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What are Mixtures and Solutions? PowerPoint and Student Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

What are Mixtures and Solutions? PowerPoint and Student Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

EQ: What are Mixtures and Solutions? This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and the Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) embedded in presentation. Students will differentiate between mixtures and solutions. Students will identify or describe the factors that affect solubility. Students will explain how mixtures of solids can be separated based on their observable properties. Students will love the bright and colorful slides and the opportunities to apply their newfound knowledge with their partner!
Squid Dissection Spiral Review STEM Activities

Squid Dissection Spiral Review STEM Activities

Are you looking for fun and engaging end of year science review activities? Squid Spiral Review STEM lesson will give your students opportunities to review vocabulary and concepts they learned earlier in the year. Your students will review Classification, Adaptations, Food Chain/Webs, and Basic Anatomy through the learning about fascinating Cephalopods! After your students have learned about cephalopods through short video clips, their interactive notebook and the PowerPoint, they will dissect a bait squid. The final project is to design their own squid to compete in “Squid Races”, while keeping in mind what they have learned about adaptations and jet propulsion. My 5th graders were very engaged and loved this lesson! I heard from both parents and teachers about how my students were talking about it out of class! Vocabulary Reviewed: Classification Kingdom Phylum Invertebrate Vertebrate Class Adaptations Food web Food chain Predator Prey Carnivore Herbivore Producers Consumers Internal Anatomy terms- gonads, brain, heart, ink sac, gills, pen, eye lens External Anatomy terms- mantle, eye, siphon, arms, tentacles, sucker cups, chromatophores, fin, mouth, beak Includes step by step directions as well as photos for the squid dissection and squid races. This is a great “first” dissection because there is no blood, and you can use bait squid. The bait squid are cheap and raised on a farm for bait. Since I work at an elementary school and we do not have dissecting equipment, I barrow dissecting scissors from our high school for the day of dissection. Some math is included in the lessons; data is collected and converted (cm, mm) and speed(distance/time) can be calculated from the squid races. Student also convert verified length of a giant squid into yards and meters to “see” how long the Giant Squid really is. For the engineering component students design their own squid and race them to see whose design travels the farthest or is the fastest. This is a fun and engaging thematic unit lesson that your students will talk about for years to come!
Types of Heat Transfer BUNDLE

Types of Heat Transfer BUNDLE

Everything you need to meet your standards on types of heat transfer. This bundle is a complete unit, that includes all 4 products for teaching and assessing “Types of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation”. Includes Lesson Power Point Presentation, Student Foldable for Interactive Science Journal, Types of Heat Transfer Popcorn Lab, and Quiz with key. You save 20% when buying the complete bundle
Christmas Science "Forms of Energy" Printables

Christmas Science "Forms of Energy" Printables

Your students will have fun visiting Santa’s Workshop and meeting elves getting “energized” on the slopes through a short story. Students must determine which form of energy is being used and how it is transformed in the story while the elves are sledding down the slopes and ice skating! The story also shows how our actions and willingness to help someone else brings joy. On the next printable your student will read specific scenarios of the elves playing in the snow, throwing snowballs and rounding up reindeer. Finally, your students will complete a crossword puzzle that reviews all the vocabulary and types energy used in the story. These pintables allow you to have fun with the Christmas holiday while reviewing science concepts and you lose no teaching time during this busy time! Bundle Contains: Short Story and Answer Key (PDF) Identify Forms of Energy and Key Forms of Energy Crossword Puzzle and Solution
Animal Classification of Living Things PowerPoint and Student Interactive Notebook Bundled Lesson

Animal Classification of Living Things PowerPoint and Student Interactive Notebook Bundled Lesson

EQ: How do I Classify Living Things? This lesson addresses standards for 3rd and 5th grade (Classify animals into major groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods, vertebrates and invertebrates, those having live births and those which lay eggs) according to their physical characteristics and behaviors. Looks at the Big Idea: Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and a 17 slide Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) embedded in presentation. Also included in this bundle is a Classification Card Sorting Activity to help your students apply what they have learned in the lesson as well as an optional Exit Ticket for a quick assessment. Everything you need to teach the lesson! This standard is tested on the annual 5th grade state benchmark exam. I used this in my 5th grade class to review a concept they had learned two years earlier to prepare for their exam.
Forms of Energy Review Crossword Puzzle and Key

