All resources

En mi mochila/estuche Sentence Builder Conti Style
A fully editable resource to introduce and consolidate ‘in my bag’ and/or ‘in my pencilcase’ vocabulary and structures in Spanish.
4 x ‘Do now’ starter tasks
1 x Sentence Builder vocab sheet
2 x mind reading activities
2 x listening slalom activities
3 x sentence chaos activities
2 x mosaic writing activities
1 x sentence stealer game
1 x lie detector game
1 x find your partner game
1 x find someone who speaking/reading activity
1 x snakes and ladders game
1 x oral ping pong speaking activity
1 x pyramid translation
1 x consolidation worksheet

Spanish months puzzles Vocabulary Building
Spanish months puzzles, vocabulary building style.
Ideal for independent/cover work.

French Birthday (Anniversaire) Sentence Builder Conti Style
Editable resources to introduce and reinforce vocabulary and structures around birthdays in French.
7 x ‘Do now’ starter tasks (reinforcing previous learning on greetings, feelings, names and ages as well as introducing birthday)
A Sentence Builder
A mind reading activity
A writing task introducing individual words
5 x writing tasks to reinforce accurate sentences
A words sort task
A speaking task to build up accurate sentences
A lie detector activity
A find your partner activity
A delayed writing activity
An error correction task
A faulty translation task
2 x guided translations
2 x creative writing tasks
A third person writing task
A trap door game
(all with solutions)
2 x reading/writing comprehensions/assessments to consolidate learning (including previous learning on feelings, names and ages)

French Sentence Builder Beginner to Pre-intermediate Unit 1 Talking about my age
A sequence of activities to introduce and reinforce talking about ages in French. All using the Sentence Builder from the French beginner to pre-intermediate Conti book, Unit 1.
Editable resources include:
11 x ‘Do now’ starter activities which reinforce previous learning on greeings, feelings, names and brings in ages.
A separate PowerPoint with:
Sentence Builder
10 tasks to introduce/reinforce pronunciation
3 mind reading activities
3 mosaic writing tasks
3 lie detector activities
A bataille baguette (like battle ships)
A multiple choice reading task
Break the flow writing task
Delayed repetition
Delayed copying
Delayed dictation
Gap fill writing
one pen, one dice
Scaffolded dictation
Pair dictation
Shadow reading
Ghost reading
Sentence chaos
Spot the intruder
The “something” speaking game
Oral ping-pong
Gapped translation
Word hunt
Supported translation
Listen and recall writing
Trap door speaking game
Too many words writing
Jumbled sentences writing
Fill in the gaps writing
Linguistic challenges
(Some of the tasks include information on nationalities and where people live)

French Primary Sentence Builder Unit 3 Comment ca va? How are you?
Fully editable resources to reinforce the French Primary Sentence Builder Unit 3 Comment ca va? How are you?
8 ‘Do now’ starter tasks to reinforce the vocabulary on the Sentence Builder
6 Speaking activities - gap fill, Q+A match and adapt, C’est qui?, What’s next?, Find someone who, and a guessing game.
5 Conversation activities, each a bit more challenging than the last.
A dictation task
2 Delayed translation activities
A translation task
A reading assessment/comprehension
Tangled translations

French Primary Sentence Builder Unit 4 Mon Anniversaire (Birthdays)
Fully editable resources to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures on the French Primary Sentence Builder Unit 4 Mon anniversaire - Birthdays.
8 ‘Do now’ starter tasks
Mind reading
Gapt fill speaking
Lie detector
Find your partner
Sentence stealer
Conversation example
Conversation gap fill
Delayed writing
Delayed translation
2 Reading comprehension (both include names, ages and feelings as well as birthdays)

Spanish Describing yourself and others Sentence Builder Conti Style
Fully editable resources to introduce and reinforce vocabulary and structures to describe yourself and others in Spanish.
Sentence Builder
Mind reading
Bob up, bob down
Find your partner
Pattern spotting
Sentence chaos
Sentence stealer
Strip bingo
Find someone who
Reading comprehension
Listening slalom
Mosaic writing
Lie detector
Oral ping pong
Delayed translation
Reading and writing consolidation tasks
No snakes, no ladders board game

Welsh Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 1 Talking about my age
Fully editable 50 slide powerpoint and associated worksheets to go with the Welsh Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 1 Talking about my age.
Missing letters
2 Spotting errors
Listening anagrams
Listening word order
3 Mind reading activities
3 Mosaic writing tasks
3 Lie detector games
Listen and sort
Gap fill multiple choice
Break the flow
Faulty echo
Delayed repetition
Delayed copying
Gap fill paragraph
One pen one die
Missing words
Pair dictation
Shadow reading
Ghost reading
Outsmart the teacher
Sentence chaos
Spot the intruders
The “something” game
Oral ping pong
Gapped translation
Word hunt
Listen and recall
Too many words
Jumbled sentences
Gap fill sentences
Consolidation writing and speaking tasks

Welsh Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 2 Saying when my birthday is
Fully editable 50 slide PowerPoint using the vocabulary and structures from Welsh Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 2 Saying when my birthday is.
Mind reading
Missing letters
Mosaic writing
What’s next?
First letters
Break the flow
Lie detector
Find your partner
Delayed writing
Spot and correct errors
Jumbled sentences
Gap fill
Faulty translation
2 Guided translations

