
Frightful Food Bingo
A Spooky Bingo Activity perfect for Halloween or lessons on Food & Diet.
-Printable Bingo Cards x 32
-Online Boom Bingo Activity (Best played on whiteboard) Click to preview
(Requires login with a Boomlearning account to use interactive features)

Bugs and insects interactive notebook
The interactive notebook uses cut and stick activities to help your class learn about different types of insects, arachnids, worms and other bugs.
Includes 20 different bug fact cards
-Investigate different types of bug
-Describe the lifecycle of a butterfly
-Explain the special features of some bugs
-Apply data to make a pie chart
-Link ideas to make a venn diagram

Interactive Notebook Bundle
These interactive notebooks will help your class learn about different animals and science ideas including frogs, bugs, dinosaurs, sound, forces and the solar system.
Each set includes different 5 skill sheets and a set of information fact cards. Cut and Stick activties will need glue and scissors.
This includes the following 6 individual sets.
Bugs and Insects
Sound and Waves
The Solar System
Frogs and Toads
Forces and motion

Bingo Bundle
A range of Bingo activities covering:
INteractive features are best used on the INteractive White Board

Alice investigates Wonderland- Science Investigations
“Curiouser and curiouser!”
Go through an interactive journey with Alice through Wonderland as you show students about planning a science investigation.
Find out about forces as Alice falls down the rabbit hole
Discover dissolving at the Mad hatter's tea party
Read about roses in the Red Queen's garden.
Ideas include types of variables, fair testing, safety precautions, choosing a graph, analysing results and improvements.
Student worksheets included.