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AQA Reading Paper 2 (Question 2 & Question 3)
Part of a new larger scheme (will add these when we do them). Detailed lessons that explore how to tackle the AQA Reading Paper 2, Question 2 and Question 3.
PPTs, resources and curriculum documentation included.

AQA 2018 Exam Full Literature Standardisation
26 AQA graded responses. A mix of Macbeth, A Christmas Carol and An Inspector Calls.

AQA 2018 Exam Standardisation Pack
A range of graded responses to the 2018 AQA GCSE exam on Macbeth, A Christmas Carol & An Inspector Calls.

Lesson / Task Planning Document
A document that has an range of tasks for starters, reading tasks, activities, checking knowledge and consolidate tasks.

Childhood SOW (Theme of Childhood)
22 complete lessons and a Nandos homework sheet focused on the theme of childhood. Planned for a year 7 class, but would be appropriate for year 8 as well.
Includes lessons on: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Narnia, A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, Goodnight Mr Tom, A Little Princess, Matilda and Everything Everything.

AQA Literature Responses Band 5 & 6 (2023 Paper)
A range of band 5 & 6 responses for the 2023 AQA English Literature Paper - A Christmas Carol, Macbeth & An Inspector Calls.