Hello! Welcome to the official Teachingisgood shop! I myself have seen loads of presentations, worksheets, booklets and resources which just bore you and have too much text or not enough information. My aim is to get rid of these resources and bring in resources that are interactive and fun. It will engage you with the topic and encourage you to learn by the use of a simple layout, animations, links, videos to help you follow along!
Hello! Welcome to the official Teachingisgood shop! I myself have seen loads of presentations, worksheets, booklets and resources which just bore you and have too much text or not enough information. My aim is to get rid of these resources and bring in resources that are interactive and fun. It will engage you with the topic and encourage you to learn by the use of a simple layout, animations, links, videos to help you follow along!
This one page summary of all the trigonometry rules clearly explains what all the trigonometry rules are, and how to use them. It also describes which circumstances to use each one in.
It includes:
The sine rule
The cosine rule
The sine area rule
All of this is included, presented clearly, explained clearly, and available at a great price!
This set of exam style questions are designed for Edexcel A-level Mathematics - Mechanics. They contain some of the trickiest questions from past exams and other sources from topics which students often struggle with.
The topics included are as follows.
Ladders and moments
Lift type questions
Resolving forces
All questions include a full mark scheme attached at the end of the documents.
This brilliant resource goes through all the graphs you need to know for GCSE Edexcel Maths, as well as transforming graphs and recognising and using graphs. This content is designed for Chapter 18 of the GCSE Edexcel Mathematics course, but can work for anything!
It includes:
Exact trigonometric values
Linear, quadratic, cubic, reciprocal, circular, sin, cos, tan, exponential graphs
Using exponential graphs, and understanding its features
Using and understanding sin, cos, tan graphs
Recognising graphs quiz
Transformation of functions
Reflections in trigonometric graphs
This resource has high quality information, which clearly recaps understanding and using all the graphs mentioned above. There is a quiz to help students recognise all the graphs, and plenty of practice questions so everyone is exam-ready.
The questions have been borrowed from other resources, and some of the images are from other resources as well.
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Vectors. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Equation of a line in 3 dimensions
Equation of a plane in 3 dimensions
Scalar product
Calculating angles between lines and planes
Points of intersection
Finding perpendiculars
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Algorithms. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Understanding and using algorithms
Flow charts
Bubble sort
Quick sort
Bin-packing algorithms
Order of an algorithm
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, The simplex algorithm. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Formulating linear programming problems
The simplex method
Problems requiring integer solutions
Two-stage simplex method
The big-M method
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Route inspection. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Eulerian graphs
Using the route inspection algorithm
Networks with more than 4 odd nodes
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Graphs and networks. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Modelling with graphs
Graph theory
Special types of graphs
Representing graphs and networks using matrices
The planarity algorithm
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Critical path analysis. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Modelling a project
Dummy activities
Early and late event times
Critical activities
The float of an activity
Gantt charts
Resource histograms
Scheduling diagrams
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, The travelling salesman problem. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
The classical and practical travelling salesman problem
Using a minimum spanning tree to find an upper bound
Using a minimum spanning tree to find a lower bound
Using the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Linear programming. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Linear programming problems
Graphical methods
Locating the optimal point
Solutions with integer values
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Argand Diagrams. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Argand diagrams
Modulus and argument
Modulus-argument form of complex numbers
Loci in the Argand diagram
Regions in the Argand diagram
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Roots of Polynomials. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Roots of quadratic equations
Roots of cubic equations
Roots of quartic equations
Expressions relating to the roots of a polynomial
Linear transformation of roots
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Linear Transformations. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Linear transformations in two dimensions
Reflections and rotations
Enlargements and stretches
Successive transformations
Linear transformations in three dimensions
The inverse of a linear transformation
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Complex Numbers. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Introduction to matrices
Matrix multiplication
Inverting a 2x2 matrix
Inverting a 3x3 matrix
Solving systems of equations using matrices
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Proof by Induction. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Proof by mathematic induction
Proving divisibility results
Proving statements involving matrices
Proving statements involving sequences
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Decision Maths Year 1, Algorithms on graphs. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Kruskal’s algorithm
Prim’s algorithm
Applying Prim’s algorithm to a distance matrix
Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path
Floyd’s algorithm
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Complex Numbers. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Imaginary and complex numbers
Multiplying complex numbers
Complex conjugation
Roots of quadratic equations
Solving cubic and quartic equations
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Series. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Sums of natural numbers
Sums of squares and cubes
This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of Core Pure Year 1, Volumes of Revolution. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.
teachingisgood is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.
This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.
The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.
Volumes of revolution around the x-axis
Volumes of revolution around the y-axis
Adding and subtracting volumes
Modelling with volumes of revolution