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Resources for GCSE and IB programmes.
Design Skills Course

Design Skills Course

Baseline Test Oblique projection One point perspective Two point perspective City scape in 2 point perspective Isometric projection Crating techniques Rendering techniques Rendering materials Orthographic projection Test
MYP Y8 Bridge/Tower project

MYP Y8 Bridge/Tower project

All criterias (A, B, C, D) are describe with some examples/activities. Assessment criteria of each task is presented so students know the expectations. This presentation could be change to accommodate other different projects.
NEA checklist

NEA checklist

Check list for students (or teachers) to understand what pages need to complete in each criteria.
Design and Technology GCSE

Design and Technology GCSE

11 Resources
All units with videos, activities and some exams. They have been used and tested with good feedback and good results.


Specialist unit. Papers and boards: Sources, origins and properties Working with papers and boards Commercial manufacturing, surface treatment and finishes
3.2.2-3 Forces and stresses on materials and objects +test

3.2.2-3 Forces and stresses on materials and objects +test

Common specialist technical principles Forces and stresses Improving functionality Ecological and social footprint Ecological issues in the design and manufacture of products The six Rs Scales of production Extended questions and videos are in the presentation. Exam attached.
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties + test

3.1.6 Materials and their working properties + test

Students should understand materials properties and characteristics of papers and boards, timbers, metals, polymers and textiles . Materials properties Papers and boards Natural and manufactured timbers Metals and alloys Polymers Textiles Activities and videos are in the presentation. Exam attached.
3.1.5 Mechanical Devices +test

3.1.5 Mechanical Devices +test

Be able to recognize and identify a range of movements Understand the functions of mechanical devices to produce linear, rotary, reciprocating and oscillating movements Understand how mechanisms can be used to change the magnitude and direction of force including levers, linkages and rotary systems Videos and activities are in the presentation.
3.1.4 Systems approach to designing + test

3.1.4 Systems approach to designing + test

Students should consider electronic systems including programmable components to provide functionality to products and processes, and enhance and customise their operation. Systems Approach to Designing Electronic Systems Processing Activities and videos are in the presentation.
3.1.3 Developments in new materials +test

3.1.3 Developments in new materials +test

Students should be aware of developments in new materials. Modern Materials Smart Materials Composite Materials and technical Textiles Activities, videos and exam are in the ppt.
3.1.2 - Energy generation and storage + test

3.1.2 - Energy generation and storage + test

Students should understand how energy is generated and stored and how this is used as the basis for the selection of products and power systems. Energy Generation Energy Storage Activities, videos and exam are included.
3.1.1 New and Emerging Technologies + test

3.1.1 New and Emerging Technologies + test

Industry, Enterprise, Sustainability, People, Culture, Society, Environment, Production techniques and systems, How the critical evaluation of new and emerging technologies informs design decisions. Industry and Enterprise Sustainability and the Environment People, Culture, Society, Environment Production Techniques and Systems Informing Design Decisions Objectives, activities and videos are in the presentation.
Introduction to Design

Introduction to Design

Great resource to introduce KS3 to the design world: Drawing equipment Sketches, diagrams and technical drawing Parallel and perpendicular lines