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Tess of the d'Urban Quills

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I'm a passionate secondary English and History teacher and am the main planner of resources for my department; as such, I thought I would start sharing them here with the wider community of teachers and professionals. I am Australian trained, but currently teaching GCSE and A- Level (AQA specifications). All lessons are very visually engaging, with images, clips and a variety of activities. You won't find any boring/blank resources here!




I'm a passionate secondary English and History teacher and am the main planner of resources for my department; as such, I thought I would start sharing them here with the wider community of teachers and professionals. I am Australian trained, but currently teaching GCSE and A- Level (AQA specifications). All lessons are very visually engaging, with images, clips and a variety of activities. You won't find any boring/blank resources here!
Year 8 Exam Papers

Year 8 Exam Papers

At our school, year 7, 8 and 9 all do formative and summative assessments that mimic the GCSE style Language Paper 1. Students are given a literary extract and then complete the following: One comprehension question One language analysis quesiton One creative writing question in response to a prompt. These are some exam papers that I created for my class to practise, and can be used either at the beginning of term as a broad diagnostic of skills, part way through the term to assess progress, or as a end of year paper. The three extracts for these papers are from The Hobbit, The Eye of the World, and The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe.
Year 7/8: Julius Caesar

Year 7/8: Julius Caesar

A one off lesson, as part of an "Introduction to Shakespeare" unit for KS3. A focus on language, plot and some characterisation. Posted as a freebie to give you an insight into my lessons- if you like this then please feel free to check out my shop :)
Literary Devices Quiz

Literary Devices Quiz

A good formative or summative revision tool. This quiz is included in my "Literary Devices" pack (22 lessons covering all different language techniques geared at KS3-4) but am posting it for free as it can be used separately. Enjoy :)
Year 7/8: Short Stories 3 Lessons

Year 7/8: Short Stories 3 Lessons

Suitable for higher ability classes, these 3-4 lessons cover: - An introduction to the short story form - Recap of form, language and structure - An analysis of the short story “The Flowers” by Alice Walker - Creative writing - Self and peer marking activities Enjoy :)
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Student Council and myself ran an event for IWD this week and this is the resource that I made for all form tutors to deliver during form time. Feel free to use; a great resource for a great day.
Literacy Placemat

Literacy Placemat

To be used alongside literacy units- helpful toolbox for students to have on their desks or in their books while working on literacy tasks.
GCSE Jekyll & Hyde Unit of Work

GCSE Jekyll & Hyde Unit of Work

Find enclosed all resources required for teaching an entire scheme of work for "The Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" (AQA GCSE). - All lessons and activities covering themes, plot, characters, language, context and critical theory - Formative "Hot Task" assessment - Worksheets - Termly homework grid - How to write an essay- two part lessons for surmising the unit. 25-30 lessons of content in total. I am teaching this currently- enjoy!
Year 7/8: Form, Structure, Language

Year 7/8: Form, Structure, Language

A great lesson for introducing these English terms or revising them. The lesson looks at the poem “I Carry Your Heart” by EE Cummings; an excellent poem for examining language, structure and form. Lots of structured activities included: paragraph writing, revision of language techniques, peer marking, and an extension creative writing task.
Reconciliation Week

Reconciliation Week

As part of Reconciliation Week here in Australia, I designed these short workshops to complete with my roll call class. I highly encourage you to download this resource and share it with your colleagues. You might like to tweak it to better suit the demographic of your school. My school has a cohort of predominantly white students, so it was important to really unpack the concepts of white privilege with them. They really engaged with this. Sharing for free because this is important and should be an integrated part of education.
Year 7: Villain's Speeches

