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Teaching Ideas

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We have been sharing teaching ideas, classroom activities and display resources online since 1998. Our sites are visited by millions of teachers, educators and parents every year and our teaching materials are in use in classrooms around the world every day. We hope that our ideas and resources to you. Feel free to visit our websites: Teaching Ideas - http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/ Teaching Packs - http://www.teachingpacks.co.uk/ ... and contact us if you have any questions.




We have been sharing teaching ideas, classroom activities and display resources online since 1998. Our sites are visited by millions of teachers, educators and parents every year and our teaching materials are in use in classrooms around the world every day. We hope that our ideas and resources to you. Feel free to visit our websites: Teaching Ideas - http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/ Teaching Packs - http://www.teachingpacks.co.uk/ ... and contact us if you have any questions.
The History of Computers - Posters

The History of Computers - Posters

A selection of posters that show some of the key events in the history of computers. Includes references to Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, Alan Turing, the first portable computer, the first computer virus, the invention of the World Wide Web and more! Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Mega Maths Mat

Mega Maths Mat

A handy reference resource that your children can use during their Maths activities. It includes: * A 100 square, * A 12x12 multiplication square, * Place value chart, * Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division vocabulary, * Names of regular 2D shapes (including different types of triangles and quadrilaterals), * Fractions information, * Angles information. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
How is Chocolate Made? Posters

How is Chocolate Made? Posters

A set of 10 high quality images that show each step in the production of chocolate. These posters could be used as a whole class teaching tool (by showing the PDF on an interactive whiteboard), as a shared reading resource or on a classroom display board. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
The Aztecs - Fact Cards

The Aztecs - Fact Cards

A set of 20 fact cards to teach your children about the Aztecs. These could be printed and used on a classroom display board, used as a shared reading resource or shown on an interactive whiteboard for use as a teaching tool. A blank set of ‘cards’ is also available so that your children can write their own facts as part of their own research into the topic. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Olympics Inspiration Posters

Olympics Inspiration Posters

A collection of 10 high quality images with question prompts that you can use as the starting point for Olympics-themed activities in your classroom. These could be used as writing / discussion prompts or as inspiration for a number of other classroom activities. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Fire Safety - Poster and Activity Template

Fire Safety - Poster and Activity Template

This resource can be used to teach your children about fire safety. Share the poster on a classroom display board or use it as a whole class teaching tool on your interactive whiteboard. Two versions are available (using 999 / 911 emergency numbers) and a blank template is also included so that your children can add their own fire safety information. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Differentiated Sudoku Maths Challenges

Differentiated Sudoku Maths Challenges

This resource includes FORTY different Sudoku maths challenges for your children to try (with 4x4 and 6x6 grids). These could be used as activities in your Maths lessons, as early morning work, for early finishers or as resources to challenge students during rainy breaktimes. Answers are also included for busy teachers and for self-checking. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
One Word Titles - Writing Prompts

One Word Titles - Writing Prompts

This resource includes sixty-four small cards, each of which contains a single word. The cards are designed to be used as prompts for children’s writing but a range of other teaching ideas are also included. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Fairytale Character Puppets

Fairytale Character Puppets

This resource includes a selection of printable characters / puppets based on popular children’s fairytales. These include: * The Elves and the Shoemaker, * Goldilocks and the Three Bears, * Jack and the Beanstalk, * The Gingerbread Man, * The Three Billy Goats Gruff, * The Three Little Pigs. Your children can colour the characters, cut them out and then use them for their own storytelling activities. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Reading Corner Vocabulary Labels

Reading Corner Vocabulary Labels

FOURTEEN pages of labels with words, images and definitions that are all linked to reading. These could be used in your reading corner, as part of your guided reading activities or during your English / Literacy lessons. This resource includes the following terms: * Adventure, * Author, * Biography, * Character, * Dictionary, * Editor, * Genre, * Illustrator, * Mystery, * Novel, * Plot, * Tense, * Thriller. … and much more! Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Odd One Out - Thinking / Reasoning Skills resource

Odd One Out - Thinking / Reasoning Skills resource

Challenge your children to decide which object / item on each page is the ‘odd one out’ and give reasons / justifications for their decision. Do others agree with them? Why (not)? This is a great activity to develop your children’s thinking and reasoning skills. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Ancient Greece Word Mat

Ancient Greece Word Mat

A handy printable mat that includes a selection of words linked to Ancient Greece. Use it as a classroom display resource or a reference mat on your children’s tables. Includes the following words and images: * Parthenon / temple / Acropolis, * Minoan / Mycenaean, * Olympia / Olympic Games, * god / goddess / Zeus / Hera / Hades / Underworld, * pottery / amphora, * theatre / play / comedy / tragedy / mask * Athens / Troy / Sparta / city-state … and more! Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Shape Rotation Challenges

Shape Rotation Challenges

Can your children rotate the shapes around the point shown on each coordinate grid? Two pages are included (with a total of twelve questions) and answers are also included for teachers and self-checking. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
12 Space themed Writing Prompts

12 Space themed Writing Prompts

A collection of twelve high quality images with related text that can be used as a writing prompt in your classroom. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
3D Shapes Challenge Cards

3D Shapes Challenge Cards

A collection of forty 3D shapes challenges that your children can try! They’re great as class activities, extension tasks or homework challenges! Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Explanation Writing Checklists

Explanation Writing Checklists

Help your children to review their explanation writing with our handy checklists. Two different versions are included for use with children of different ages and ability levels. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Diwali Fact File

Diwali Fact File

Teach your children about Diwali with this handy fact file. This PDF page could be used on a large display as a whole class teaching tool, on a classroom display board or as a reference mat on tables. Children could also use it for independent research. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Negative Numbers Jigsaw - Maths Challenge

Negative Numbers Jigsaw - Maths Challenge

Challenge your children’s negative number calculation skills with this printable activity sheet. Cut up the jigsaw and ask them to put it back together by matching the negative number calculations to the correct answers. How quickly can they complete it? Then… jumble it up again and see if they can beat their time! Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!
Angles - Table Mats

Angles - Table Mats

A set of two eye-catching, printable table mats showing different facts and vocabulary related to angles. Why not print them back-to-back so that your children can refer to them during their lessons? These reference resources are great for classroom display boards or as table mats in your Maths lessons. Visit Teaching Packs for more fantastic resources!