Forms of Energy Review Crossword Puzzle and Key

NO PREP PRINTABLE! This puzzle works well for days you have numerous absent students, for test prep, or when you have a substitute teacher scheduled. As a teacher you have no missed teaching time! This puzzle reviews 12 vocabulary words about the forms and types of energy including reflection, absorption and refraction. You will receive one puzzle, word clues, word bank, and an answer key. This crossword reviews vocabulary presented in my “Forms of Energy” PowerPoint and Student Interactive Notebook Lesson 12 vocabulary words included: Potential Kinetic Mechanical Chemical Sound Absorb Thermal Light Energy Electrical Refraction Reflection
Plant Growth, Reproduction and Life Cycle Crossword Puzzle and Key

Plant Growth, Reproduction and Life Cycle Crossword Puzzle and Key

NO PREP PRINTABLE! This puzzle works well for days you have numerous absent students, for test prep, or when you have a substitute teacher scheduled. As a teacher you have no missed teaching time because this puzzle reviews 16 vocabulary words about plant reproduction, growth and lifecycles. You will receive one puzzle, word clues, word bank, and an answer key. 16 terms included: Flowering Plants Non-Flowering Plants Conifers Pollination Pistil Anther Stamen Ovary Ovules Pollen Wind Fertilization Germination Petal Seed Dispersal Lifecycle This crossword is included in my lesson Plant Growth, Reproduction and Life Cycle Lesson See Additional Crossword Puzzles in my store
Chemical and Physical Changes of Matter Presentation and Student Interactive Notebook Lesson

Chemical and Physical Changes of Matter Presentation and Student Interactive Notebook Lesson

EQ: How does matter change? This lesson addresses standards for 4th and 5th grade ( Investigate and describe that many physical and chemical changes are affected by temperature. Identify some familiar changes in materials that result in other materials with different characteristics, such as burning, rusting, and cooking.) Looks at the Big Ideas: matter can undergo a variety of changes, and matter can be changed physically or chemically. This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and the Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) embedded in presentation. Everything you need to teach the lesson!
Types of Heat Transfer Popcorn Lab

Types of Heat Transfer Popcorn Lab

My students love this lab! This lab has both qualitative and quantitative components. The qualitative component gives my students a scientific excuse to eat the popcorn! This lab serves as a reinforcement and application of Types of Heat Transfer! This lab should be done after students have learned the three types of heat transfer. Your students should be able to think back to the examples given in the lesson. Contains all lab directions, lab worksheet and follow up questions that should be answered individually. This lab is the final lesson that follows along with the Power Point available in my store titled “Types of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation”.
What are Stars and Galaxies? Power Point and Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

What are Stars and Galaxies? Power Point and Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

This PowerPoint presentation and guided student notes address the EQ: What are Stars and Galaxies? The student notes are in a booklet format which is perfect for their ISN. This lesson aligns with the Common Core Standards for 5th grade. It also covers the 3rd grade standards, which need to be reviewed before the annual 5th grade benchmark exam. All images are from the Hubble Telescope and NASA. Lesson concludes with embedded links for two short video clips on galaxies and constellations, as well as a Turn and Talk activity to get your students discussing their newly gained knowledge!
Animal Lifecycles PowerPoint and Student Interactive Notebook Lesson

Animal Lifecycles PowerPoint and Student Interactive Notebook Lesson

EQ: How Do Animals Change and Grow? This lesson addresses the 4th and 5th grade standards: Compare and contrast the major stages in the life cycles of animals, such as those that undergo incomplete and complete metamorphosis. In this lesson students will, explore life cycles of various animals, describe complete metamorphosis (4 stages) using animals that undergo this change, describe incomplete metamorphosis (3 stages) using animals that undergo this change, compare and contrast differences in body structures of the different stages (egg, larva, pupa, adult, nymph). This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and the colorful and engaging fifteen slide Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) embedded in presentation, and a link to a short video clip to finish lesson with a visual recap. Everything you need to teach the lesson! This is a 4th grade standard, but it assessed on the annual 5th grade state benchmark exam. If you are looking for the life cycle of plants, flowering and non-flowering, see my Plant Growth, Reproduction and Life Cycle Lessons with Interactive Student Notes.
Rocks and Minerals Bundled Lesson

Rocks and Minerals Bundled Lesson

In this unit on Rocks and Mineral students learn that both Rocks and Minerals can be identified by their properties. Students will identify the physical properties of common minerals, including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color, and recognize the role of minerals in the formation of rocks. Students will explain the role of minerals and their importance in rock formation. Students will identify the three categories of rocks: igneous, (formed from molten rock); sedimentary (pieces of other rocks and fossilized organisms); and metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure). They will differentiate between the three different categories of rocks based on how each is formed and/or their physical properties. This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and the Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) and video clips embedded in presentation. A Review Crossword Puzzle and solution to review 20 vocabulary terms is also included. Everything you need to teach the lesson! This is a 4th grade standard but is annually assessed on the 5th grade state benchmark exams.
Human Body (Organ and Organ Function)Test and Review Cross Word Puzzle

