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Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.




Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
grapheme alternatives for n phonic lesson

grapheme alternatives for n phonic lesson

grapheme alternatives for n phonic lesson - An engaging direct instruction phonic powerpoint lesson that covers grapheme alternatives kn, n, gn and nn for the sound /n/. 181 slides. grapheme alternatives for n phonic lesson includes; graphemes covered; n, nn, gn, kn learning intentions and success criteria tune in articulation (mouth shape) air-write word level reading sentence level reading phonic dictation (different level sentences) polysyllabic word reading word building (click and drag graphemes) word sorting check for understanding 181 slides (includes cover pages) If you are unsure HOW to teach phonics and have a lot to cover, this is the lesson for you! Enjoy. Kind regards, Jennifer :)
r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson

r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson

r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson - If you are teaching grapheme alternatives in phonics, this will help make your life easier. This is all done for you. A powerpoint lesson that covers the graphemes; r, rr, rh and wr. 188 slides. r rr wr rh powerpoint lesson includes; learning intentions and success criteria tune in word level reading sentence level reading polysyllabic words (underlined for you) phonic dictation word building word sorting graphemes listed and sorted as an example check for understanding engaging slides 188 slides in total (includes cover page) I use this lesson to introduce the concepts (alternative graphemes are representing the one sound) and then as a warm-up! direct instruction format tried and tested in my own class (Year Two) Enjoy! Kind regards, Jennifer
ai spelling words

ai spelling words

ai spelling words - A massive 227 slide direct instruction phonic lesson that teaches the grapheme alternatives for the /ai/ sound. PowerPoint format. ai spelling words include: ai, ay, a-e, a, ei, ey, eigh, ea tune in learning intentions success criteria teacher slides word level reading sentence level reading polysyllabic words phonic dictation editing word sorting word building check for understanding direct instruction format 227 slides (includes cover pages) Please use the word sorting and building activities outside of slide show mode to enable movement. I have included a question mark after each of those tasks so that the students cannot see the answers from the drop down menu. Students need to tap the word (or letter) and then drag it into place. Please use this lesson prior to teaching as some words or arrows will appear when you press the space, enter or mouse button. It is very simple to use.
What the ladybird heard Comprehension Question Pack

What the ladybird heard Comprehension Question Pack

‘What the ladybird heard’ Comprehension Question Pack - massive value 117 page PDF printable pack. Includes: direct & inferential questions character, setting, time, and more differentiated tasks colour in pages text innovation (how would you change…) sentence level writing (Writing Revolution - stem sentence frameworks) cute clipart graphics to keep students engaged meaningful literacy tasks that can be used over several weeks So much value included in this pack. Please check your printer settings prior to printing. Enjoy!


End-of-Year-worksheet-pack - This pack will suit multiple year levels! It is differentiated to adapt in your class or across different year groups. This pack can also be used as a memory book or a busy bee last few weeks of school activities. 91 page pdf printable product. It also includes fun certificates that your students can write to their teachers. Thank you notes and more! This includes meaningful educational activities that are fun and learning based.


christmas-sentences-worksheet A 69 page activity pack for sentence stem writing with conjunctions (and, but, so, because) and sentence types (statement, command, question and exclamation). christmas-sentences-worksheet includes; using conjunctions to continue the sentence determining the conjunction to use within a sentence what each conjunction means fragment or complete sentence sort write sentence types sorting sentence types determining the sentence type written BONUS activity - sentence type cards and sentence examples to sort! Just laminate and go - use as a literacy rotation or mat lesson. BONUS cards - conjunction word cards - and, so, but, because black and white product for Year One and Two students differentiated tasks teacher checklists - conjunction use and sentence type use 69 pages total - includes cover pages Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). Please provide a review to support this creator! Thank you. I hope you find this useful.


ocean-alphabet - A4 sized a-z alphabet posters that include the capital, lower case letter for each letter of the alphabet, a word and a picture. 3 different styles to choose from NSW foundation font for letters and words used colour product use to display as an alphabet chart or as a flashcard initial sound recall or phonic recall tool please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). please review this product to show your support. 83 pages pdf format Thank you.


