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Educational Resources and Display Products.




Educational Resources and Display Products.


Kagan peer/collaborative SATs learning review lesson. Print and go lesson, answers included LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP LO: to convert between standard units of length, mass and capacity and between miles and kilometres. SCOOT Rules You can play as individuals or a coaching pairs (a higher and lower ability learner) Stand children behind the coloured questions you want them to start…When the times up shout ‘SCOOT!’ and students move to next available question card Repeat


Kagan peer/collaborative SATs learning review lesson. Print and go lesson, answers included LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP SCOOT Rules You can play as individuals or a coaching pairs (a higher and lower ability learner) Stand children behind the coloured questions you want them to start…When the times up shout ‘SCOOT!’ and students move to next available question card Repeat


Rules You can play as individuals or a coaching pairs (a higher and lower ability learner) Stand children behind the coloured questions you want them to start… When the times up shout ‘SCOOT!’ and students move to next available question card Repeat LO: to compare and order numbers to identify the place value of each digit in a number


Kagan peer/collaborative SATs learning review lesson. Print and go lesson, answers included LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP SCOOT Rules You can play as individuals or a coaching pairs (a higher and lower ability learner) Stand children behind the coloured questions you want them to start…When the times up shout ‘SCOOT!’ and students move to next available question card Repeat
Interactive Place Value Chart for use on a maths working wall

Interactive Place Value Chart for use on a maths working wall

An interactive place value chart for use on a maths working wall other versions available in my store ***Traditional wording is now available on pockets (ten thousands), in this pack. *** Wall pockets & number sticks Multi use resource use on your display for a lesson starter as an intervention activity as an EAL / SEN speaking and listening activity Enables students to see what happens when numbers move place value. Enables discussion of maths terminology and the importance of the place holder zero. Easy prep and low cost resource, available to print on white card or coloured card. All printable on A4 sized card You will need x 4 four different colours of A4 card and also white card. Don’t forget to check out my Synonyms Display Wall Pockets


Peer/collaborative activity. Can be used for a starter activity, SATs learning review lesson or a five minute gap filler. Learners can work in pairs or as individuals. A print and go lesson, with answer sheet included. LO: to round whole numbers to the required degree of accuracy: to 100 millions aligned with National Curriculum requirements for Year 6 learners. There are 36 cards in this set for whole class uses. Give more able learners two cards if there are too many for your class. I have also included a prompt page (answer sheet) which lists the answer, the question and the place value to be rounded to, to ensure staff can follow the game and quick help those children who may struggle. RULES Whole class activity. Children stand and the teacher reads out the ‘start’ card. The children check their card to see if the number at the top of their card has the correct value for that digit. The child says I have… and reads out the whole number, then asks who has… Once the next child says they have that number, the first child sits down. The game should (if all kiddos get their values correct) go all the way to the end card. Shuffle and play over and over again. These cards have been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind. They have been sized to ensure that one page of cards fit into one laminate sheet should you wish to laminate. No round corners, so you can print, cut and play. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. Other year groups to come, so keep popping back to check.
Y6 & KS3 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y6 NC LOs

Y6 & KS3 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y6 NC LOs

Year 6 Print and Go easy prep display**: starter, ice breaker, time filler, use to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity, aligned with most of the Y6 LOs. Also suitable for KS3. A fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and mental recall of mathematical skills. Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. **NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards for Year 6 learners. ** There are 46 NC aligned activities in this set for whole class use. Use the entire set all for a year round display or display only the Los you choose to focus on. You will find that some of the numbers you select will not relate to the tasks in the display. Identifying whether an equation is doable, or not, is a key skill that needs learning. PREP: This display has been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind: No round corners, so you can print, cut and display. This display was designed to take up minimal room (fits nicely down the side of the IWB or down one side of a maths working wall) THIS DISPLAY DOES NOT LOOK AS EFFECTIVE WHEN LAMINATED. ALL YEAR GROUP NUMBER OF THE DAY STACKED DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. **This work is my intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.**
Y5 & KS3 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y5 NC LOs

Y5 & KS3 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y5 NC LOs

Year 5 Print and Go easy prep display**: starter, ice breaker, time filler, use to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity, aligned with most of the Y5 LOs. Also suitable for KS3. A fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and mental recall of mathematical skills. Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. **NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards for Year 5 learners. ** There are 49 NC aligned activities in this set for whole class use. Use the entire set all for a year round display or display only the Los you choose to focus on. You will find that some of the numbers you select will not relate to the tasks in the display. Identifying whether an equation is doable, or not, is a key skill that needs learning. PREP: This display has been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind: No round corners, so you can print, cut and display. This display was designed to take up minimal room (fits nicely down the side of the IWB or down one side of a maths working wall) THIS DISPLAY DOES NOT LOOK AS EFFECTIVE WHEN LAMINATED. ALL YEAR GROUP NUMBER OF THE DAY STACKED DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. **This work is my intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.**
Y3  Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y3 NC LOs