Human Body (Organ and Organ Function)Test and Review Cross Word Puzzle

This file contains a 30 question unit test on the human body, and a cross word puzzle that reviews 21 vocabulary words and organ functions. The crossword could be used as a review or as a study guide. The test has 18 questions on vocabulary terms (organ, organism and organ system) and matching organs to organ functions. There are three questions specifically about the brain, and the remaining 9 questions are labeling organs on diagrams. As always, keys are provided for both the puzzle and the quiz. This can be used as a supplement for my What are Organs and Body Systems PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notes
What are Organs and Body Systems PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notes

What are Organs and Body Systems PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notes

Keep your students fully engaged with this 36 slide PowerPoint featuring colorful 3D images accompanied by interactive student guided notes. This unit provides differentiated instruction which focuses on the Life Science Big Idea of “Organization and Development of Living Organisms”. Students will identify the organs in the human body and describe their functions. This unit includes the skin, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, muscles and skeleton, kidneys, bladder and sensory organs. Students are introduced to the body systems but most of the focus is on the organs and their functions. This PowerPoint includes probing questions that allow students to collaborate with their partners to discuss and demonstrate their newly gained knowledge. The student guided notes direct students to complete relevant information and to finalize, color, and label organ diagrams. (See photos in preview) As always, two sets of notes are included, as well as photo examples.
Interactions of Living Things PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notebook

Interactions of Living Things PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notebook

This colorful and engaging 26 slide PowerPoint presentation lesson addresses multiple standards for the 4th and 5th grades. After this lesson students will be able to explain that animals, including humans, cannot make their own food and that when animals eat plants or other animals, the energy stored in the food source is passed to them. They will trace the flow of energy from the Sun as it is transferred along the food chain through the producers to the consumers. Students will be able to classify consumers as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores, and further break the groups into predator and prey. Students will also be able to construct food chains and food webs for specific ecosystems. This lesson includes guided notes in an interactive student notebook. This bundle also includes a card sort activity in which students will first group by how they obtain energy, and then they will further break the consumers into herbivore, carnivores and omnivores, and finally they construct a food web for a saltwater marsh ecosystem. They are four embedded video clips, with specific questions pertaining to the information given during the video. As always each section is followed by a “Turn and Talk” giving your students an opportunity to discuss their newly gained knowledge. This is a bundled lesson that includes the student interactive notes and the Power Point presentation. Student discussions (Turn and Talks) embedded in presentation. Video clips with questions and a card sorting activity. Everything you need to teach the lesson!
FCAT 2.0 PHYSICAL Science- Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards

FCAT 2.0 PHYSICAL Science- Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards

This PowerPoint contains 115 FCAT 2.0 Science Grade 5 questions and answer slides. It covers all 37 PHYSICAL science standards that are taught throughout grades 3rd through 5th, but are tested on the 5th grade benchmark. As a 5th grade science teacher you are responsible for content previous teachers were supposed to teach in the earlier grades. Physical science makes up 29% of the FCAT science test. As I experienced, science in the earlier grades was overlooked because it was not tested until the 5th grade, or my students had “forgot” a lot of the content. This PPT reviews all the Physical Science standards. I use this as a review game. I have included the rules and directions for grudge ball, and have also included 32 Bazinga action cards and directions for that game. If you prefer not to use as a review game, this can be used for a ‘Problem of the Day’ or whole class test preparation. If I use as a Problem of the Day, I require that my students give me the correct answer, but also I require that they explain why the remaining three options cannot be correct. This is part of a review bundle. I have purposely broken it into each separate area of science. That way if you are strong in one area or didn’t get all content from another area, you can pick and choose which areas of review your students need. I have a lot of experience with benchmark state testing. When I taught 8th grade science, I was consistently ranked the 2nd or 3rd highest public school in the state. I moved down to teach 5th grade science and after my first year, moved up 18 spots, from last place in my county! Also in my store: FCAT 2.0 LIFE Science- Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards FCAT 2.0 EARTH Science- Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards
NGSS 5th Grade Science Benchmark Test Prep and Game Cards

