I am a primary school teacher who has taught in Early Years and KS 1. I aim to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. My lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context.
I am a primary school teacher who has taught in Early Years and KS 1. I aim to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. My lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context.
Includes SMART boards covering all spelling rules and SPAG in Year 1
1.Words ending ff,ll,ss,zz,ck
2.Adding s
3.Adding es
4. More than one syllable
5. More than one syllable ending in er
6.Spelling words with nk
7.Words ending with ch sound
8.Words with v sound at the end of the words
9.Adding the ending -ing to verbs
10.Adding the ending -ed to verbs
11.Adding the ending -er to verbs
12.Adding the ending -er to adjectives
13.Adding the ending est to adectives
14.Adding the prefix -un
15.Using k for the -k sound
16.Words ending with -y
17.New spelling for -f sound spelt ph
18.New spelling for -w sound spelt wh
20.Compound words
21.Exception words
To know the difference between an object and the materials it is made from differentiated sheets SEN LA MA HA. Includes success grids for assessment at the end of the lesson.
This editable word document includes over 600 nonsense words flashcards for all phase 4 blends. These can be used for interventions or during the lessons. My class enjoys using them as part of a game “Word Bucket”. Children take turns to pull a word from a bucket, if they read it correctly they keep it if not it goes back in the bucket (you can provide children with a timer). Flashcards for other phases will follow shortly.
This editable word document includes over 300 nonsense words flashcards for all phase 5 sounds. These can be used for interventions or during the lessons. My class enjoys using them as part of a game “Word Bucket”. Children take turns to pull a word from a bucket, if they read it correctly they keep it if not it goes back in the bucket (you can provide children with a timer). Flashcards for other phases will follow shortly.
This powerpoint includes over 2000 slides containing all lessons to teach Phase 5 alternative pronunciations. Each lesson is 20 minutes long and follows the phonics teaching sequence Introduction - Revisit and review - Teach - Practise - Apply.
a: at acorn fast was
er: farmer herbs
e: get he
ou: out you could mould
i: it mind
y: yes by gym very
o: hot no
ch: chin school chef
u: but until put
c: cat cell
ow: down low
g: got gent
ie: pie chief
ey: money they
ea: sea head
Includes all of the Phase 4 initial blends, final blends and consonant clusters. Includes over 2100 slides. Interactive power point which includes:
- follows phonics lessons structure
- all Phase 4 sounds
All lessons are structured as follows:
Recap of sounds and blends
Finding the odd one out
Reading words with the blend of the day
Phoneme count
Writing words with the new blend
Phoneme spotter with new blend/ Filling in missing words
Writing a sentence
Reading/Writing tricky words
Reading monster/non sense words with the new blend
This is an editable resource so you can always add different activities, monster words etc. All you need to teach phase 4 ready in one power point.
This is a complete set of phase 5 alternative pronunciations flashcards. Also includes bank of words for each pronunciation and an overview of all alternative pronunciation. Powerpoint will follow soon.