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German Phonics “w” Handout – 2024 GCSE Edexcel - SSC - Module 1 Schule
**Module 1 Schule (GCSE Edexcel 2024) **
PDF Handout includes:
“W” IPA symbol and pronunciation examples of the letter in the English language
Quiz to use words with “w” – classroom writing task with extension for higher ability
Vocabulary sheet for words containing the letter “W” (F and H separate)
a word matching exercise (F and H separate)
(Words taken from the categories Schule and General and Grammatical)
*More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful and you will get your students to speak. *

German Phonics “w” – 2024 GCSE Edexcel - SSC - Module 1 Schule incl. audio files
Pronunciation of „w“, PPT file w/embedded audio files, vocabulary, animated slides, dictation and various exercises with extension work
Module 1 Schule (GCSE Edexcel 2024) (159)
picture of how the spoken sound looks, palatogram and IPA symbol
audio of the letter “w”, question words and vocabulary containing the letter “w” and words with the “w”-sound (F and H separate)
animated translations of question word
“Take 2?”– Speaking classroom activity
Tongue twister with audio
Quiz to use words with “w” – classroom writing task with extension for higher ability
6 short sentences dictation in line with Edexcel 2026 foundation exam with audio
animated translations of dictation sentences with extension work
SSC Sound Symbol Correspondence Phonics recap with audio
Plus: PDF Vocabulary Handout includes a word matching exercise.
(Words taken from the categories Schule and General and Grammatical)
*More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful and you will get your students to speak. *

German Phonics Cognates g/e/sp/th/y/ch – 2024 GCSE Edexcel - SSC - Module 1 Schule
**Module 1 Schule (GCSE Edexcel 2024) **
PDF Handout to give an overview of pronunciation of the German „g“, „e“, „sp“, „th”, “y” and „ch“ with cognates.
Words were taken from the categories “Schule” and “General and Grammatical”.
Worksheet to find the spelling differences between school subject that are cognates or near cognates
vocabulary for other school subjects (please note that most are not included in the prescribed word list, students might want to learn the ones that are relevant to them for their productive exams)
vocabulary to express opinions
“What is your favourite subject?” (Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?) – Classroom activity – Get your students talking! Ask them to talk to other students in their class asking for their favourite subject and how they like subjects
More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful and you will get your students to speak.

German Phonics Cognates g/e/sp/th/y/ch – 2024 GCSE Edexcel - SSC - Module 1 Schule
Pronunciation of „g“, „e“, „sp“, „th”, “y” and „ch“ with cognates w/audio files, connect 4, dictation and wordsearch
Module 1 Schule (GCSE Edexcel 2024)
(Words taken from the categories Schule and General and Grammatical)
audio of school subjects including cognates and near cognates and their word melody
animation of spelling differences and translations
“What is your favourite subject?” (Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?) – Classroom activity
vocabulary to express opinions with sound files and animated translation
Connect 4 game - 4 different versions, depending on class ability
6 short sentences dictation in line with Edexcel 2026 foundation exam
animated translations of dictation sentences with extension work
Phonics recap
Plus: PDF Handout including a word search puzzle with the school subjects.
More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful and you will get your students to speak.

German Phonics u and ü - 2024 GCSE Edexcel SSC – Sound Symbol Correspondence - Module 1 Schule
This PDF handout gives a phonetic overview of pronunciation of the German long and short vowels “u” and „ü” with vocabulary examples and a translation exercise.
Words were taken from the categories “Schule” and “General and Grammatical” and are broken down into categories to help student’s memory:
*More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful. *

German Phonics u and ü - 2024 GCSE Edexcel SSC – Sound Symbol Correspondence - Module 1 Schule
Pronunciation of the long and short vowels “u” and „ü” with audio, pictures, palatogram and IPA symbols
Words from the categories Schule and General and Grammatical broken down in categories to help student’s memory:
Module 1 Schule (GCSE Edexcel 2024) PPT Format
animated translations
animated categories long vs. short “u” and long vs. short “ü”
tongue twisters
examples vowel change in plural
6 short sentences dictation in line with Edexcel 2026 foundation exam
translations of dictation sentences with extension work
SSC Sound Symbol Correspondence Phonics recap with audio
Plus PDF Handout with overview of pronunciation of the long and short vowels “u” and „ü” with palatogram and IPA symbols and translation exercise.
More phonetic resources will be added to my store. I hope you will find them useful and you will get your students to speak.

der die das The German Article-Noun Groups
"der", “die” and “das” - The German Article and their Noun Groups
Nouns broken down in categories to aid students’ memory where possible. Just remember, there are always exceptions!
Masculine Nouns
Female Nouns
Neuter Nouns
Useful for GCSE exams or class room wall decoration.
This list is not exhaustive or aligned with any specific exam board.

German Past Perfect with "sein"
**German Past Perfect - auxiliary verb “sein” (to be) **
Verbs broken down in categories to help students memory:
change of state
Useful for GCSE exams or class room wall decoration. The second page shows the translations of the words.
This list is not exhaustive or aligned with any specific exam board.

Understanding German Cases - Overview with English explanations
**German Grammar Case rules for beginners, explained in English **
Get a better understanding by looking at English vs. German sentences.
In English, the subject is based on its position within the sentence whereas in German the sentences can be “jumbled” and still have the same meaning due to the complex case system and the declension of words. This document also includes a quick description of the 4 German cases.
Useful for beginners to help get an understanding of the German grammar structures before learning the grammar in depth.

German Grammar rules for beginners with English explanation
**German Grammar rules for beginners, explained in English **
definite/indefinite articles of nouns
formal/informal “you”
most common tenses
basic explanation of case system and how it is linked to nouns
Useful for beginners to get an understanding of the German grammar structures.

German Bank Holidays and useful sentences with English translation
**German – English overview of: **
Deutsche Feiertage – German Bank Holidays
nützliche Sätze – useful sentences / responses
Useful for GCSE exam - a reminder of German Bank Holidays and pleasantries ahead of the listening, reading, writing and speaking exam.
This list is not exhaustive or aligned with any specific exam board.

German Seasons Months Weekdays and Time Markers
**German – English overview of: **
Jahreszeiten – Seasons
Monate – Months
Wochentage – Weekdays
Zeitmarker – Time Markers
Use for classroom walls or as a useful reminder of high frequency vocabulary.