ocean-alphabet A SET of a-z alphabet posters in 3 different styles with ocean animals. Such a cute and engaging display. 83 page pdf printable product. ocean-alphabet-poster includes; A4 sized a-z alphabet posters that include the capital, lower case letter for each letter of the alphabet, a word and a picture. 3 different styles to choose from NSW foundation font for letters and words used colour product use to display as an alphabet chart or as a flashcard initial sound recall or phonic recall tool (excluding /sh/ for shark) please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area) please review this product to show your support 83 pages pdf format Thank you!
classroom flower decorations

classroom flower decorations

**classroom flower decorations **Struggling with classroom behaviour management and need to focus on the positive? Kindness lesson with interactive bulletin board display. A great way to focus on the POSITIVE behaviours seen in your class. Also links social skills to a flower theme. Lesson, display visuals and how to use the product. 50 page product. classroom flower decorations includes; lesson - kindness and the link to ‘How to fill your bucket’ and how we can make our flowers bloom how to use this product lesson follow ups (4/5 follow up lesson ideas) discuss the words: kind, encouragement, compliment, unkind kind and unkind statements to sort printable flowers for students teacher checklist for social skills taught in lesson (and can be used as an ongoing checklist) display board colour posters and cute pictures use as an ongoing display board and positive encouragement focus 50 pages - includes cover pages select your printer options (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area) trialled and tested in my own class (kids are motivated!) Enjoy. My class have loved creating this and engaging in it. BONUS point? It also looks great in your classroom! Kind regards, Jennifer
important story elements

important story elements

important story elements - A story element prompt pack with posters. important story elements includes; 27 pages black & white and colour options individual story elements to cut and display (or place magnets on the back and use as you read the story) whole page story prompts an editable whole page story element option story mountain (blank and with prompts) instructions and ideas for classroom use includes; characters, setting (where), when, lift off, problem, feelings, plan, events, tie-up and resolution use the cards that suit your classroom (simplify if needed and introduce one idea at a time!) gentle boho colour borders Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). PDF A4 (Australian size - if non-Australian, ‘check fit to page’ in your printer settings).
story map elements

story map elements

story map elements - This 62 page poster pack is a great display for your classroom to prompt students in writing tasks. You can also print and bind the posters for a flip book for students to use in your writing centre. story charts includes; 62 pages - includes cover pages colour product story element description posters - whole page blank story element posters for you to write your own story element brainstorms onto with your students story element words - two differentiated versions - each element has heaps of words for your students to select from! A4 product - please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area - depending on your country and printer settings) Kind regards, Jennifer


kindergarten-valentine-worksheets - This is a 129 page printable pdf pack. Includes math, english and art activities. For Kindergarten AND Pre-Primary Students. kindergarten-valentine-worksheets includes: writing templates (lists, sentence completion, letters) handwriting pages vouchers (includes one editable) card templates colour in pages addition subtraction patterning (Please note: same as the Year One pack) art activities (Please note: same as the Year One pack colour mixing) phonological awareness - syllables and initial sound letter discrimination (v/v) lower case to capitals (for the letters in the word ‘love’) includes American and English spelling duplicates includes an answer key where necessary Enjoy! Please check your printer settings prior to printing (you may need to select ‘fit to page’ or print in printable area - all printers are different, some printers require no adjusting - like mine!).


sky-grass-dirt-handwriting This is a pack for a phonics display that uses the handwriting sky-grass-dirt prompt to ensure that students are remembering how to write letters correctly as they learn them. 89 pages and editable options are included! Mouth articulation prompts, pictures and letters on each page. sky-grass-dirt-handwriting - includes: 89 pages (cover pages included) this is not an a-z tracing pack a phonics chart display - laminate and write on the words as you brainstorm them 3 different poster styles included one page blank sky-grass-dirt to laminate or print and go editable pages - calibre font in this section as not everyone will have my foundation font used letters a-z included mouth articulation prompts cute pictures of initial sound print - laminate and display or print as worksheets to use with your students (or both!) Please check your printer settings prior to printing. Thank you.


punctuation-posters-for-classroom - This is a cute 25 page pdf printable poster set that includes a one page flashcard printable. punctuation-posters-for-classroom - includes the following: 9 different punctuation types: full stop, capital letter, colon, exclamation mark, question mark, apostrophe, comma, quotation marks and ellipsis 1 page printable - what is punctuation? 1 page printable - flashcards 25 pages (includes cover pages) cute kid clipart Use this product to brighten up your classroom but also during mat lessons. Refer to the posters often to remind students the names of the marks and when to use them. Please check your printer settings prior to printing to fit to page. Thanks for your support.