Y3 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y3 NC LOs

Year 3 Print and Go easy prep display**: starter, ice breaker, time filler, use to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity, aligned with most of the Y3 LOs. Also suitable for KS3. A fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and mental recall of mathematical skills. Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. **NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards for Year 3 learners. ** There are 42 NC aligned activities in this set for whole class use. Use the entire set all for a year round display or display only the Los you choose to focus on. You will find that some of the numbers you select will not relate to the tasks in the display. Identifying whether an equation is doable, or not, is a key skill that needs learning. PREP: This display has been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind: No round corners, so you can print, cut and display. This display was designed to take up minimal room (fits nicely down the side of the IWB or down one side of a maths working wall) THIS DISPLAY DOES NOT LOOK AS EFFECTIVE WHEN LAMINATED. ALL YEAR GROUP NUMBER OF THE DAY STACKED DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. **This work is my intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.**


Kagan peer/collaborative SATs learning review lesson. Print and go lesson LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP – Real World Educational Resources LO: to identify equivalent fractions: 1/2 1/4 3/4 1 whole RULES Whole class activity Give each group a set of (different coloured) cards. Students to discuss which fraction is equivalent to the fraction on the corner cards which have been place in the corners of the room with plastic tubs attached to them with command hooks. They place their card in the correct tub (this is why they need different coloured cards (to identify misconceptions) Adpated from Four-Corners, Kagan (2009)
Y2 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y2 NC LOs

Y2 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y2 NC LOs

Year 2 Print and Go easy prep display**: starter, ice breaker, time filler, use to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity, aligned with most of the Y2 LOs. A fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and mental recall of mathematical skills. Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. **NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards for Year 2 learners. ** There are 44 NC aligned activities in this set for whole class use. Use the entire set all for a year round display or display only the Los you choose to focus on. You will find that some of the numbers you select will not relate to the tasks in the display. Identifying whether an equation is doable, or not, is a key skill that needs learning. PREP: This display has been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind: No round corners, so you can print, cut and display. This display was designed to take up minimal room (fits nicely down the side of the IWB or down one side of a maths working wall) THIS DISPLAY DOES NOT LOOK AS EFFECTIVE WHEN LAMINATED. ALL YEAR GROUP NUMBER OF THE DAY STACKED DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. **This work is my intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.**
Y1 count in 2s from 1 and 0, counting on/back in 2s from any given number I have...Who Has...?

Y1 count in 2s from 1 and 0, counting on/back in 2s from any given number I have...Who Has...?

Year 1 Print and Go Place Value Collaborative Activity: starter, ice breaker, time filler, to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity (answer sheet included). Aligned with Y1 NC LO. FIVE activities included: Set 1. count in 2s from 1 Set 2. count in 2s from 0 Set 3. counting on in 2s from any given number (give the next 5 numbers) Set 4. count back 2 from any given number Sey 5. counting back in2s from any given number (give the 5 numbers before) Fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and recall information Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards. I have also included a prompt page (answer sheet) which lists the answer, the question and the place value to be rounded to, to ensure staff can follow the game and quick help those children who may struggle. PREP: These cards have been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind and have been sized to ensure that one page of cards fit into one laminate sheet should you wish to laminate. No round corners, so you can print, cut and play. RULES Whole class activity. Children stand and the teacher reads out the ‘start’ card. The children check their card to see if the number at the top of their card has the correct answer. The child says I have… and reads out the answer, then asks who has… and repeat… the game should (if all kiddos get their values correct) go all the way to the end card. Shuffle and play over and over again. Have fun! **THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. Other year groups to come, so keep popping back to check. This work is my own intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.
Y1 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y1 NC LOs

Y1 Number of the Day Stacked Display Aligned with Y1 NC LOs

Year 1 Print and Go easy prep display**: starter, ice breaker, time filler, use to address specific need, plenary or active SATs revision activity, aligned with most of the Y1 LOs. A fun and easy, tried and tested activity to help develop skills and mental recall of mathematical skills. Learners can work in pairs for LA support or as individuals. **NC: This set has been designed to align with the National Curriculum expected standards for Year 1 learners. ** There are 27 NC aligned activities in this set for whole class use. Use the entire set all for a year round display or display only the Los you choose to focus on. You will find that some of the numbers you select will not relate to the tasks in the display. Identifying whether an equation is doable, or not, is a key skill that needs learning. PREP: This display has been designed with minimal prep and wastage in mind: No round corners, so you can print, cut and display. This display was designed to take up minimal room (fits nicely down the side of the IWB or down one side of a maths working wall) THIS DISPLAY DOES NOT LOOK AS EFFECTIVE WHEN LAMINATED. ALL YEAR GROUP NUMBER OF THE DAY STACKED DISPLAY ARE AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP. THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHER TOPICS AVAILABLE IN MY SHOP: Real World Educational Resources. **This work is my intellectual property, and my sole income, and as such I will endeavour to protect it as such. With this product you have purchased a licence for your personal use of my product. You many not share this with another party: neither within the same school or academy nor online. If you wish to purchase a school or academy licence please contact me to discuss your options.**