Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
Level 3 teacher with 20 years of classroom teaching experience. Masters in Education (learning disabilities and difficulties). Creating resources to assist with differentiation. Fun early childhood resources to inspire.
basic-needs-of-plants A Biological Sciences PowerPoint that teaches young students what plants need to live and grow. 53 slides and includes beautiful photography and some clipart.
basic-needs-of-plants includes:
direct instruction lesson format
53 slides - this includes cover pages
tune in
we are learning to…
reminder - what living things are and what they need
content - what plants need on each page and photography to show
think, pair & share slide
check for understanding - when you ask a question you press the mouse or space/arrow key and the answer will pop up (words)
other activity ideas to follow on with
Thank you. I hope your students enjoy this lesson!
topics-for-science-writing - A PLANT themed writing task activity pack. Includes 72 pdf pages, 3 editable templates and black and white or colour versions.
topics-for-science-writing - includes:
writing tasks - labels, descriptions, comparing (using venn diagrams) and basic report page
differentiated tasks - pages are scaffolded to suit different writing abilities
black and white or colour
3 editable pages (report, description and venn)
english and american spelling pages - colour or color
integration is easy with this pack - integrate science with writing!
please check your printer settings prior to printing (fit to page)
very cute clipart
easy to follow instructions
answer key included for most pages
Thanks for your support.
alphabet-flashcards-printable - This is a combined back of letter posters AND flashcards. Includes two different font types (New South Wales Foundation font and dyslexia friendly font). Simple black and white design to match any classroom decor and save on printing ink!
alphabet-flashcards-printable - includes;
A4 posters (2 sets)
small flash cards (3 sets - lowercase, uppercase & combined lower/upper) in two different font types!
Massive value. Great for school, home, tutoring and speech therapists.
Please check your printing settings prior to printing.
Kind regards,
Jennifer @teachnchatter
bean-life-cycle - A Science PowerPoint lesson with 39 slides. Explains the lifecycle of the bean plant in child-friendly language. Includes photographs, clipart and 3 GIFs to demonstrate the cycle.
bean-life-cycle includes -
39 slides (this includes cover pages!)
tune in page
WALT - we are learning to (lesson outcomes provided)
each stage has a photograph and clipart
check for understanding (at the end of the lesson)
discussion point slides (other activity ideas)
engaging lesson
Please review this product to provide me with feedback.
Thank you. Enjoy this product.
australia-theme-decorations includes;
Australian maps
Location facts
Traditional custodians of the land
Flags and coat of arms
places (4 posters)
animals (10 posters)
plants (2 posters)
Aboriginal art
Australian sayings
Australian labels
Australian money
and more!
75 pages (includes cover pages)
I also have a PowerPoint lesson on Australia that is a good way to introduce the topic of Australia to your students.
These posters are also a great way to educate your class on Australia and also brighten your room.
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). Keep as A4 or enlarge to A3.
Need an engaging comprehension pack that relates to an Australia theme? Grab this… ‘Are we there yet?’ by Alison Lester! This pack is absolutely full of high-quality comprehension activities. I have also included a series of printables that you can use as a story display! 106 page printable resource. For grades Pre-Primary to Year 3. A fabulous way to link Australian Geography to literacy!
are-we-there-yet-activities includes;
suggested lesson sequence
printables (e.g. all of the places in word cards, character cards, Australia map)
connecting to text
direct questions
indirect questions
writing prompts
opinion writing
description writing
sentence stems (but, so, and, because)
sentence types
speech bubbles
creative writing
cloze 2x
teacher check lists
106 pages (includes cover pages)
engaging and high-quality
This is a long text which is why I have not included this as a Kindergarten text however, it is up to you as a teacher and the needs of your classroom.
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area). Enjoy!
ways-to-eat-potato poster set Are you teaching cooking, home economics or doing a fun potato-themed unit? These posters will engage your students, prompt learning and provide information on the ways to eat potatoes, cooking methods and prompt creative thinking skills. 45 page printable poster/word card set.
ways-to-eat-potato includes;
32 A4 posters in colour
9 pages of word cards (mostly black and white)
ways to eat potatoes (e.g. fries, wedges, mash, hash browns, salad, roast and more)
ways to cook potatoes (e.g. oven bake, fry in oil, boil in water and toast)
cooking poster words (e.g. peel, chop)
activity posters (e.g how do you like potatoes, students who like crinkle cut potatoes, students who like flat potatoes and so forth). Laminate these posters and simply write the students names on when doing a taste test activity. You can also get students to write their names onto small post it notes and attach to the poster. These posters can be enlarged to an A3 size if that suits you better.