St.-Patrick’s-Day-Coloring-Book - An activity book for St. Patrick’s Day - St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Book - includes: 105 pages color in pages addition subtraction patterning handwriting/tracing writing activities art activities (colour mixing and so forth) very cute clipart! differentiated tasks! Massive value pack. Print for each child or just print pages as required.


topics-for-science-writing - A PLANT themed writing task activity pack. Includes 72 pdf pages, 3 editable templates and black and white or colour versions. topics-for-science-writing - includes: writing tasks - labels, descriptions, comparing (using venn diagrams) and basic report page differentiated tasks - pages are scaffolded to suit different writing abilities black and white or colour 3 editable pages (report, description and venn) english and american spelling pages - colour or color integration is easy with this pack - integrate science with writing! please check your printer settings prior to printing (fit to page) very cute clipart easy to follow instructions answer key included for most pages Thanks for your support.


alphabet-flashcards-printable - This is a combined back of letter posters AND flashcards. Includes two different font types (New South Wales Foundation font and dyslexia friendly font). Simple black and white design to match any classroom decor and save on printing ink! alphabet-flashcards-printable - includes; A4 posters (2 sets) small flash cards (3 sets - lowercase, uppercase & combined lower/upper) in two different font types! Massive value. Great for school, home, tutoring and speech therapists. Please check your printing settings prior to printing. Kind regards, Jennifer @teachnchatter


Need an engaging comprehension pack that relates to an Australia theme? Grab this… ‘Are we there yet?’ by Alison Lester! This pack is absolutely full of high-quality comprehension activities. I have also included a series of printables that you can use as a story display! 106 page printable resource. For grades Pre-Primary to Year 3. A fabulous way to link Australian Geography to literacy! are-we-there-yet-activities includes; suggested lesson sequence printables (e.g. all of the places in word cards, character cards, Australia map) connecting to text direct questions indirect questions writing prompts opinion writing description writing sentence stems (but, so, and, because) sentence types speech bubbles creative writing cloze 2x teacher check lists 106 pages (includes cover pages) engaging and high-quality This is a long text which is why I have not included this as a Kindergarten text however, it is up to you as a teacher and the needs of your classroom. Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). Enjoy!


fluency-word-list Fluency strips for vowel digraphs. Print and go! A great way to encourage fluency reading at a basic level (word level) that is also fun and engaging for students. 74 pages fluency word list pack includes; word strips - 10 words per strip 12 phonemes with multiple grapheme alternatives for each sound two strips per grapheme student certificates fluency charts for teachers to plot accuracy with speed blank pages to write your own words onto includes some diphthongs graphemes: /ai/ /ay/  /a-e/ /e/ /ee/ /ea/ /y/ /e-e/ /o/ /oa/ /o-e/ /ow/ /ar/ /a/ /i/ /igh/ /i/ /i-e/ /y/ /oo/ /ew/ /u-e/ /ue/ /ou/ /ow/ /or/ /aw/ /au/ /a/ /oo/ /u/ /er/ /ir/ /ur/ /or/ /oy/ /oi/ /e/ /ea/ /ai/ I use these after I have taught the sounds and graphemes quite explicitly. These can be a great activity to use in partner reading as students love to time themselves and beat their speed. I laminate these and students write tally marks onto them for how many times they read through the strips although I also have recording cards that they can use. The word lists are also a very handy resource for teacher use.


possum-magic Unsure how to approach comprehension for the book ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox? Or do you need a great activity pack to leave for relief while you are absent? This is a great pack of activities that assists students connect to the text and gain an understanding of the story. Along with teaching of vocabulary at the appropriate points, this is a great print and go pack. 80 pages. For kindergarten, Pre-primary, Year one and Year two. possum-magic-printables includes: visualising the text prior to reading direct questions (main story elements and events) indirect questions label a possum map of Australia with food pages to display in your room (e.g. map of Australia, foods and characters) use the above items for a story retell (colour images provided as well as black and white images) story sequencing answer key provided opinion writing sentence stems (and, but, so, because) sentence types (statement, question, exclamation, command) text innovation write a story retell write your own magic spell cloze differentiated activities suggested lesson sequence (dot form and one page) teacher checklist (comprehension skills) answer key included and more! 80 pages (includes cover pages) please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area)