Year 7: Villain's Speeches

My year 7s are studying non-fiction at the moment, which I personally find very boring! To spice things up, we’ve been looking at non-fiction textual forms through the theme of comic books (see my other lessons for examples). This lesson/2 lessons examines the features of speeches, with examples being the grand speeches comic villains perform. Included: Two clips of Ego and Bane- why are their speeches convincing? Analysis activities for the Joker’s speech from The Dark Knight Model critical paragraph Creative: students write their own villain speech Extension: Students create a comic page featuring their villain and given speech. My class loved it. Enjoy!
Cat in the Rain- Short Story lesson

Cat in the Rain- Short Story lesson

A lesson for a mixed ability KS3 class, analysing the short story form and Hemingway’s application of the “Icerbeg Theory”. Activities include: Key words Information about Hemingway and summaries Introduction to iceberg theory Applying iceberg theory to creative writing Reading, comprehending and analysing the short story “Cat in the Rain” There is individual, paired, and whole-class activities included. Enjoy!
The Awakening , Kate Chopin - AQA A Level

The Awakening , Kate Chopin - AQA A Level

This unit of work is designed for AQA’s A Level “Love through the Ages”, looking at Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening.” All content is what I taught over the course of two terms. Find enclosed - Whole lessons covering plot, context of creole culture etc - Worksheets - Critical theory (particularly philosophy of Descartes, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre and de Beauvoir) Enjoy!
Year 7: Writing a book review

Year 7: Writing a book review

I set this for my low-ability year 7 class just before the half-term break (holiday homework!), but you can use this lesson at any point throughout the term. A lesson that introduces book reviews and provides students with a checklist for writing their own. The worksheet helps students understand how to structure their review. Enjoy!
KS4 Feedback annotation key

KS4 Feedback annotation key

When students submit essays, it can become a laborious task to write extensive annotations on their responses. I developed this annotations key for my year 9 and 10 classes, based on common errors that I’ve identified in their writing. Rather than writing full comments on their essays, I’ll instead place a number. When the students receive their work back, simply print a copy of the annotations sheet and have them read through their responses and the key to understand what skills they need to improve. This is a great tool for maximising teachers’ marking time (work smarter, not harder!) and also encouraging students to really engage with their feedback, rather than just looking for their grade! Adapt the key as needed :)
Lady Macbeth & Women in "Macbeth"

Lady Macbeth & Women in "Macbeth"

A single lesson for higher set classes studying "Macbeth." Examines the role of women (Lady Macbeth, Hecate, Lady Macduff and the witches) in the play. Original analysis by myself included- can be printed as a "write on the reading" activity for students.
Year 10/11: Language Paper 2 (Perspectives & Viewpoints) Q4

Year 10/11: Language Paper 2 (Perspectives & Viewpoints) Q4

For GCSE Language Paper 2 (non-fiction), this lesson facilitates students’ development of comparison and critical writing skills, for question 4 of the exam. Clips introduce comparison skills, which are consolidated in examining non-fiction extracts surrounding the Titanic (original news report and survivor’s journal).
Year 9/10: Ready Player One (lesson designed like a video game!)

Year 9/10: Ready Player One (lesson designed like a video game!)

An awesome lesson for boys in year 9 or 10, language analysis skills are made fun through a lesson designed like a video game. Each activity is a "mission", and students have to complete all three in either single, two player or combat mode (individually, in pairs, or in competition). Included: - All activities - Video resources (right click the image on slide 4 for hyperlink to video) - Extract from Ernest Cline's "Ready Player One". - Formative progress check (using playstation symbols- how cool is that?) - Creative writing activity Very proud and excited for this lesson, so please enjoy!
KS3- Years 7/8: Myths & Legends

KS3- Years 7/8: Myths & Legends

A scheme of work with 15 lessons, all power-points, resources and activities included. I created this for my year high ability year 7 class- is suitable for KS3 or low ability KS4. Myths and legends covered include: Prometheus, Pandora’s Box, Hercules, Perseus, Beowulf, Medusa and the Canterbury Tales. Skills are focused around identifying language techniques and writing both critically and creatively, while understanding the role of myth storytelling in human literary history. I’ve also included a termly homework project.