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Tony's Workspace Shop

Tony has been an Economics, Business Studies and Accounting teacher in several International schools and colleges for the past 15 years. He is also an Examiner of Economics with the Cambridge Exam Board. He holds a Masters degree in Economics. You can watch his videos that simplify economics on his Youtube channel; 'Tony's Workspace'. His passion is to apply technology to simplify and make learning more appealing.

Tony has been an Economics, Business Studies and Accounting teacher in several International schools and colleges for the past 15 years. He is also an Examiner of Economics with the Cambridge Exam Board. He holds a Masters degree in Economics. You can watch his videos that simplify economics on his Youtube channel; 'Tony's Workspace'. His passion is to apply technology to simplify and make learning more appealing.


The presentation is lesson 1 of Economics. It is a basic introduction to Economics. For more Powerpoint Notes from this Author, Click on this Link to purchase a full set of AS Level Notes https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-12-economics-cambridge-presentations-powerpoint-notes-12963248


This is a Poweroint presentation based on the Video; A new king of the Jungle Episode 2 available on Propa Kids Leadership Channel. It has been used in various schools, homes and forums to train Year 3 and 4 students on leadership principles and character development . Leadership Toolkit is a workbook with a more detailed analysis of not just the Episode 2 Video, but all the 7 Videos comprising of A New King of the Jungle series. The book has been used effectively to train numerous 8-10 year old learners. You can get a copy on amazon kindle.


This is a Poweroint presentation based on the Video; A new king of the Jungle Episode 1; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-4FxbMPuQ&list=UULF9cgozD9evpifGDofnLL8YA&index=13 It has been used in various schools, homes and forums to train Year 3 and 4 students on leadership principles and character development . Leadership Toolkit is a workbook with a more detailed analysis of not just the Episode 1 Videobut all the 7 Videos comprising of A New King of the Jungle series. The book has been used effectively to train numerous 8-10 year old learners . You can get a copy on https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CQTWL9SS You can obtain the Facilitator’s Manual on; https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CQYWL9KV
FINANCIAL LITERACY PRESENTATIONS- A guide to financial independence

FINANCIAL LITERACY PRESENTATIONS- A guide to financial independence

This resource compriseing of 3 Pwerpoint Presentations exposes the learners to the fundametals of financial literacy and planning. It is ideal for teachers parents and students. We discuss concepts such as; What is Financial Literacy Distinguishing between Needs & Wants Borrowing and Credit cards Financial Independence Wealth and Investment In addition we examine powerful metaphors from the big five animals and how their behaviour can teach us valuable lessons on managing our income and wealth.


THIS IS A PRESENTATION CONTAINING NOTES ON – Profitability ratios including: gross margin, mark up, profit margin, return on capital employed, expenses to revenue ratio (operating expenses to revenue ratio) – Liquidity ratios including: current ratio, liquid (acid test) ratio


PREFACE At midnight, the adventurers began a journey. A journey into the darkness. But even after arriving at their destination, they found themselves sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness of retrogressive mindsets, presided over by a repressive regime. Someone needed to illuminate the thick darkness. But the darkness was serving the interests of the kleptocratic king and his minions. The harder the adventurers fought to usher in a new dispensation, the harder the corrupt forces of darkness fought back to maintain the status quo. CHAPTER 1 When lady eagle, lady flamingo and lady butterfly had saved up enough money they bought camping tents and flew to Indopoopa Jungle. They were joined by eagle, flamingo and three eaglets. They started their journey at midnight and by 11 a.m. they had arrived at their destination. They were surprised to see meerkats eating fermented fruits from the marula tree and getting drunk. The meerkats behaved in a disorderly manner and swore at each other. When they saw eagle and lady eagle, they ran away and hid in their holes. “We are not here to harm you,” said lady eagle. “We are just here to have some adventure.” “That is true,” said lady butterfly. “Please join us.” The meerkats were not sure whether to trust the visitors. They sent a little meerkat to greet the visitors. They watched from their underground homes to see if the little meerkat would be harmed. When she was not harmed, they sent five more daughters. The little meerkats began to play with the eaglets. When eagle saw this, he challenged the bigger meerkats. “Come out from your homes you cowards,” he said. “Stop sending the little ones.” The meerkat leader staggered out of his home and cautiously approached the visitors. Suddenly, a falcon appeared in the sky and all the meerkats fled into their homes. When the falcon saw that the meerkats had disappeared into their holes, he decided to grab one of the eaglets. He flew down like a bolt of lightning, but before he could get to the eaglets, eagle and lady eagle got up quickly. One grabbed falcon by the head and the other grabbed falcon’s wings. “You are hurting me,” cried falcon…


