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Teachercellar's Shop

Average Rating4.46
(based on 55 reviews)

Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017




Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Easter Story Starters For Writing

Easter Story Starters For Writing

A pdf file with 20 story prompt starters for Easter, looking at animals, people plants. A great resource to encourage creative writing with the younger classes. Each prompt gives a starting sentence for the children to continue the story.This can be printed out as individual pages and used for display or as a complete booklet for individual pupils, therefore it is good for differentiation.
Spring Mental Tasks KS1

Spring Mental Tasks KS1

A great warm up resource to be used with KS1 in the morning. A PDF file and powerpoint presentation. These can be printed out as individual task cards of which there would be 40, or as individual workbooks for each child. So what tasks are included? Counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. place value months of the year multiplication by 2,3,4,5,10 division by 2,5 and 10 fractions of numbers, half, quarter, third and tenth digital time numbers into words weight length capacity Fun for everyone to get the brain moving!
My Reading Challenge Task Cards

My Reading Challenge Task Cards

This consists of 14 challenge cards relating to fiction and non fiction books as follow up activities for children after they have completed a book, or after a visit to the library. There are writing and drawing activities included. This is suitable for KS1 and KS2 and can be used for differentation. It would be a useful tool for World Book day. PDF file and powerpoint presentation included.
Roald Dahl Pack

Roald Dahl Pack

8 Resources
KS1/2 Workbooks for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Enormous Crocodile,The Twits, The Giraffe,the Pelly and Me and The magic Finger. A set of reading activity cards, a guided reading workbook and a World Book Day Workbook. Normal price £32.75 yours for £12.50 that's a saving of 62%.
My Spring book of Colours

My Spring book of Colours

A PDF file for EYFS and KS1 matching colour words to objects and completing a sentence. This will be good for reading, writing and word recognition, seasons and animal kingdom.
Writing Wimbledon 2017

Writing Wimbledon 2017

Updated resource for KS2 or good ability KS1. Includes information sheets, writing tasks including letter writing, designing a healthy menu, writing an newspaper report and an acrostic poem also spelling activity. A pdf file which can be printed and used as individual workbooks.
Writing Summer Story Prompts

Writing Summer Story Prompts

A great resource for KS1 to stimulate their writing. These are prompts about summer activities with pictures of animals, sandcastles, children and summer accessories. Very similar to my Easter and Spring Story prompts. They can be printed out and can be laminated for groups of children. Also good for differentation. Also be suitable for the less able children in KS2.
Original Summer Poetry for KS1

Original Summer Poetry for KS1

This is a PDF file for KS1. It consists of my own original poems, a rhyming verse and an old ballad connected to Summer. The poetry is based on the seaside,sand, gardens, forests, birds and flowers in the summer. Each poem has follow up worksheets involving creative writing, poetry writing , rhythm and rhyme, internet research, grammar, drawing activities, writing a postcard, writing lists and dictionary work on words and meanings.Mainly beneficial for KS1 but could be used with low achievers in KS2. Plenty of room for differentation.
Mathematics  Measures

Mathematics Measures

An essential PDF file for revision on Measures. The file can be printed out as a complete workbook to be used in class or as a homework. The file can be printed out as individual pages for children having difficulty with certain areas of Measure. Worksheets included are 24 hour and 12 hour time, Intervals of time, Conversion of Weight, Weight in decimal form, Area and Perimeter, Length, Volume, Capacity, Scale and Measures.
Mathematics  Number

Mathematics Number

This is a 16 page Assessment workbook covering Y6 Sats for Number. Questions can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child to be used as revision in class or as a homework booklet. Topics included are: place value, x by 10 and 100, rounding, fractions, decimals, percentages,multiples, factors, square numbers, prime numbers,number sequences, functions, addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. There are over 30 questions many with 3/4 parts to complete.
A Selection of Summer Workbooks for KS1 and 2

A Selection of Summer Workbooks for KS1 and 2

7 Resources
A bundle of 7 summer workbooks including poetry, reading, story starts, comprehension and numeracy. These are suitable for KS1 and 2 children , they can be printed out as complete workbooks or used as individual pages for differentiation. Save 69% when you buy these all together.
Probability KS2

Probability KS2

A PDF File which can be printed out as an individual workbook looking at the topic Probability. Introduces probability words certain, uncertain, likely, unlikely. Challenges for children are related to every day things like coloured cubes, flowers, animals so this is a child friendly workbook. I have also included a Powerpoint presentation for classroom use.
Place Value Bundle

Place Value Bundle

3 Resources
Three workbooks on Place Value which could be used for three groups within the KS1 classroom as differentiated activities. Includes problem solving, writing numbers into words and words into numerals, maths game, digit cards to cut out, addition of numbers and subtraction, also extended addition.
Place Value Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Place Value Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Third in the series of Place Value resources for Key Stage 1 and SEN This resource can be printed out as individual worksheets or a complete workbook. It can be used along with the other two similar resources available as a pack for differentation within the classroom. Activities include addition and subtraction of thousand, write the digits as words, problem solving within 99999, digit cards and a digit game.
KS1 Writing and Reading about The Seaside

KS1 Writing and Reading about The Seaside

Looking for a resource to keep your little ones busy towards the end of the year or to occupy your slower learners and improve their reading and writing techniques? This is the one. Seaside PDF file with lots of fun activities, writing and drawing activities included, research worksheets, vocabulary worksheets, writing poetry, stories, a little bit of science and senses, sailing to a desert island, descriptive writing and links to a cross curricular topic. Curriculum areas include Literacy, Science/Materials, Art and The Animal Kingdom. This file can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child.
Victorian History  Life of Charles Dickens

Victorian History Life of Charles Dickens

A 15 page PDF file to be used by KS2. Charles Dickens’ life story is written in child friendly vocabulary. There are worksheets included which cover comprehension, spag, sequencing events, internet research, life in Victorian times, vocabulary and composing questions. This will be useful if the children are studying a novel by Dickens or are looking at life in Victorian times.The booklet can be printed out as a complete booklet for each pupil or as individual pages for display purposes.
Explorers and Navigators Captain James Cook

Explorers and Navigators Captain James Cook

The 2nd Resource in my Explorers and Navigators resources for KS1/2. I have written the story ofCaptain James Cook in a child friendly vocabulary, outlining his life, his travel to Tahiti and then his discovery of Australia. I have included a PDF file which can be printed as individual workbooks and a powerpoint presentation for discussion about the topic.There are comprehension questions, writing activities, some grammar, a ship's log entry and a story planning sheet. I have also included some word maps which could be printed out for teacher display boards.
Numbers 1-10 Classroom Display Pack (Theme Caterpillars)

Numbers 1-10 Classroom Display Pack (Theme Caterpillars)

A fun, coloured display pack for the Numbers 1-10 to be laminated and used for classroom display. I have chosen colourful, happy caterpillar charactureswhich will appeal to the younger children. Each slide(PDF) has been duplicated with the numeral and the word and there are also numeral labels to place around the display.
Noah and the Ark

Noah and the Ark

An original story of Noah and the Ark written by me in child friendly vocabulary. There are 8 parts to the story which the children can read, highlighting new wordsfor dictionary work. These are followed by worksheets for descriptive writing, poetry writing, PHSE I Promise to..., converstional writing, drawing activities, searching for adjectives, animal gender and noises. It can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual sheets, can be linked to RE or an animal topic or a topic like God's Promises. good for differentation and SEN children.