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Weight vs Mass (Forces)
A quick lesson on the difference between weight and mass. Includes simple notes and calculations.
There is also instructions to make a fun resource that you can reuse to allow students to practically feel the different forces on different planets.

Balancing Half Equations
A step by step guide to balancing half equations.
Students will need to understand how to balance basic metal half equations (ie just adding electrons to the equation) but the balancing of more complex ones is fully explained with examples.
Answer sheet included in resource.
Useful for a relief lesson or for independent learning of this skill

Naming Ions and Salts
Quick wordsearch to find the name of the ions when only given the formula.
Then match the salt to the name.
Quick starter task or good practice for low ability classes to connect names to ions.

Safety in the lab experiment- Forensic style
This is a Forensics lab lesson where the students have to use chromatography, fabric samples and flame tests to decide who stole the laptop. We have used this as a ‘safety in the lab’ assessment as it requires using a bunsen burner and chemicals safely and setting up an experiment with equipment given.
These will require you to organise with the lab technician
4 x fabric samples
4 x flame tests (I suggest Chloride, Calcium, Barium and Potassium as these match the explanations in the powerpoints)
4 x black pens with chromatography set up
The pack comes with instructions for each task, a powerpoint with suspects and explanations for lab dem and teacher.

Basic Chemistry revision task
Made for New Zealand NCEA it features 5 tasks that can be done independently or together as a summary to common basic chemistry topics.
Task 1 -difference between atoms and ions
Task 2 - Explaining ionic formula ratios
Task 3 - matching up reactants and products for metal reactions
Task 4 - A flow chart of a neutralisation reaction
Task 5 - Identifying effects of changing factors (Surface area) on rate of reaction
Task 6 - a summary sheet for students to complete; powerpoint contains key points in slide notes.

Ions wordsearch
This wordsearch gives the clues as the formula/symbols of the ions, but the words in the wordsearch are the names of the ions.
Good starter task, or to help lower ability classes associate the names and terms for the ions.

Living or non-living
Very basic KS3 worksheet to introduce the idea of MRSGREN by distinguishing between different objects as living or non-living, and identifying what living things would need

Circulatory system taboo
Game that requires no setting up!
Students get into pairs, with one sitting with their back to the board, the other facing the board.
The student facing the board must describe the term without using the red terms.
Easy and fun, great engagement for students of all levels.

Heart Disease
This is a 2-3 lesson resource, including a research project where students research heart diseases, and then choose one specifically to research.
My differentiated outline is on the slides, I gave it to my students on OneNote but it could easily be converted to a worksheet or students could present in their own way.
The lessons involve differentiated learning, frameworks for peer lead learning, as well as starters and plenary tasks.
There is also some information on artificial hearts, valve problems and pacemakers.

Separating Mixtures Revision Board Game
These are cards to be used in a board game for y8-y10 students for separating mixtures.
I used them with my top set y9 and they worked well, but they will need a good amount of time on the game.
My students had to find something in their bags/pockets to be used as a counter, and I used another TES document 'board game templates' for my base.
The students rolled the dice to move around the board, but they only got to move if they answered the question correctly.
Easily altered/differentiated.

The night sky KS3 lesson
This was used as a lesson for KS3 Year 7 'Space' unit from Activate 1, as an introduction. I have also used it for a 'end of the year' fun lesson for year 8. Includes videos and websites, tasks and activities.
It is intensive and was designed for sparking interest for top set.
Could definitely be taught off the cuff for any science teacher.

Ecosystem Revision (Activate KS3)
A revision powerpoint with questions and tasks for the Ecosystem unit of the Activate 2 textbook.
Includes recap of Plant minerals, comparing respiration and photosynthesis in plants, key terms to learn. This is in line with the higher test material.

Healthy Lifestyle Revision
Higher ability and Lower ability worksheet for Year 8 Healthy Lifestyle unit.
This is to follow the Activate 2 textbook.
Good for revision, homework or end of unit task.
Written for higher ability class, so may need adapting for lower sets.

Recycling Y8 Lesson Activate 2
Lesson to follow Activate textbook, year 8 Recycling
Includes fill in the gaps task sheet, advantages and disadvantages table and an example equation.
If you are using the kerboodle tests be aware that the equation I have used looks like the one on the test for HT, and this caused a bit of confusion for some of my students.
Did this with top set but as it is a quick lesson I managed some revision at the end, so have included revision slide at end. Will need your own exam questions for the task - just took mine off of exam pro but obviously every class is different. Can send out if needed.

Parts of a Leaf/Microscopy lesson
Y8 lesson incorporating microscopy skills and parts of a leaf (Activate 2017).
Students learn to explain what they already know about plants, to use a microscope, and discover stomata under leaves.
Privet leaves were used in lesson, but slides were pre-prepared to save time.
Includes differentiated worksheets, and microscopy method mix up.
Lesson was used for an observation with a higher ability year 8,progress check added in from advice, otherwise worked really well - particularly the starter.
Easily could be extended to include finding size of cells for higher ability, or focused on scientific drawing and microscopy skills for LA.