Lesson plans, schemes of work, worksheets, PowerPoints and posters -here you will find a complete range of engaging art resources for EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3 that will make your life easier and that the children in your care will love.
Lesson plans, schemes of work, worksheets, PowerPoints and posters -here you will find a complete range of engaging art resources for EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3 that will make your life easier and that the children in your care will love.
This Lubaina Himid themed resource is ideal to use during Black History Month or for teaching about famous artists.
in 2017 Lubaina Himid became the first black woman to win the coveted Turner Prize for her artwork highlighting the stories of black people throughout history and the present day. This resource will introduce children to the colourful work of this Zanzibari artist and enable them to explore storytelling through art.
This resource includes two art activities which can be spread over a number of lessons or done all at once -The final outcome being an artist inspired abstract artwork that tells a story.
This resource includes:
An introduction to Lubaina Himid Powerpoint presentation
A storytelling art activity instruction Powerpoint presentation
An abstract art activity instruction Powerpoint presentation
Printable templates for differentiation
This resource has been used with children in years 3, 4,5 and 6 (KS2) but could equally be used with younger and older children too.
Minimal supplies are needed for the art activities- just white paper, pencils, erasers and something to colour with.
This resource introduces children to the colourful work of African artist Edward Tingatinga. This Tanzanian artist was completely self taught and created paintings inspired by the images found on mud huts. His work is bright and colourful and many say it has a simple childlike quality to it.
This resource will introduce children to the artist and what is now known as Tingatinga art. They will then go on to practice some of his techniques before creating their own piece of Tingatinga style artwork.
This resource includes:
Introduction to Tingatinga art presentation
Introduction to Edward Tingatinga presentation
Art practice instruction presentation
Art activity instruction presentation
Lesson plan
I have successfully used this resource with children in years 1, 2 and 3. It could also be used with younger and older age groups depending on ability.
Minimal supplies are needed for the activities- paper, pencils, erasers and something to colour with - paint could also be used if you are feeling brave!
This resource will enable children to learn all about Roman shield designs. They will look at favourite colours and shapes along with finding out why the Romans usually included eagle wings and thunderbolts on their shields. Working through this activity children will look at a variety of Roman emblems and motifs before moving on to plan and design their own, personalised shield using Roman shields as their inspiration.
This resource includes:
A presentation on Roman shield designs
Lesson plan
Templates for those that need additional support
This is a fun, engaging activity that requires minimal art supplies- just pencils, erasers and something to colour with.
This Chris Ofili themed resource is ideal to use during Black History Month or for teaching about famous artists.
Chris Ofili is a British / Nigerian artist who creates brightly coloured artwork based on the themes of black history and the lives of black people today.
This resource will introduce children to the artwork of Chris Ofili and enable them to create their own art piece inspired by one of his most famous portrait series.
The activity in this resource encourages children to look at colour and pattern and develops drawing skills
This resource includes:
An introduction to Chris Ofili Powerpoint presentation
An art activity instruction Powerpoint presentation
Printable template
Printable templates for differentiation
Inspiration images
This resource has been used with children in years 3, 4,5 and 6 (KS2) but could equally be used with younger and older children too.
Minimal supplies are needed for the art activities- just white paper, pencils, erasers and something to colour with. Extras like glitter and stickers can also be used but are not essential.
This Alma Thomas themed resource is ideal to use during Black History Month or for teaching about famous artists. Children will be first introduced to the life and brightly coloured art of this African American artist before creating their own collaged version of one of her most famous paintings.
This resource includes:
An all about Alma Thomas Powerpoint
An art activity instruction Powerpoint
A printable art activity instruction sheet
Printable template for differentiation
This resource has been used with children in years 1 and 2 (KS1) but could equally be used with younger and older children too.
This is a fun art activity that helps children develop their drawing skills while looking closely at fossils.
This activity will show children how to incorporate a range of art elements into their work including shade and tone, line and shape and texture.
This resource includes:
Activity instruction presentation
Facilitator notes
Templates for those that need additional support
Minimal supplies are needed just white paper, colouring pencils, a pencil and an eraser.
Day of the Dead is a two day Mexican celebration where the dead are honored and remembered. It is a time of joy and happiness, skulls are an important feature of the celebration and are seen everywhere.
This resource includes five skulls that can be coloured and decorated. The designs are of varying difficulty levels and include a blank one for those that want to completely design their own skull.
I have successfully used these templates with years 3,4,5 and 6 to create masks and bunting but they could also be used by both younger and older children.
I also have Day of the Dead themed colouring pages available and a Day of the Dead presentation which offers a good introduction to the event.
This resource introduces children to the colourful world of Ndebele art found in South Africa.
Children can view the video or presentation and then, inspired by what they have seen create their own model Ndebele hut from paper.
This activity enables children to consider art from a different culture, allows them to explore the use of pattern and colour along with providing an opportunity for model making.
For this activity children will need something to add colour with (crayons, pens, pastels and pencils are all good) scissors and glue or tape.
This resource includes:
Presentation (pdf format)
Presentation (video format)
Printable template and instructions
Ideal to for children at KS1 and KS2.
Create a buzz around the General Election by getting children to design and make their own campaign posters.
This activity includes a short (15 slides) presentation explaining what a campaign poster is, its purpose and what makes a good one. The presentation includes lots of real poster examples spanning the last one hundred years or so.
After watching the presentation children will move onto the worksheets where they will need to select a political party to make a campaign poster for and following the prompts, gather their ideas together. Children will then plan and create their campaign poster before finally reviewing their work.
This activity can be done in small groups or individually. The final poster can be made using the template or larger paper could be used.
This resource is aimed at those studying at KS2 level but it could also be suitable for other age groups depending on ability.
