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A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing

A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing
KS3 RS - Abraham (Foundations of Faith)

KS3 RS - Abraham (Foundations of Faith)

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the Abrahamic religions and the importance of differnet key figures. A lesson on Abraham and his relationship with God. Then a follow up lesson on Moses and his path to God available as well. Part of an Introduction to RE SOW (On it’s way as a bundle)
KS5 OCR - H573  Natural Law

KS5 OCR - H573 Natural Law

An introduction and overview of Natural Law including - Telos, Aristotle, 4 Laws, Precepts primary & secondary, objections, doctrine of double effect and real & apparent goods. Useful for some one on the first teaching of the Ethics element of OCR H573. Multiple lessons and includes essay prep.
KS5 - OCR - H573 Euthanasia

KS5 - OCR - H573 Euthanasia

An overview lesson that focusing on applying Natural Law and Situation Ethics to Euthanasia. Following the OCR specification and includes two outlines on how to plan two possible exam questions. Explain how belief in the sanctity of life might influence ethical approaches to euthanasia. Situationism is the best method of assessing whether Euthanasia is morally acceptable
KS5 -OCR Christian Development - Jesus

KS5 -OCR Christian Development - Jesus

A lesson focusing upon the key elements of the person of Christ. Looking at key titles, nature, wisdom and authroity. Summarising the uniqueness of the Person of Jesus. OCR H573 Christian developments
KS4 RS - OCR GCSE - Christian Practice Bundle

KS4 RS - OCR GCSE - Christian Practice Bundle

3 Lessons covering - Mission of the Church, Holy Orders and the Role of the Church in the Wider World. Includes world council of Church’s, Modern Church mission, Salvation Army, Jesus & Authority, 7 sacraments, Process of Holy Orders, Ecumenical, Persecuted Church, Charity - Cafod / Christian Aid / Tearfund. Also includes some 3 mark and 6 mark exam questions with some Waggoll’s.
KS3 RS - Just War

KS3 RS - Just War

A KS3 lesson linking to the OCR topic of Religion, Peace and Conflict. The lesson raises the idea of Just War - Jus ad Bellum & Jus in Bello. It also includes Bible quotes to analyses and then apply Just war to WW1 & the Gulf War with information included. Leads to an extended question to answer with GCSE style guidance for 6 mark answer.
KS4 RS - OCR GCSE Religion, Peace & Conflict Bundle

KS4 RS - OCR GCSE Religion, Peace & Conflict Bundle

3 lessons created to introduce the topic to students and widen their knowledge around the topic. Lessons include Christian Teachings on violence in the Bible, Jesus, Religion & Politics, C of E, Catholic, Terrorism, Extremism, Prevent, Peace & Forgivness, Technological, Conventional Apocolyptic warfare, Christain Realism, Law of War and Army Chaplins. Based around using / working with Religious studies tectbook book by Lorriane Abbott & Steve Clark.
KS3 RS - Inner Peace

KS3 RS - Inner Peace

A KS3 lesson focused around finding inner peace - includes work around the Sufi & Serenity Prayer inlcuding questions with reflections. Then main task around ‘Dead Man Walking’ and the idea of seeking inner peace.
Ethics OCR Bundle - A Level

Ethics OCR Bundle - A Level

7 Resources
A collection of some of the Key topics from the Ethics & Christian Development sections of the course of the course. Including Natural Law, Euthanasia, Meta Ethics and Conscience from the perspective of Freud & Aquinas, Person of Jesus, Bonhoeffer and Liberation Theology.
KS4 PHSE - Tattoo's & Piercings

KS4 PHSE - Tattoo's & Piercings

A lesson for KS4 discussing legality & acceptability of Tattoo’s & Piercings in society. Discussion tasks based around comments made in the media, then an overview of the law.
KS4 RS - When does life begin & Abortion (non-examined)

KS4 RS - When does life begin & Abortion (non-examined)

This is double lesson used for non-examined KS4 classes. It discusses when life begins with a student task. It then introduces Catholic & C of E opinions in comparison to start to discuss the Abortion. Again it includes different Christian opinions and content around the Law.
Year 7 RS - Islam Bundle

Year 7 RS - Islam Bundle

This is a series of 9 Lessons with an assessment, mark scheme and written scheme of works. Lessons include 1 & 2 - the Life of the Prophet 3 - Holy Books 4 - Place of Worship 5 - 5 Pillars - Shahadah 6 - 5 Pillars - Salah 7 - 5 Pillars - Sawm 8 - 5 Pillars - Zakat 9 - 5 Pillars - Hajj 10 - Assessment 25 Marks with Power point (with answers) to go through with students Written scheme of works included to support (brief) This is one of the three topics I use to teach Year 7 - A topic based around Christianity & Judaism will be available soon.
KS3 RS - the Problem of Evil

KS3 RS - the Problem of Evil

A lesson about the problem of Evil for KS3 RS. It introduces the concept of Natural & Moral Evil, Mackie’s Problem of Evil and Theodicies (Augustine & Iraneaus) in response. The lesson has a simple retrieval starter (easy to edit), Teacher model and questions (with extension answers).
KS3 RS - Hanukkah (Judaism / Festivals)

KS3 RS - Hanukkah (Judaism / Festivals)

A lesson that can be taught as stand alone, part of a festivals topics or one centered around Judaism. The lesson holds all the key facts around the festival and it’s origins. Retrieval starter (simple to change to match your school requirements), Text based or picture introduction of the origins, video with questions - leading to a written task to finish the lesson.
KS5 OCR - Bonhoeffer

KS5 OCR - Bonhoeffer

An introduction and overview lesson for Bonhoeffer from OCR Christain Devlopments H573. Content to help explain the background and context of Bonhoeffer leading to a summary task. Targetted questions for the studenst to work through and answer from supporting textbooks for discussion.