We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.
We are a Tuition business located in London, UK. We offer engaging tuition by fully-qualified teachers. Our experienced educators possess a comprehensive grasp of the national curriculum, enabling them to craft customised learning materials.
This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths Summer Revision. It covers the core subtopics under Fractions-
Equivalent Fractions & Simplifying
Add Fractions
Subtract Fractions
Compare and Order Fractions
Multiply Fractions by Integers and Fractions
Divide Fractions by Integers
Fractions of an Amount
Missing Amounts
*3 additional pages of word problems.
The booklet contains 12 pages of work using pictorial representations, abstract calculations and bar models to consolidate Year 6 Fractions Curriculum. The final page contains an answer key.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000 using place value charts to support all learners.
The final two pages include challenging word problem questions.
This resources is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers equivalent fractions using pictorial representations, bar models and number lines to support all learners.
This resources is designed for Year 5 Maths. It covers calculating fractions of an amount with simple step-by-step guides. It includes bar model representations to abstract number sentences as well as a variety of arithmetic and word problem questions.
This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers classifying angles such as acute, right angle, obtuse, straight line and reflex. It also includes opportunities to measure and draw a variety of angles.
This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers solving for missing angles in a variety of triangles including equilateral, isosceles, right angle and scalene.
This resource also includes a problem solving page to challenge learners.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It focuses on dividing two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using flexible partitioning in part-whole models.
This resource also includes a page of problem solving questions to challenge all learners.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers converting between fractions, decimals and percentages with a step by step guide and hundreds squares to support all learners.
The final page includes challenging word problems.
This resource is designed for Year 6 Maths Summer Revision. It covers the core subtopics under Fractions Decimals and Percentages-
Round Decimals
Add & Subtract Decimals
Multiply and Divide Decimals by 10, 100 & 1,000
Multiply and Divide Decimals by Integers
Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalents
Percentages of an Amount (1-Step)
Percentages of an Amount (2-Step)
Percentage Missing Amounts
*3 additional pages of word problems.
The booklet contains 11 pages of work using number lines, place value charts, abstract calculations and bar models to consolidate Year 6 Fractions Decimals and Percentages Curriculum. The final page contains an answer key.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers dividing fractions by integers and other fractions in arithmetic style to consolidate learning. The final page includes word problem questions to challenge all learners.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers reading and interpreting pie charts including with percentages. This resource includes pictorial representations of pie charts and a step by step guide to support all learners.
It also includes word problems to challenge all learners.
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It focuses on dividing two-digit by one-digit numbers using part whole models to support all learners.
The resource also includes some challenging problem solving questions.
This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers finding 1, 10, 100, 1,000 more or less using dienes and sentence stems to support all learners. It also has a trick table challenge!
This resource is designed for Year 3 Maths. It focuses on multiplying two-digit by one-digit numbers using simple arithmetic calculations. The following pages focus on one-step as well as multi-step word problems.
This resources is designed for Year 6 Maths. It covers converting between metric units of measure such as grams, kilograms, millimetres, centimetres, kilometres, millilitres and litres. Questions are presented in both arithmetic and word problem formats to support and challenge all learners.
This resources is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers multiplying by 10 and 100 using place value charts. The final page includes a three step word problem challenge.
This resources is designed for Year 4 Maths. It covers mixed numbers using pictorial representations, counter fractions, bar models and in word problems.
This resource is designed for Year 4 Maths Summer Revision. It covers the core subtopics under addition -
*Add 1’s, 10’s, 100’s & 1,000’s;
*Adding 4 digit number with no exchange;
*Adding 4 digit numbers with one exchange;
*Adding 4 digit numbers with more than one exchange;
*Estimate Answers;
Checking Strategies;
3 additional pages of word problems.
The booklet contains 10 pages of work using bar models, place value charts and column method to consolidate Year 4 Addition Curriculum. The final page contains an answer key.