45 pages includes cover pages
nicely bordered
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area)
These go nicely with the ‘Ways to eat potatoes’ powerpoint and the lifecycle of potatoes powerpoint lessons!
fluency-word-list Fluency strips for vowel digraphs. Print and go! A great way to encourage fluency reading at a basic level (word level) that is also fun and engaging for students. 74 pages
fluency word list pack includes;
word strips - 10 words per strip
12 phonemes with multiple grapheme alternatives for each sound
two strips per grapheme
student certificates
fluency charts for teachers to plot accuracy with speed
blank pages to write your own words onto
includes some diphthongs
/ai/ /ay/ /a-e/
/e/ /ee/ /ea/ /y/ /e-e/
/o/ /oa/ /o-e/ /ow/
/ar/ /a/
/i/ /igh/ /i/ /i-e/ /y/
/oo/ /ew/ /u-e/ /ue/
/ou/ /ow/
/or/ /aw/ /au/ /a/
/oo/ /u/
/er/ /ir/ /ur/ /or/
/oy/ /oi/
/e/ /ea/ /ai/
I use these after I have taught the sounds and graphemes quite explicitly. These can be a great activity to use in partner reading as students love to time themselves and beat their speed. I laminate these and students write tally marks onto them for how many times they read through the strips although I also have recording cards that they can use. The word lists are also a very handy resource for teacher use.
possum-magic Unsure how to approach comprehension for the book ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox? Or do you need a great activity pack to leave for relief while you are absent? This is a great pack of activities that assists students connect to the text and gain an understanding of the story. Along with teaching of vocabulary at the appropriate points, this is a great print and go pack. 80 pages. For kindergarten, Pre-primary, Year one and Year two.
possum-magic-printables includes:
visualising the text prior to reading
direct questions (main story elements and events)
indirect questions
label a possum
map of Australia with food
pages to display in your room (e.g. map of Australia, foods and characters)
use the above items for a story retell (colour images provided as well as black and white images)
story sequencing
answer key provided
opinion writing
sentence stems (and, but, so, because)
sentence types (statement, question, exclamation, command)
text innovation
write a story retell
write your own magic spell
differentiated activities
suggested lesson sequence (dot form and one page)
teacher checklist (comprehension skills)
answer key included
and more!
80 pages (includes cover pages)
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area)
ocean-alphabet This is a SET of a-z alphabet posters in 3 different styles with ocean animals. A cute and engaging display that can also be used in phonic lessons as initial sound prompt cards. 83 page pdf printable product.
ocean-alphabet-poster includes;
A4 sized a-z alphabet posters that include the capital, lower case letter for each letter of the alphabet, a word and a picture.
3 different styles to choose from
NSW foundation font for letters and words used
colour product
use to display as an alphabet chart or as a flashcard initial sound recall or phonic recall tool (excluding /sh/ for shark)
please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page, print in printable area)
please review this product to show your support
83 pages pdf format
This is a bundle that includes 7 individual products. potato-bundle Doing a potato-based food theme? This will help you out. This pack integrates science, literacy, math and home economics (cooking) skills!
potato-activity-bundle includes;
1 - potato lifecycle lesson - Science PowerPoint
2 - ways to eat potatoes lesson - Food & fun PowerPoint
3 - potato lifecycle worksheet pack - Science & literacy skills
4 - potato lifecycle poster pack - Science
5 - ways to eat potatoes poster pack - Food
6 - The Potato People story comprehension pack
7 - Potato people game - printable game targeting early math and reading skills (or just plain fun!)
PowerPoint-dinosaur-theme A Math Number warm-up PowerPoint lesson with *UPDATED 255 slides. Covers many concepts. For Year One students.
PowerPoint-dinosaur-theme includes;
255 slides (includes cover pages)
Math concepts; number recognition, counting, subitising, greater than/less than (numbers and quantities), addition and subtraction, counting backwards from 20, skip counting (2s, 5s &10s), ordinal number, place value, counting on
UPDATED SKILLS ADDED; missing numbers, friends of ten, more subitising alternatives, challenging slides, menu page with hyperlinks!
For year one students (and revision for Year 2 students)
Intended to be a warm-up lesson to revise previously taught concepts
You can cover the entire warm-up or just revise concepts you wish to
Please look at this lesson prior to teaching. When you press the mouse, arrow or enter key, some numbers and text boxes will appear.
Cute and engaging dinosaur clipart
I now use this with my Year 2 class and they love it. It is a great warmup powerpoint to use before teaching new concepts.
daily-math-number-warmup This Math Warm up is a daily math warm up to be used prior to teaching new content. Includes a massive 242 slides. Repetition and revision are very important for all students, particularly those with a learning disability. This Math warm up 1st grade PowerPoint lesson is in a winter theme and includes;
How to use this PowerPoint (for teachers)
Menu page with hyperlinks (complete the whole lesson or focus on the parts you wish to!)
