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Teachercellar's Shop

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(based on 55 reviews)

Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017




Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island

Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island

KS2 will love this series of worksheets based on Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. A pdf file to be printed out either as a complete workbook or as individual worksheets for differentation. Would be fantastic to use for project work on pirates. There are 28 differentiated worksheets including, descriptive writing, diary entry, poster making, character traits, drawing activities, book reviews, comic strips, internet activities and sorting character activities. There are also opportunities for children to write their own poems and pirate stories. This is a similar resource to my ,recommended by TES, Roald Dahl Resources.
Digit Detectives Numeracy

Digit Detectives Numeracy

A powerpoint presentation for classroom use and a printable workbook suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2. Place Value:- thousands,hundreds,tens and units Odd and even numbers Splitting numbers eg 213=200+10+3 Mental arithmetic questions Problem solving activities Addition up to 9999 Decimal task cards multiplying by 10 and 100
Roald Dahl- Fascinating Facts

Roald Dahl- Fascinating Facts

A super resource for Roald Dahl Day in September 54 pages for KS1and KS2 Fascinating facts to print out and display on your literacy working wall of Roald Dahl's life. A time line showing the years various books were published. Suggestions of writing and drawing follow up activities. I have also included a powerpoint presentation for use in the classroom. So there is display, presentation and activities, reference, facts etc will save all teachers a lot of preparation.
My Little Grammar Book

My Little Grammar Book

A 14 page workbook aimed at Yr3/4 or slower learners in KS2 Definition of Nouns, Verbs , Adjectives and Adverbs with follow on writing activities. Children are asked to underline the parts of speech in their own writing in a specific colour. There are short and longer pieces of writing expected. Each page can be printed out separately or put together as one workbook. Great for differentation or composite classes.
Brazil and The Rainforest

Brazil and The Rainforest

18 page workbook on The Amazon Rainforest. Can be printed out as individual sheets or as entire workbook. Upper KS1 and KS2 Cross curricular approach. Includes Fact sheets Comprehension Questions Creative writing, poetry writing, persuasive writing, writing notes for a presentation. Vocabulary words and match with the definition Internet and research skills What I have learned sheet.
Christmas Comprehensions

Christmas Comprehensions

Original poems and stories written by me for KS1 on the theme of Christmas with accompanying comprehension questions and a few grammar activities, find the rhyming words and parts of speech. Story 1 Follow the Star Poem 1 Candy Cane Story 2 Tinsel Cottage Story 3 Legend of the Robin Poem 2 Christmas Bits and Bobs This is a PDF file but I have also included a powerpoint presentation. This is a great resource to use with your children in the week before Christmas. The stories and poems could be used to stimulate the children's own writing.
My Christmas Literacy Activity Book

My Christmas Literacy Activity Book

A superb resource for KS1 and 2 with a selection of original and famous stories, poems and legends with a Christmas Theme. 26 page resource and powerpoint presentation. Poem: A Child's Christmas with comprehension questions and then pupils have to write an acrostic poem. Poem: The Candy Cane with comprehension questions followed by descriptive writing activity My Favourite Christmas decoration Story/Legend: Mrs Babushka with comprehension questions and imaginative writing activity Complete the story Poem: All in Red activity write a red poem Poem: All in Green activity write a green poem Poem extract: The Christmas Party activity write a list and draw Legend: How Robin got his Red Breast with comprehension questions and Internet research to find Legend of the Christmas Tree Poem: The Kitchen Table with comprehension questions Poem extract: Silver Bells activity write a Father Christmas Poem
James and The Giant Peach

James and The Giant Peach

KS1 and KS2 will love this series of worksheets based on Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach. There are differentiated worksheets including, descriptive writing, diary entry, poster making, character traits, drawing activities, book reviews, resource sheets for the creatures, internet activities, atlas work and punctuation activities. Similar to my BFG Resource
Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate  Factory

Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

A 30 page resource which can be printed out as individual worksheets for differentiation or as a complete workbook for each child. A PDF file and a powerpoint presentation are included. writing a book review, character descriptions, new vocabulary, newpaper articles, internet research, writing poetry, looking at themes, traits of characters, internet research finding facts about the author, drawing activities, designing posters, golden tickets, portraits of favourite characters. This is a super resource to use with the children as a follow up to their reading. Suitable for KS1 and 2.
St. George The Dragon Slayer

