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Edexcel B Geography NEW SPEC 2016 People and the Biosphere
Designed using the Edexcel B GCSE Geography SOW, Unit 3, topic 7: People and the Biosphere, 4 lessons.
Includes differentiated PowerPoints, HW tasks, Extension sheets etc.

Edexcel B Geography NEW SPEC 2016 Consuming Energy Resources
A whole Unit of work: 8 lessons
Designed using the Edexcel B GCSE Geography SOW, Unit 3, topic 9: Consuming Energy Resources.
Includes differentiated PowerPoints, HW tasks, Extension sheets, group projects etc.

Edexcel B Geography NEW SPEC 2016 Forests Under Threat
Designed using the Edexcel B GCSE Geography SOW, Unit 3, topic 8: Forests Under Threat, 10 lessons.
Includes differentiated PowerPoints, HW tasks, Extension sheets, group projects etc.