Featured resources

Features of a Newspaper Report
This can be used as a starter activity to remind students of some of the main features of a newspaper report. It can be used as a lead on for writing their own reports.

Frankenstein scheme of work
Designed for a high ability KS4 class, this presentation introduces Mary Shelley, the Gothic Horror genre and the novel Frankenstein with its main characters and background.
It has been designed to be a guide to the novel with pre- and post reading tasks introducing literary terms such as foreshadowing, allusion etc.

KS1 and EAL Reading + comprehension
This resource is suitable for KS1 students, mainly Year 1 students who have already learned the sounds corresponding to the letters a-z as well as the /ch/, /sh/ and /th/ sounds.
Sights words are also found in the resource, which can also be effectively used for KS1 and above students of low level EAL knowledge.

Present Simple, Present Continuous board game
Fun resource for both primary and secondary students (even adults, actually) to practise the present simple and present continuous tenses in an exciting way.
The game can help develop your students’ group work skills while also adding a bit of cross-curricular knowledge to be showed off in your lesson.
Additional resources needed: a die or two dice.

A beautiful pdf presentation all about homophones. It includes tasks, easily confused words, clear explanations, loads of examples etc.
It can best be used in KS3 classes or in KS4 for revision.
The attached worksheets come in easy, medium and difficult levels and have an answer sheet attched so students can assess their work themselves or in groups.
Please note, that the spelling is according to the American version.

Run-on Sentences Lesson Plan
As run-on sentences are a major issue in students' writing, I have prepared a presentation that will hopefully help address this issue. Ideal for teachers who aren't afraid of teaching a bit of grammar!

AQA Non-fiction texts
Suitable for lower or middle set groups.
An introduction to non-fiction texts with tasks to help identify main points and find evidence for question 1 in the AQA language exam.

Poetry assessment
This assessment is for KS3 students who have learned about similes, metaphors and have experience in writing P.E.E.(+E) paragraphs to demonstrate their understanding.
The poem in the assessment is Maya Angelou’s ‘Caged Bird’.
You can create your own point system.

This presentation in pdf and Keynote format teaches what prefixes and suffixes are with some tasks to keep learners interested. It is also a great way to teach root words and to decipher the meaning of seemingly complicated words.
Besides being useful, the presentation is pretty, too!

An updated version of my free Ozymandias presentation/lesson plan.
The two lessons are designed to demonstrate progress in a low to middle ability group. A digital painting of the poem is included allowing students to visualize what they have read.

Basic punctuation
This colourful presentation is an eye-catching revision tool to help consolidate knowledge on and revise basic punctuation marks (full stop/period, question mark, exclamation mark, comma, colon, semicolon, apostrophe). The presentation clearly explains the most important functions of basic punctuation marks and provides examples.
It is suitable for KS3 and KS4 classes.

Writing practice booklet
A pretty booklet for those teaching writing to Grade 1 students. A sticker collecting page with 5 stickers already there is at the end.

Unseen poem
This pdf and Keynote presentation prepares students for unseen poetry analysis through detailed information on meter, form, aspects of poetry to focus on in an analysis, the P.E.E. + E. technique and sample paragraphs focusing on structure, theme, language based on the poem Ozymandias.
It also contains a past IGCSE unseen poem with highlighted words/phrases linked to the exam question.

Word classes
A lesson teaching the major word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) with tasks to complete and THE BEST WORD CLASS GAME ever! ;-)
The lesson is suitable for both primary and lower level KS3, KS4 students (mainly for revision). The game will be enjoyed by all including teachers.

Writing to describe and narrate
This is a detailed presentation on writing to describe and narrate in pdf and Keynote formats. The presentation includes examples of higher and lower grade responses, and teaches sentences types, classes of conjunctions, effective use of structure, a table with time words for chronology etc.
This can be used in a lesson to teach new material but also for revision.