Spanish Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 3 Describing hair and eyes
Fully editable 78 slide PowerPoint and linking resources to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures in Spanish Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 3 Describing hair and eyes.
6 ‘Do now’ tasks (recapping vocab and structures from previous units)
Mind reading task
Find your partner task
2 Faulty echo activities
Lie detector
Sentence stealer
Sentence chaos
Strip bingo
Before and after speaking task
Listening slalom (& script)
Mosaic writing
Delayed writing
Break the flow
Too many words
Translation challenges
Delayed repetition
2 Delayed translations
Gap fill sentences
Jumbled sentences
Reading detective task
Ghost reading
Find someone who
2 reading comprehensions
Gap fill paragraph
Scaffolded dictation paragraph
Guided translation
Shadow reading
Re-order reading task
One pen, one die
Spot the intruders
Bataille Baguette
2 Consolidation writing tasks
Consolidation speaking task
No snakes, no ladders game
Speaking ladder (worksheet)
Tangled translations (worksheet)

Welsh Sentence Builder Unit 6 Part 2 Describing my family and saying why I like/dislike them
A fully editable PPT and associated resources to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures in the Welsh Sentence Builder Unit 6 Part 2 Describing my family and saying why I like/dislike them.
2 Mind reading activities
Unmuddle the words whole class activity
Gap fill whole class activity
Translations whole class activity
Lie detector game
One pen, one die game
Speaking ladder group task
Bingo group game
2 Four in a row translation games
Consolidation speaking and writing tasks
Fill in part of the missing word writing task
Put the words in order writing task
Tangled translation task

Welsh Sentence Builder Beginner to Pre-intermediate Unit 6 Part 1 Describing myself and others
A fully editable PowerPoint to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures in the Welsh Sentence Builder Beginner to Pre-intermediate Unit 6 Part 1 - Describing myself and others.
Faulty echo
2 Mind reading activities
2 Stand up, sit down games
2 Mini whiteboard gap fill activities
2 Mosaic writing tasks
2 Strip bingo games
2 Sentence stealer games
Sentence chaos
2 Four in a row translation games
Lie detector
Find someone who activity and follow up comprehension
Delayed translation
2 Pyramid translations
Jumbled translation
One pen, one die
Bad translation comprehension
Consolidation writing task
Translation race

Spanish Sentence Builder Beginner to Pre-intermediate Unit 11 Talking about food
A fully editable 60 slide PowerPoint to practice and reinforce the vocabulary and structures in the Spanish Sentence Builder Beginner to Pre-intermediate Unit 11 Talking about food.
3 ‘Do now’ tasks
Deliberate mistakes teacher led activity
2 Mind reading activities
2 Mosaic writing tasks
2 Missing words tasks
2 Word order tasks
2 Correct the error tasks
2 Anagrams tasks
2 Speaking practice activities
Break the flow
2 Faulty translations
A ‘what’s next?’ activity
2 One pen, one die activities
2 Scaffolded translations
Shadow reading
Scaffolded dictation
Tangled translation
Guided writing
Guided speaking

French Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 3 Describing hair and eyes
Fully editable PowerPoint to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures on the French Beginner to Pre-intermediate Sentence Builder Unit 3 Describing hair and eyes.
5 ‘Do now’ tasks
Mind reading
Teacher lead oracy task
Spot the wrong sound
Delayed writing
Find your partner
Lie detector
Sentence Chaos
Strip bingo
Word order
Multiple choice spelling
Listening slalom
Sentence stealers
Break the flow
Faulty echo
Delayed repetition
Bataille baguette
Outsmart the teacher
Mosaic writing
Gap fill
Too many words
Jumbled sentences
Delayed translation
Linguistic challenges
Word hunt
Ghost reading
Find someone who + follow up reading comprehensions
Shadow reading
Scaffolded dictation
One pen, one die
Content re-ordering
Spot the intruders
Gapped paragraph
Gapped parallel text
Guided writing
Listen and recall
Consolidation writing task
Consolidation speaking task

Welsh Sentence Builder beginner to pre-intermediate Unit 7 Talking about pets
An editable PowerPoint with activities to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary and structures on the Welsh Sentence Builder beginner to pre-intermediate Unit 7 Talking about pets.
Slides to introduce the key vocab/structures
2 Mind reading activities
Multiple choice sentences (grammar based)
Anagrams (Mini white board activity)
Missing letters (Mini white board activity)
Mosaic writing
2 x Missing words (Mini white board activity)
2 x Translate sentences (Mini white board activity)
Lie detector
Correct translation errors
Gap fill translations
Sentence chaos
Delayed writing
Sentence stealer
Four in a row translation game

Welsh Sentence Builder Bundle 1
Welsh Sentence Builders 1 - 5 all together in one bundle! By buying this as a bundle of 5, you get one free :)

En mi familia Sentence Builder Conti style
An adaptable Sentence Builder and matching PowerPoint presentation including:
4 x Starter/Do now activities
2 x Mind reading activities
2 x Sentence stealer activities
2 x Reading tasks
7 x Translation tasks
2 x Writing tasks (one differentiated with support)
All to introduce and reinforce Spanish sentence structures around how many people are in a family and how many brothers/sisters someone has.

French Free Time Activities Worksheet 2 Vocabulary Building
French Free Time Activities Worksheet 2
Vocabulary building style worksheet, ideal for independent/cover work.
This resource is designed to complement the powerpoint for sale in my shop :)

Spanish Free Time Activities Worksheet 2 Vocabulary Building
Spanish Free Time Activities Worksheet 2
Vocabulary building style worksheet, ideal for independent/cover work.
This resource is designed to complement the powerpoint for sale in my shop :)

Spanish Free Time Activities Worksheet 1 Vocabulary Building
Spanish Free Time Activities Worksheet 1
Vocabulary building style worksheet, ideal for independent/cover work.