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Science Showroom

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I am a science teacher from the southcoast. I'm in my RQT year at the moment and I'm loving every minute. My resources have a distinct style with a clear opening slide designed to help embed routines.




I am a science teacher from the southcoast. I'm in my RQT year at the moment and I'm loving every minute. My resources have a distinct style with a clear opening slide designed to help embed routines.
AQA Physics Resolving forces

AQA Physics Resolving forces

This resource is for 2 hour lessons on resolving forces and finding resultant force both at right angles and non right angles. Begins with right angle forces in the first lesson then moves on to non right angle forces. Focuses on the use of diagrams and requires prior knowledge of vectors and Scalar quantities. All answers included. Designed for the new AQA Combined science trilogy specification.
AQA Chemistry Percentage Yield New GCSE

AQA Chemistry Percentage Yield New GCSE

Lesson on percentage yield that follows lesson on reacting masses calculations. All answers included and Finished with a mini whiteboard quiz. Teaches students how to calculate percentage yield from given figures and from symbol equations.
Particles KS3 Revision Map and  Powerpoint

Particles KS3 Revision Map and Powerpoint

This resource contains a revision map (High and Low ability versions) and PowerPoint that recaps the particles topic for KS3. It includes: Diffusion, Brownian motion, Air Pressure and State changes. Higher and lower ability version of the revision mat and a powerpoint that recaps the key points and provides an extension application task for those that complete the mat early. Suitable for KS3
AQA Specific Heat Capacity theory New GCSE

AQA Specific Heat Capacity theory New GCSE

Lesson on the theory behind specific heat capacity and how to use the equation. Does not cover the Required practical this is the lesson I use before doing the RP so that students understand what they are doing. Talks about what SHC actually is first before moving on to how to use the equation. Suitable for middle-high ability and could be adapted for Low ability. Answers included.
AQA Efficiency

AQA Efficiency

Lesson on efficiency that looks at what efficiency is, how we calculate it and why its important. First looks at what waste and useful energy stores are. Then at calculating efficiency from given energy values. Also goes on to look at Sankey diagrams which aren’t part of the Spec but do provide a visual representation of the concept of efficiency.
Power AQA Physics New GCSE

Power AQA Physics New GCSE

Lesson on how to calculate power and how this can integrate with work done. Students begin by looking at what we mean by power. Then we look at how to calculate power from energy and time. Finally students learn how to integrate power with the work done equation. The lesson finishes with a practical that tasks students with calculating their own power by lifting masses for a minute.
Work done AQA Physics new GCSE

Work done AQA Physics new GCSE

Option for paperless lesson on work done with practice questions and included answers. Also helps with rearranging equations. Begins with a look at what work done is then looks at the equation and how to use it including how to rearrange to find forces and distance. Worked examples and answers included good for low to middle ability. Extension tasks for high ability. Also includes worksheet that is the same as the questions on the PowerPoint for those who prefer this. All answers are on the PowerPoint.
AQA Work done and Power

AQA Work done and Power

2 Resources
Set of 2 Lessons on Work done and Power that flow together. Looks at how to use the Work done equation and how this can be combined with the power equation. Then students perform a practical that combines both calculations for Power and work done.
Viral Diseases New AQA GCSE 1-9

Viral Diseases New AQA GCSE 1-9

A lesson that introduces a number of viral diseases including the main ones found in the specification (TMV, Measles and HIV/AIDS). Tasks students with being the doctor and diagnosing different diseases from a factsheet thats also included then looks at Tobacco Mosaic Virus and why it causes problems for plants.
History of the Atom New AQA GCSE

History of the Atom New AQA GCSE

Students use the information on the PowerPoint to fill in a time line of the history of the atom. Covers the atomic models of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and briefly the quantum model accepted now. Ends with a quick quiz on the lesson with answers provided.
Particle Model Revision Map New GCSE AQA

Particle Model Revision Map New GCSE AQA

A revision matt for GCSE students designed to cover the topics of Density, Heating and Cooling curves and Physical/chemical changes. Complete with Revision slides and answers on a Powerpoint and a link to a final Kahoot Quiz
AQA Fluid Pressure and Depth

AQA Fluid Pressure and Depth

New AQA Fluid Pressure and depth lesson. A lesson that takes students through how fluid pressure changes with depth. Requires Practical equipment for demos: Pascal’s vases, Spouting can. Takes students through the factors that affect pressure at depth in a fluid and then the equation for calculating pressure at depth (height x GFS x density). Uses demos and examples where possible
Osmosis Introduction lesson AQA GCSE

Osmosis Introduction lesson AQA GCSE

A lesson introducing the concept of osmosis and hyper, iso and hypotonic solutions. Provides a recap on diffusion before looking at osmosis and asking some in context questions.
Insulation Required Practical New AQA GCSE

Insulation Required Practical New AQA GCSE

A short PowerPoint and a worksheet on the insulation required practical for triple science physics. I also use this practical with combined science students as a way of introducing the idea of insulation in homes