale.There is also a booklet for the children to complete about themselves which would be good for the start of the new term.
Writing Spring Sentences, Questions and Answers.

Writing Spring Sentences, Questions and Answers.

This PDF file is for KS1 and EYFS. To improve writing the children must write sentences, questions and answers. Spring Theme of over 20 slides, some are colour, some black and white 6 SPAG displays for working wall variety of pupil worksheets about weather, animals, plants 3 vocabulary sheets A SPAG Tick Checklist
The Stone Age Class Novel and Activity Pack for KS2

The Stone Age Class Novel and Activity Pack for KS2

This 26 page pack contains one class novel written by me (5 chapters) and can be used as a whole unit of work when covering The Stone Age. Pack contains 5 chapters with worksheets for each chapter covering areas of learning such as; Word Analysis Grammar Creative Writing Dictionary Work and more! Suitable for KS2 but may benefit weaker KS3 students. Check the preview.
Celebrating Roald Dahl

Celebrating Roald Dahl

6 Resources
A bundle to help teachers celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Roald Dahl. Save £2.50 when not buying individually. Information Facts Timeline of publications The Magic Finger Workbook The Enormous Crocodile Workbook The Twits Workbook Literacy challenges. Selection of Book Reviews
Comprehensions for KS2

Comprehensions for KS2

A 20 page workbook of original fact, fiction and poetry extracts with comprehension questions. Suitable for KS2 or low ability KS3. There are prose passages, fact sheets and poetry. Topics covered in the workbook are: Stone Age famine Egypt Elephants Autumn Health and Sport
My Spring Grammar Book

My Spring Grammar Book

Similar Layout to My Winter and Christmas Grammar Books for KS1. Writing activities and drawing activities, Grammar includes Nouns, Proper Nouns, Collective Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs. Poetry activities, Creative Writing and Life Cycle of a frog. Will be great as a follow up workbook after a Spring walk or a Nature Trail. A powerpoint presentation is also included for talking and listening activities.
Spelling Snap cards Year 5 and Year 6

Spelling Snap cards Year 5 and Year 6

A Pdf file and a powerpoint presentation of 50 words taken from the Appendix 1 Spelling word list for Year 5 and 6. These can be printed out , cut and laminated to be used as morning matching activities, snap activities, or for display.
Comprehension A Native American Camp

Comprehension A Native American Camp

Another original story written by me looking at life in a Native American Camp during Winter and emerging Spring. A PDF file for Key Stage 2, I have also included a powerpoint presentation. The entire file can be printed off as a complete booklet and used with a group of children or as an individual resource for checkups on reading and comprehension. Includes: Story, comprehension questions, drawing conclusions, internet research, dictionary work, parts of speech, creative writing, reviewing activities, quiz and drawing an illustration.
English Creative Writing Ideas

English Creative Writing Ideas

Slow writers? The children will love this resource. I have included a PDF file and Powerpoint Presentation for classroom discussion. There is a printable workbook with pictures and ideas for imaginative and descriptive writing. Stimulating creative writing for KS1 and poorer KS2. Topics include: imagine you are on a train, a plane and a ship what can you see?:- writing lists imagine you are a superhero what are your powers?:- thinking skills imagine you are a leaf falling from a tree tell me what happens next?:-inanimate objects imagine you are a spaceman what food and drink will you have?:- writing lists imagine you are a fairy on top of a Christmas tree what can you see,?:- imaginative writing who lives in a house like this and what is it made from?:- thinking skills and materials for science imagine you are a caterpillar, tell me your life story.:- Science life cycles Great for differentation and for the less able pupils. imagine living in a house like this, imagine being a monster andlots more.
Poetry, Reading and Writing KS1

Poetry, Reading and Writing KS1

A fun start with these fun activities for emergent readers and writers in KS1. The powerpoint can be used to model reading and writing to the whole class and the pdf file can be printed off as individual worksheets. Poetry for Fun......animal poems with comprehension, drawing and writing activities, writing an animal poem and a New Year poem Reading for Fun.....animal stories with comprehension and grammar activities including rhyming, words and meanings and plurals Writing for fun....includes a story plan, writing a story, a letter, a description and a checklist
Original Summer Poetry for KS1

Original Summer Poetry for KS1

This is a PDF file for KS1. It consists of my own original poems, a rhyming verse and an old ballad connected to Summer. The poetry is based on the seaside,sand, gardens, forests, birds and flowers in the summer. Each poem has follow up worksheets involving creative writing, poetry writing , rhythm and rhyme, internet research, grammar, drawing activities, writing a postcard, writing lists and dictionary work on words and meanings.Mainly beneficial for KS1 but could be used with low achievers in KS2. Plenty of room for differentation.
Poetry Comprehension Mini Pack

Poetry Comprehension Mini Pack

This pack includes two mini workbooks covering two different poems. The first poem is titled 'Mrs Bear' and the second 'Farmyard Friends'. Both poems are original poems written by me. The pack includes questions and other activities. This is an ideal pack for KS1 or Lower Key Stage 2.