NGSS 5th Grade Science Benchmark Test Prep and Game Cards

This PowerPoint contains 320 Science Grade 5 questions and answer slides. It covers NGSS PHYSICAL, EARTH and LIFE science standards that are taught throughout grades 3rd through 5th, but are tested on the 5th grade benchmark. As a 5th grade science teacher you are responsible for content previous teachers were supposed to teach in the earlier grades. As I experienced, science in the earlier grades was overlooked because it was not tested until the 5th grade, or my students had “forgot” a lot of the content. I use this as a review game. I have included the rules and directions for grudge ball, and have also included 32 Bazinga action cards and directions for that game as well. If you prefer not to use as a review game, this can be used for a ‘Problem of the Day’ or whole class test preparation. If I use as a Problem of the Day, I require that my students give me the correct answer, but also require that they explain why the remaining three options cannot be correct. I have purposely broken it into each separate area of science. The PPT starts with 124 Physical Science slides, moves on to 110 Earth and Space Science slides and finishes with 84 Life Science slides. That way if you are strong in one area or didn’t get all content from another area, you can pick and choose which areas of review your students need. I have a lot of experience with benchmark state testing. When I taught 8th grade science, I was consistently ranked the 2nd or 3rd highest public school in the state. I moved down to teach 5th grade science and after my first year, moved up 18 spots, from last place in my county! Also in my store: Science Test Review Game Board and 140 Game Cards
Weathering and Erosion PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

Weathering and Erosion PowerPoint and Interactive Student Notebook Lesson

This 26 slide PowerPoint presentation and student guided notes addresses how the Earth’s land-forms are shaped and reshaped through both slow and rapid processes. This lesson describes the basic differences between physical weathering (breaking down of rock by wind, water, ice, temperature change, and plants) and erosion (movement of rock by gravity, wind, water, and ice). Students will be provided with examples of how physical weathering and the erosion processes change Earth’s surface (constructive and destructive). This PowerPoint uses stunning photographs that I have either purchased or taken myself. This lesson meets the 4th grade standards (NGSS: SC.4.E.6.4: and Common Core Standard: 4-ESS2-1). However this standard is tested on the annual 5th grade benchmark state exam. If you are a 5th grade teacher, use this lesson to review for your 5th graders.
FCAT 2.0 EARTH Science Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards

FCAT 2.0 EARTH Science Grade 5 Review and Optional Game Cards

Its that time of year again! This PowerPoint contains 128 FCAT 2.0 Science Grade 5 Earth Science questions and answer slides. It covers all 21 Earth Science Standards that are taught throughout grades 3rd through 5th, but are tested on the 5th grade benchmark. As a 5th grade science teacher you are responsible for content previous teachers were supposed to teach in the earlier grades. Earth science makes up 29% of the FCAT science test. As I experienced, science in the earlier grades was overlooked because it was not tested until the 5th grade, or my students had “forgot” a lot of the content. This PPT reviews all the Earth Science standards. I use this as a review game. I have included the rules and directions for grudge ball, and have also included 32 Bazinga action cards and directions for that game. If you prefer not to use as a review game, this can be used for a ‘Problem of the Day’ or whole class test preparation. If I use as a Problem of the Day, I require that my students give me the correct answer, but also I require that they explain why the remaining three options cannot be correct. This is part of a review bundle. I have purposely broken it into each separate area of science. That way if you are strong in one area or didn’t get all content from another area, you can pick and choose which areas of review your students need. I have a lot of experience with benchmark state testing. When I taught 8th grade science, I was consistently ranked the 2nd or 3rd highest public school in the state. I moved down to teach 5th grade science and after my first year, moved up 18 spots, from last place in my county!
Science Review Board Game for Grade 5 State Benchmark Exam with 140 Game Cards

Science Review Board Game for Grade 5 State Benchmark Exam with 140 Game Cards

This is a test prep science review game for the annual 5th grade benchmark state assessment. The questions are based on Next Generation Science Standards for 5th grade students. This game reviews the science standards taught 3rd through 5th grade. This game has 140 standard based question cards colored coded by area of science. It also includes 8 action cards that are science related! This game can used as review for early finishers. It can also be used to promote student centered group learning that will keep students engaged while reinforcing concepts that were taught earlier in the year or from the previous two years taught by other teachers. THIS PRODUCT INCLUDES: (1) 140 Color Coded Science Task Cards +40 Life Science (blue) +43 Physical Science (green) +22 Space Science (purple) +35 Earth Science (orange) (2) Answer Cards Key (3) 8 Action Cards (4) Game Board (5) Teacher Guide