Learning Intentions
Reminder to sit with whole body listening
Say the number
Before & After
Missing number
Place value questions
Count on from this number
Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s
Addition vocabulary
Symbol explanation
Addition sums (with pictures)
Subtraction vocabulary
Missing addends
Friends of ten
Symbol explanation
Subtraction sums (with pictures)
The fox stole how many
Count backwards from 10
Count backwards from 20
Sharing - what does this mean?
Sharing quantities -
Which is the greatest/biggest number
Which is the smallest/smaller number
Number story in words and pictures
Story - tell me a story from this picture
Challenge slides
Answers will appear on the click of a mouse!
Use in PowerPoint slide show mode
Use daily! No need to reinvent the wheel.
It is differentiated with degrees of difficulty. Use the slides that apply to your students. This math warm up is a very comprehensive warm up and includes 242 slides The main focus is on number. You can also use this lesson for Year Two students who require revision (especially at the beginning of the year).
whole-body-listening-visuals Visual posters to remind students of the skills of listening. A set of posters and prompt cards to remind students on listening manners encouraged in the classroom. Inclusive posters for students who require fidget toys and sensory breaks. Positively worded. 19 page printable pdf.
whole-body-listening-posters set includes;
A4 posters with a statement and image to display and refer to in your classroom
Small prompt cards to show your students when they require listening reminders
2 compilation posters with 7 body reminders (e.g. eyes, mouth, brain, hands, feet, heart, ears)
Colour product
Cute images and nicely bordered
19 pages (includes cover pages)
2 bonus posters!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area).
ways-to-cook-potatoes PowerPoint lesson - Your students will love this topic! This links in nicely to many different themes such as farming, lifecycles, cooking, potatoes (as a unit) and food. 62 slides.
ways-to-cook-potatoes includes;
learning intentions
success criteria
discussion points
information about potatoes
different ways to eat potatoes (hot or cold)
checking for understanding questions
when you press the space or mouse button, the answer will appear
photography that is beautiful and engaging
cute clipart
two activity follow up discussion/activity suggestions
links nicely to the potato lifecycle powerpoint lesson
62 pages includes cover pages.
ways-to-cook-potatoes A PowerPoint lesson. Your kids will love this topic. This links in nicely to many different themes such as farming, lifecycles, cooking, potatoes (as a unit) and food. 62 slides.
ways-to-cook-potatoes includes;
learning intentions
success criteria
discussion points
information about potatoes
different ways to eat potatoes (hot or cold)
checking for understanding questions
when you press the space or mouse button, the answer will appear
photography that is beautiful and engaging
cute clipart
two activity follow up discussion/activity suggestions
links nicely to the potato lifecycle powerpoint lesson
62 pages includes cover pages.
the-life-of-a-potato Do you need a PowerPoint lesson that teaches the potato lifecycle for you? It’s all done, just play and read! 45 slides. For K-3 students. Photographs and clipart used.
potato-growth-stages includes;
lesson outcomes
success criteria
discussion prompts
each lifecycle explained
lifecycle shown on one slide (compilation)
photographs and clipart used
what the potato plant needs to grow and stay alive
check for understanding questions at the end
when you press the mouse or space bar, the answers will appear
Play in slideshow mode
potato-man-game Looking for a game that is educational, fun and students will stay focused? A really cute printable potato man, woman and person game. Encourages a variety of skills such as; subitising to 6, addition of dice, matching and reading words. 45 pages.
printable-potato-man-game includes;
game boards
game pieces to print, laminate and use
dice boards
dice tokens
word cards
so much fun
Matches well with a potato unit. Just plain fun too!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area). Thank you.
potato-man-game Do you need a game that is educational, fun and students will stay focused? A really cute printable potato man, woman and person game. Encourages a variety of skills such as; subitising to 6, addition of dice, matching and reading words. 45 pages.
potato-man-game includes;
game boards
game pieces to print, laminate and use
dice boards
dice tokens
word cards
so much fun
Matches well with a potato unit. Just plain fun too!
Please check your printer settings prior to printing (e.g. fit to page or print in printable area). Thank you.
zh word list - PowerPoint lesson - Are you unsure how to teach the zh sound? Grab this direct instruction lesson that does all the hard work for you! Use the lesson every day for a week and then use it as revision!
zh word list includes;
learning intentions & success criteria
tune in
spelling patterns explained
word level reading
sentence level reading
alternative graphemes for the /zh/ phoneme include; s, z, si, ge, j
word building
word sorting
yes or no?
multi-syllable words (lines indicate where the syllables are so it is all done for you)
phonic dictation (sentence level)
check for understanding
click out of slide show mode to enable the word sorting and any editable functions
use this lesson to teach the concept of alternative graphemes for the /zh/ sound or use it as a warm-up when you have taught this concept as many other sounds will be revised within words!
use this same lesson for one week and build on the content - you do not have to use every slide within the first lesson!
aligns to the science of reading