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KS3 Buddhism Unit (Booklet, PP, & SOW)
Full and comprehensive Buddhism unit for KS3 RE (ideally year 8). 11 Lessons + Assessment.
**Lesson titles: **
1 Life of the Buddha
2 3 marks of being
3 4 Noble Truths
4 Noble Eightfold Path
5 The 5 Precepts
6 Monks & Nuns
7 Festivals
8 Symbols in Buddhism & Shrines
9 Death and the Afterlife
10 Different kinds of Buddhists
11 Meditation
12 Assessment
Bonus tasks
Also contains student self writen glossary, fact file, AfL checkpoints, challenge questions, and bonus tasks. All lessons follow Bloom inspired thinking skills progress: Connect it, know it, apply it, analyse it, create it.
Easy printable format with corresponding Scheme of Work and Powerpoint.
Can be adaptable for your classes needs. Easy to follow along in class or as revision/HW project.

Augustine on Human Nature (A-Level)
**A LEVEL OCR Developments in Christian Thought (RE) Unit: Augustine and Human Nature **
7 lesson Powerpoint,
Extra Reading
Revision Cards
Assessment questions
Essay structure guide
Revision quiz/snakes and ladders questions

A -Level Religious Education Essay Writing Skills Pack
A-Level RE OCR essay writing skills pack
Students making the jump from GCSE to A-Level need much support in how to write essays. This pack includes a multitude of resources for your RE a-level students. The pack was designed with the OCR RE course in mind but it can adapted to suit other exam boards.
Essay Writing Skills Powerpoint (approx 2 hrs long) which runs through AO1 and AO2, how to analyse, how to plan, how to understand the question and more.
Mark Schemes
5 essay plan templates
2 example essays
a ‘build your own’ essay worksheet and example essay + a marked version.
A booklet containing essay structure templates
A worksheet designed to improve analytic skills at a paragraph level

A-Level Philosophy: Plato (OCR)
Full Year 12 unit on Ancient Philosophy Plato for the OCR exam board.
Unit includes:
Diagrams of all analogies
Example essays, including marked and highlighted ones
Extra reading
Revision (Knowledge Test, Checklist, Revision sheet)
This unit is suitable for A-Level students studying the OCR exam board.

A-Level Philosophy Soul Body Mind -(OCR)
This whole unit covers the OCR Alevel unit on Soul, Body and Mind.
It includes:
Example Essays
Revision Game
Assessment Questions

A-Level Philosophy Aristotle (OCR)
Complete unit for OCR A-Level unit on Aristotle.
Unit includes:
Plato and Aristotle Comparison
Revision Game
Example Essays
Knowledge Test

AQA GCSE Judaism Revision Work book
Judaism revision pack for AQA GCSE RE.
Could be altered for different exam boards.
Concept and definition match up activity.
Death and Mourning ritual mind map templates, with timeline, anagrams, and exam style questions.
Summary timeline activity for Abraham and Moses with targeted key word recall and questioning.
Stepping stone activity about the Nature of G-d with exam style questions and true or false task.
Worship and synagogue worksheet.
Quote and teachings for 5 and 12 marker activity, with differentiated questioning about Jewish festivals.

AQA RE GCSE Reference/Revision Mats
4 Revision/Reference Mats for GCSE RE AQA Themes: A,B,D, & E.
Useful for revision or as a reference sheet during extended writing or exam style questions.
Includes brief summary of Christian and Jewish thought on each topic as well as a selection of useful quotes.
Short, easy to read, printable so pupils can have a copy in their books.

AQA GCSE Christianity Revision Work book
**A pack of revision worksheets for GCSE Christian beliefs and practices. **
Suitable for GCSE students of all ages from year 9-11. Differentiation included on several worksheets, also inlcudes exam skills practice as well as content revision.
Can be adapted to suit other GCSE exam boards.
*Christian Beliefs Pack: *
Match the concept to the quote/detail (covers most of the unit)
Stepping stone activity about the life of Jesus + exam style questions.
Problem of evil worksheet with 5 and 12 marker question breakdowns.
Sin and Salvation differentiated questioning worksheet
Question the Question worksheet
Analysis and Evaluation improvement worksheet
7.Peek-a-boo revision worksheet template.
Christian Practices Pack
Crossword puzzle that covers whole unit
Know thy Quote! Quote worksheet + exam style questions
Holy Week and Easter revision + exam style questions.
Worship activities with differentiated questioning
5 marker question breakdown and practice
Quote learning and application worksheet.
Whole unit mind map template.

A-level Essay Writing guide- RS/Ethics
I made this guide for a group of low ability pupils who really struggled to understand how to begin writing a-level answers.
It is catered to Religious Studies AQA but can be adapted for different exam boards and/or subjects.