three different worksheets
All focus on using the ‘x’ symbol for multiplication
LA- using visuals
MA- drawing/ using resources
HA- investigaing different ways
KS1/ Year 2 partitioning 2 digit numbers using the part whole model and base 10/ diennes. Challenges included on MA/ HA sheets. Interactive ActiveInspire uses base 10 to show how to partition.
Who is Allah? Why is he important in Islam? What does his name mean and what are his qualities? Interactive PP to use as lesson starter. Children then mindmapped the different names of Allah and what they meant.
PowerPoint and worksheet (one for mixed ability) that teaches to the year 4 objective of rounding to the nearest 10. Worksheet includes 3 varied fluency questions and 2 reasoning/problem solving questions
KS1/ Year 2 lesson on division using lego arrays. Cut lego arrays for children to choose and write matching division sentences. Includes challenges on the inverse of division/ multiplication
Year 2 worksheet on finding a fraction of a shape in different ways. Three sheets included (LA, MA and HA) with a challenge on each from White Rose maths scheme for Year 2
3 sheets for LA MA HA with an interactive ActiveInspire to teach from. Focuses on partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones showing a range of resources e.g. base 10, straws, bead string.
Mixed ability lesson for Year 4 with the focus on Roman Numerals.
The PP goes through the historical context of what they are and why they were used. It also explains the common rules to follow to identify the number represented by the Roman Numerals. The PP is linked to the activities:
Task 1a - lollipop activity in partners or small groups
Task 1b- fluency
Tasks 2a/b - reasoning and problem solving
All adapted from White Rose Maths