This resource includes:
An introduction to general election posters presentation
4 worksheet pages.
Bernard Hoyes is an American artist whose work is largely inspired by his Jamaican heritage. As a child he went to live with an aunt in the countryside. It was here that he became aware of rituals and traditions surrounding religion, these traditions and spirituality are constant themes in his work.
This resource will introduce children to the colourful world of Bernard Hoyes, enable them to learn how to create a sense of movement in their own work, learn about complimentary colours and teach them how to create their own piece of Bernard Hoyes artwork.
This resource includes:
An introduction to Bernard Hoyes presentation,
An activity instruction presentation,
Differentiated worksheets to practice using colour and line,
A template for those that need extra support
This resource has ben successfully used with years 1, 2 and 3.
Ony basic art supplies are needed to complete the activities.
This is a great activity to do during the Winter months.
This resource first introduces children to the American Folk artist Grandma Moses before guiding them to create a Winter landscape in her style.
This activity teaches children how to create perspective in their artwork, create artwork in a folk art style and encourages them to draw from memory.
This resource includes:
An introduction powerpoint,
An Activity instruction powerpoint
Printable template for those that need more support.
This resource has been used with children at KS2 level but it could also work well with other age groups too depending on ability.
Minimal supplies are needed- paper and pencils plus something to add colour with. This is a good activity to use watercolour paints with but crayons, pastels or pencils are just as good.
This fun drawing practice resource will enable children to hone and develop their drawing skills while being inspired by Van Gogh’s most famous artworks.
This resource contains 5 different printable activities that each focus on a different drawing skill. Children will practice observing, drawing from their imagination,drawing from secondary sources, creating movement, creating texture and using colour effectively.
This resource is ideal for using with Van Gogh themed projects, European artist projects or as a stand-alone skills practice activity.
The worksheets are self explanatory and minimal supplies are needed making this resource ideal for cover lessons.
This resource is ideal for teaching children about Aboriginal art and using patterns and symbols.
Children will first learn about Aboriginal x-ray art, complete a worksheet where they practice creating Aboriginal style patterns and motifs and then be guided to create their own piece of Aboriginal style artwork based on a fish.
This is a full resource that includes:
Lesson plan
Introduction to Aboriginal x-ray art presentation
Worksheet (differentiated)
Fish templates
X-ray examples
Activity instruction presentation
I have used this successfully with years 1 and 2 and children have produced really nice artwork that can be hung on the wall.
The main activity is written for children to use crayons but, chalk, pastel or paint could also be used. Otherwise minimal supplies are needed- pencils, erasers and black paper.
Another more general Aboriginal Art presentation is also available https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11902001
This resource introduces children to the colourful work of British Artist Peter Blake. Children will complete one activity that focuses on shapes and letters and one that tasks children to create an ‘I love… poster’ in the iconic style of Peter Blake.
This resource is great for helping children to get to know each other and it works well as cover lesson material too.
Just basic art materials are needed- a pencil and something to colour with.
I have successfully used this with children in years 3,4 and 5
A brief introduction to the artwork and style of Edward Tingatinga.
This resource is useful for anyone teaching African art in general, artwork from Tanzania or specifically the work of Edward Tingatinga and his followers. It is meant as an introduction and is a good starting point for creative projects.
This Wassily Kandinsky themed resource is ideal for teaching about abstract art and famous artists along with reinforcing knowledge of primary colours.
Kandinsky was a Russian artist who is widely considered as the father of abstract art.
This resource will introduce children to the artist and enable them to create their own piece of abstract art inspired by one of Kandinsky’s most famous paintings.
This resource includes:
An introduction to Wassily Kandinsky presentation
An abstract art activity instruction presentation
Printable templates for differentiation
Lesson plan
This resource has been used with children in years 1, 2 and 3 but could equally be used with younger and older children too.
Minimal supplies are needed for the art activity- just white paper, pencils, erasers and something to colour with.
This is a fun art activity to do particularly around Harvest time.
Children are first introduced to the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his famous fruit and vegetable faces before creating their own collaged versions.
This resource includes:
An introduction to Giuseppe Arcimboldo presentation
Activity instruction presentation
Fruit and vegetable printables
Printable frame
I have successfully used this activity with years 3,4 and 5 but it could also be used with younger and older children too.
Minimal art supplies are needed- scissors, glue and something to colour with.
The kimono is the national dress of Japan. Traditionally made of silk, it is a beautiful, long dress with wide sleeves.
This resource enables children to design their own kimono using Japanese patterned paper and a collage technique. Children need to cut or tear the patterned papers and then glue them onto the kimono template.Once dry the kimono can be cut out and displayed.
This is a fun and engaging activity that produces individual and creative results.
This resource has been used with children aged 4 -7 but could be suitable for other age groups too.
This resource includes:
A kimono template
10 different Japanese pattern papers
This resource is a 15 page presentation on Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
The presentation includes when, where, why, how and by who this colourful festival is celebrated.
This presentation is a great introduction to Dia de los Muertos and acts as a starting point to a whole range of other activities.
I have successfully used this with children in years 2,3,4,5 and 6 as an introduction to the celebration before completing skull themed art activities.
This is a fun Pop Art activity with a Winter themed twist.
Children will be first introduced to Pop Art and the Prince of Pop- Artist Andy Warhol before creating their own Winter themed Pop Art pieces.
This resource includes-
A power point presentation on Pop Art and Andy Warhol
3 different Winter themed Pop Art templates
1 blank template
Printable instructions.
This is a great activity to review work on colours, learn about an art style and famous artist along with doing something seasonal.
This resource would also work well as a cover lesson.
Ideal for using with children at KS1 but could also be used with other age groups depending on ability.