This resource explores the topic of leadership using powerful metaphors that present the learner with a lasting imagery of great leadership principles. We take a peek into the lives of the Eagle, the Ant and the Hen and learn ways in which these animals metaphorically demonstrate leadership capabilities. The Seven Presentations are structured in a way that teenagers can understand and enjoy. It can be used by teachers, parents and students and is an invaluable resource for PSHE / Citizenship lessons on Leadership or for training prefects on the qualities of a good leader. It comprises of 7 Powerpoint presentations that explore the different qualities required to become a great leader. These are easy to follow Powerpoint lessons where no prior planning, printing or preparation is required. It contains numerous thought-provoking questions that will promote critical thinking. The resource is designed to be delivered as seven 45 minute sessions. No previous knowledge in the subject area is required and the lesson is easily deliverable. The Presentations include: LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE EAGLE LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE ANT- SESSION 1 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE ANT-SESSION 2 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE HEN -PART 1 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE HEN -PART 2 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE HEN -PART 3 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM THE HEN -PART 4


This resource is a powerful and essential tool in helping teenagers to become better managers of their time and to inspire them to develop habits, attitudes and behaviours that will maximize their productivity in and out of school. This self-management pack contains 5 Powerpoint presentations that can be delivered in 5 sessions of 45 minutes each. We explore the following topics; EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT STEPPING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE CULTIVATING A STRONG WORK ETHIC RUNNING YOUR RACE WELL CULTIVATING EMPATHY
LEADING WITH COURAGE- 6 Powerful Powerpoint Presentations

LEADING WITH COURAGE- 6 Powerful Powerpoint Presentations

This resource explores the topic of Courage in leadership in a way that teenagers can understand and enjoy. It can be used by teachers, parents and students and is an invaluable resource for PSHE / Citizenship lessons on Leadership or for training prefects on the qualities of a good leader. It comprises of 6 Powerpoint presentations that explore the different aspects of Courage required in becoming a great leader. These are easy to follow Powerpoint lessons where no prior planning, printing or preparation is required. It contains numerous thought-provoking questions that will promote critical thinking. The resource is designed to be delivered as six 45 minute sessions. No previous knowledge in the subject area is required and the lesson is easily deliverable. The Presentations include: THE COURAGE TO BE DIFFERENT- (BE THE BEST FOR THE WORLD) THE COURAGE TO DREAM BIG- (GROWING INTO YOUR DREAM) THE COURAGE TO GROW- (BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT GROWTH) THE COURAGE TO GO THE EXTRA MILE- (THE EXTRA COST OF BECOMING A CHAMPION) THE COURAGE TO KEEP YOUR FOCUS- (STARVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS) THE COURAGE TO SPEAK YOUR MIND- (EVEN IF YOUR VOICE SHAKES)
YEAR 11 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 4 (Government and the macroeconomy)

YEAR 11 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 4 (Government and the macroeconomy)

Consolidate your understanding of the IGCSE Cambridge 0455 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 4: Government and the macroeconomy - MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the Government and the macroeconomy, an important topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 174 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge IGCSE Economics Topic 4 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the Government and the macroeconomy Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 4. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of government macroeconomics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 0455 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. This resource comprises of 174 Economics topical multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise according to the latest Cambridge IGCSE Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 4.1 The role of government (10 Questions) 4.2 The macroeconomic aims of government (15 Questions) 4.3 Fiscal policy (33 Questions) 4.4 Monetary policy (14 Questions) 4.5 Supply-side policy (18 Questions) 4.6 Economic growth (21 Questions) 4.7 Employment and unemployment (36 Questions) 4.8 Inflation and deflation (27 Questions)
YEAR 10 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 3 (Microeconomic decision makers)

YEAR 10 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 3 (Microeconomic decision makers)

Consolidate your understanding of the IGCSE Cambridge 0455 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 3: Microeconomic decision makers - MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the Microeconomic decision makers, an important topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 129 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 3 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the Microeconomic decision makers Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 3. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 0455 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. This resource comprises of 129 Economics topical multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise according to the latest Cambridge IGCSE Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 3.1 Money and banking (13 Questions) 3.2 Households (14 Questions) 3.3 Workers (20 Questions) 3.4 Trade unions (14 Questions) 3.5 Firms (25 Questions) 3.6 Firms and production (7 Questions) 3.7 Firms’ costs, revenue and objectives (24 Questions) 3.8 Market structure (12 Questions)
YEAR 10 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 2 (The allocation of resources)

YEAR 10 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 2 (The allocation of resources)

Consolidate your understanding of the IGCSE Cambridge 0455 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 2: The allocation of resources - MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the allocation of resources, a foundational topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 131 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge IGCSE Economics Topic 2 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of The allocation of resources Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 2. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of basic Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 0455 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. This resource comprises of 131 Economics topical multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise according to the latest Cambridge IGCSE Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 2.1 Microeconomics and macroeconomics (16 Questions) 2.2 The role of markets in allocating resources (10 Questions) 2.3 Demand (20 Questions) 2.4 Supply (14 Questions) 2.5 Price determination**(14 Questions)** 2.6 Price Changes**(9 Questions)** 2.7 Price elasticity of demand (PED)(14 Questions) 2.8 Price elasticity of supply (PES)(10 Questions) 2.9 Market economic system**(7 Questions)** 2.10 Market failure**(14 Questions)** 2.11 Mixed economic system**(4 Questions)**
YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 6 (International economic issues)

YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 6 (International economic issues)

Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 6: International economic issues- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the International economic issues, an important topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 110 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 6 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The Topical Economics MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the International economic issues Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 6. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of basic Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 110 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 6.1 The reasons for international trade (29 Questions) 6.2 Protectionism (19 Questions) 6.3 Current account of the balance of payments (21 Questions) 6.4 Exchange rates (21 Questions) 6.5 Policies to correct imbalances in the current account of the balance of payments (20 Questions)
YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 5 (Government macroeconomic intervention)

YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 5 (Government macroeconomic intervention)

Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 5: Government macroeconomic intervention- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the basics of Economics, a foundational topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 107 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 1 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The Topical Economics MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the Government macroeconomic intervention Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 5. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of basic Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 107 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 5.1 Government macroeconomic policy objectives (23 Questions) 5.2 Fiscal policy (36 Questions) 5.3 Monetary policy (29 Questions) 5.4 Supply Side policy (19 Questions)
YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 1 (Basic economic ideas and resource allocation)

YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 1 (Basic economic ideas and resource allocation)

Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 1: Basic economic ideas and resource allocation- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the basics of Economics, a foundational topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 110 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 1 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The Topical Economics MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the basic Economic Problem Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 1. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of basic Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 110 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 1.1 Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost (23 Questions) 1.2 Economic methodology (16 Questions) 1.3 Factors of production (22 Questions) 1.4 Resource allocation in different economic systems (12 Questions) 1.5 Production possibility curves (22 Questions) 1.6 Classification of goods and services (15 Questions)


Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 4: The Macroeconomy- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the Macroeconomic environment, a key topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical Economics MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 126 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 4 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The Topical MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the Macroeconomy Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 4. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 126 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 4.1 National income statistics (10 Questions) 4.2 Introduction to the circular flow of income (18 Questions) 4.3 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply analysis (44 Questions) 4.4 Economic growth (12 Questions) 4.5 Unemployment (8 Questions) 4.6 Price stability (34 Questions)
YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 3 (Government microeconomic intervention)

YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 3 (Government microeconomic intervention)

Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 3: Government microeconomic intervention- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of Government microeconomic intervention, a foundational topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical Economics MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 104 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 3 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: The Topical MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the Government microeconomic intervention Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 3. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of Economics concepts, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 104 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 3.1 Reasons for government intervention in markets (30 Questions) 3.2 Methods and effects of government intervention in markets (41 Questions) 3.3 Addressing income and wealth inequality (33 Questions)
YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 2 (The price system and the microeconomy)

YEAR 12 TOPIC-WISE CAMBRIDGE ECONOMICS MCQS- TOPIC 2 (The price system and the microeconomy)

Consolidate your understanding of the AS Level Cambridge 9708 Economics curriculum with our comprehensive revision resource, “Topic 2: The price system and the microeconomy- MCQs.” This resource is designed to solidify students’ understanding of the basics of Economics, a foundational topic in the study of and understanding of Economics. Resource Overview: Our Topical Economics MCQs are an important tool for both teachers and students, featuring 116 questions drawn from a cross section of past papers. One document comes with answers and one without answers. This adaptability allows for flexible use in the classroom, thereby supporting various teaching strategies and assessment needs. It can adequately test the understanding of all Cambridge Economics Topic 2 concepts and can be used effectively to assess and enhance knowledge, application and analysis skills. Key Features: Comprehensive Question Set: TheTopical MCQ set includes assorted questions covering all aspects of the price system and the microeconomy Topic. The questions are designed to challenge students and cement their understanding of the topic. The version with answers is an indispensable tool for teachers, providing answers to each question. This can be used for quick reference during lessons or as a tool for grading. The version without answers is an indispensable tool for student assessments. Teachers can use this as a formal test to evaluate student comprehension and identify areas that need further review. Students can also use it for effective revision of topic 2. Enhances Understanding: By practicing with these MCQs, students can reinforce their knowledge of the price system and the microeconomy, build confidence in their problem-solving ability, and improve performance in their Exams. Alignment with Cambridge Syllabus: Our questions are specifically tailored to the Cambridge 9708 Economics syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams. The content aligns with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabus, making it an effective study aid. It comprises of 116 Economics multiple choice questions (and mark scheme) arranged topic wise in accordance with the latest Cambridge AS Level Economics Syllabus. The topical questions are drawn from the following sub-topics; 2.1 Demand and supply curves (21 Questions) 2.2 Price elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity of demand (28 Questions) 2.3 Price elasticity of supply (16 Questions) 2.4 The interaction of demand and supply (37 Questions) 2.5 Consumer and producer surplus (14 Questions)