St. George The Dragon Slayer

A great resource for both KS1 and 2 to be used for St.George's Day. Includes a fact sheet, the legend written in child friendly vocabulary, creative, imaginative and descriptive writing sheets, composing poetry, writing diary extracts, newspaper articles, discussing themes, looking at characteristics of the characters in the legend and a few drawing activities. Also grammar brainstorming adjectives and a few comprehension questions.
Mini-Beasts We're going on a Bug Hunt

Mini-Beasts We're going on a Bug Hunt

Two files included a PDF file and a powerpoint presentation suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2 about mini-beasts found in various habitats. The PDF file can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child. I have included Science activities, literacy activities and a mathematical activity. The Powerpoint could be used with groups.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Bundle

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Bundle

4 Resources
4 workbooks to be used as a bundle when studying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Includes a Roald Dahl fascinating fact file, a quiz and timeline a guided reading workbook and a workbook for activities based on ther novel.
The Day the Crayons Quit Workbook

The Day the Crayons Quit Workbook

A super resource to be used by KS1 after reading Drew Daywalt's book The Day the Crayons Quit. A PDF file and a powerpoint presentation full of fun things to do. Can be printed out as a complete workbook or individual sheets for differentation. The powerpoint can be used as presentation for modelled writing. Includes:- descriptive writing, creative writing, speech writing, poetry writing, letter writing, colour synonyms, a quiz, drawing activities, writing a book blurb and book reviews.
Poetry Prompts Sea Theme KS1/2

Poetry Prompts Sea Theme KS1/2

Stuck for ideas for poetry? Here is a PDF file of poetry starters which are suitable for KS1 and KS2. The children are given the opening lines (mostly 2) of a poem based around the sea, about creatures, people, pirates and sea features eg rockpools. These prompts are to stimulate the children's imaginations to write their own poetry. They can be printed out, laminated and kept for other classes. These are original poem starters written by me, a published author and shortlisted Tes Author for Bev Evans Award 2017. If you purchase don't forget to review.
Explorers and Navigators

Explorers and Navigators

3 Resources
A bundle of 3 resources, PDF files and powerpoint presentations about three famous explorers, Columbus, Captain Cook and Vasco Da Gama. This would be great to use as a class project with three groups. Each booklet has the children completing the same style of tasks and would be great for History , Geography and Cross-curricular work .There are reading and comprehension questions, diary entries, ship's log entries, imaginative and creative writing tasks and internet research questions.Save 50% when you purchase all three together.
KS1 Let's Read and Write

KS1 Let's Read and Write

A 20 page PDF workbook for young emerging readers and writers. Suitable for KS1 or SEN children further up the school. Each page has a picture as a clue and a few sentences telling the pupil what they have to write about. Activities include All About Me, Superheroes, descriptive and imaginative writing, writing a list, writing a poem, writing book reviews and predicting from a picture clue. There is space for the children to write about 5/6 sentences. This can be printed out as a complete workbook for individual children. Pages may also be printed out as separate worksheets for display. A powerpoint presentation is included to be used for model writing.
New Class Super School Rules

New Class Super School Rules

This resource will be useful for Upper KS1 and KS2 on Transition Days or the start of the year. It is recommended that the children work with a partner as there are a series of discussion Taskcards. Included in this 20 page resource:- Taskcards for talking and listening on noise, behaviour, bullying, happiness, why rules are needed. Creative writing in pairs make up list of rules for a) Classroom b) Playground 4 word walls for laminating and display Design two posters a) Classroom Rules b) Playground Rules
British Values SMSC

British Values SMSC

British Values Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) suitable for Key Stage 2/3 A powerpoint presentation which can be used as a whole class discussion before completing the workbook. Workbook can be printed out in black and white. Questions and Statements on culture, diversity, different faiths, conflict, co-operation, values, respect. etcThe Children will write their views and opinions in the space provided. Incorporating Literacy, Sociolgy, Religion and Politics.
A Selection of  Literacy Resources

A Selection of Literacy Resources

I am offering this selection of resources as a freebie to give you an insight into the type of resources I create. I am a published author of poetry and short stories. This PDF file will give you an overall picture of the resources which have been recommended by TES and other teachers. I hope you like this and will review my work.
Hallowe'en Freebie

Hallowe'en Freebie

A free resource for everyone in KS1 with a few examples of worksheets for Literacy and Numeracy. These are just samples to let you see the type of graphics and language I use and to celebrate my last year in successfully writing resources for TES. Enjoy.