Hampshire Science teacher's ShopAverage Rating2.75(based on 4 reviews)Science teacher's resources for all 3 sciences from KS3 to KS5 Edit shopAdd a resource
toddy24GCSE chemistry topic 9 pollution from fossil fuels(0)Complete lesson on the effect fossils fuels have, students create a poster based on the information given to them from the powerpoint.
toddy24Reacting masses for magnesium and oxygen(0)lesson for GCSE chemistry on the reaction of magnesium and oxygen, leads students on the mole calculations for the reaction.
toddy247G introduction to solids, liquids and gases(0)lesson on 7G particles, practical where students look at slime and try to link to solid liquid or gas
toddy24Chemical equations(0)A lesson on how to balance word and symbol equations could be used for KS3 or GCSE. I uses chemical reactions between acids and metals to help guide students on how to name salts.
toddy24Working out rates of reaction(0)Lesson on how to work out the rate of reaction from data and a graph. For the new GCSE 1-9 course.
toddy24GCSE chemsitry unit 9, green house effect.(0)Full lesson on GCSE chemistry unit 9 the atmosphere, lesson the green house effect. Has data and exam question for the end of lesson or HW