Flashcards for key terms, including:
Degrees of the scale
Key signatures
Circle of fifths
Scales and modes
Chromatic scale
Pentatonic scale
Complete assessment booklet to accompany Y8 lesson booklet. End of topic tests including:
Literacy code
Marking and feedback
Student response
RAG rating
Topics include:
Chords and The Beatles
The Blues and Rock n Roll
Rhythms of The World
Screen Music (film and game)
Ensemble Skills
Complete assessment booklet to accompany Y7 lesson booklet. End of topic tests including:
Literacy code
Marking and feedback
Student response
RAG rating
Topics covered:
Recycled Rhythms
Keyboard Skills
Form and Structure
Programme Music
Pop Songs
INCLUDED: Three booklets (18 pages each)
Booklet 1 - Autumn Term (12 lessons)
Booklet 2 - Spring Term (12 lessons)
Booklet 3 - Summer Term (12 lessons)
I have spent hours developing these booklets to be used in KS3 classes, and they are totally invaluable. I could not live without them!!! Having run them for a year, I have tweaked them slightly and uploaded them here. They are bright and colourful, visual and easy to use, with one page per lesson. Includes features such as:
Literacy Code
Music Rules
6 lessons for each half term
Gap fill exercises
Opportunities for listening exercises
Word searches
Peer feedback
Self marking
Labeling images
Chord diagrams
I have included the PDF version and word versions of these documents so that you can edit and adapt them for your school. You absolutely will not regret purchasing these!!!
Topics covered:
Autumn 1 - Chords and The Beatles
Autumn 2 - The Blues and Rock n Roll
Spring 1 - Rhythms of The World
Spring 2 - Screen Music (film and game)
Summer 1 - Songwriting
Summer 2 - Ensemble Skills
INCLUDED: Three booklets (18 pages each)
Booklet 1 - Autumn Term (12 lessons)
Booklet 2 - Spring Term (12 lessons)
Booklet 3 - Summer Term (12 lessons)
I have spent hours developing these booklets to be used in KS3 classes, and they are totally invaluable. I could not live without them!!! Having run them for a year, I have tweaked them slightly and uploaded them here. They are bright and colourful, visual and easy to use, with one page per lesson. Includes features such as:
Literacy Code
Music Rules
6 lessons for each half term
Gap fill exercises
Opportunities for listening exercises
Word searches
Peer feedback
Self marking
Labeling images
Chord diagrams
I have included the PDF version and word versions of these documents so that you can edit and adapt them for your school. You absolutely will not regret purchasing these!!!
Topics covered:
Autumn 1 - Recycled Rhythms
Autumn 2 - Keyboard Skills
Spring 1 - Form and Structure
Spring 2 - Programme Music
Summer 1 - Ukuleles
Summer 2 - Pop Songs
KS4 Music Technology lesson on Recording Vocals. Worksheet included. NCFE curriculum, however applicable to any Music Technology course. Well presented and easy to use.
Lesson PowerPoint and resources on Digital Audio Workstations. Simple and easy to use. KS4 Music Technology. NCFE curriculum, however applicable to any Music Technology course.
KS3 End Of Year Exam for Year 7. Available for editing as a word document. Two listening questions, one aural dictation and music theory with extension.