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Tutor Dashboard's Shop

Hello! Welcome to Tutor Dashboard! This shop contains educational resources for school pastoral leaders and tutors. You will find outstanding resources for PSHE, tutor time, assemblies, pastoral leadership and safeguarding. All resources are provided in editable format, so you are able to customise for your school context.

Hello! Welcome to Tutor Dashboard! This shop contains educational resources for school pastoral leaders and tutors. You will find outstanding resources for PSHE, tutor time, assemblies, pastoral leadership and safeguarding. All resources are provided in editable format, so you are able to customise for your school context.
Mental Health Toolbox

Mental Health Toolbox

This resource is a fantastic tutor time activity to do with any age group. An editable presentation is provided, which will guide you through the entire activity. Contained within the presentation is some information about the meaning of mental health and an activity to do as a whole group in building a toolbox.