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Training Zone Pyramid

Training Zone Pyramid

This is a great PowerPoint which covers the different training zones and % of MaxHR. What worked really well with this was a sticky label race where pupils had the different types of training written on them, 1 by 1 they race up to stick the type of training in the correct place. I have also used a human training zone pyramid for this race the head is speed zone, torso and arms are anaerobic and legs are aerobic. good for a starter, plenary or both.
BTEC SPORT UNIT 1 - Pre-test Procedures

BTEC SPORT UNIT 1 - Pre-test Procedures

Pre-test procedures are covered in this PowerPoint (informed consent and calibration of equipment. I brought fitness tests into the lesson with me so that pupils could calibrate some of the equipment.
Low / Short Serve  and Smash Shot Badminton

Low / Short Serve and Smash Shot Badminton

Resources to be printed and used within the lesson - these are great for starters to see if the pupils can master them with no teacher input. I often use them as a starter and plenary to measure progress
BTEC SPORT UNIT  - Exercise Intensity Worksheet

BTEC SPORT UNIT - Exercise Intensity Worksheet

This is really good worksheet to use within a practical lesson where pupils can fill in throughout the lesson during mini-planries to consolidate information. It includes maximum HR, the Borg Scale and its relationship with HR and the aerobic training zones too
BTEC SPORT UNIT 1 - Learning Aim A Quiz

BTEC SPORT UNIT 1 - Learning Aim A Quiz

I used this during a revision lesson to consolidate the Learning Aim A content then re-used it when pupils came closer to their exam. I could group pupils based on ability and offer support where needed
Circuit Training Cards - Muscular Endurance

Circuit Training Cards - Muscular Endurance

Get these printed and laminated and stashed away under your desk!! They’re great for so many lessons like ; Fitness BTEC or GCSE As part of a trampolining lesson to increase activity levels - nothing worse than having 30 pupils round 2 trampolines Healthy Active Lifestyles, Wet weather lessons Fun warm ups All have coaching point on to help pupils perform with the correct technique too
Cardiovascular Endurance Circuit Cards

Cardiovascular Endurance Circuit Cards

Lots of CV circuit cards here - these are great for lots of lessons like Fitness, Trampolining Gymnastics Football / Netball Warm ups Healthy Active Lifestyles Wet weather lessons Enjoy !
Handball Resource Pack KS2

Handball Resource Pack KS2

Great for Primary Staff who arn’t confident on Handball I created this pack and gave it to all our feeder primary school It has the rules, basic SOW and 6 detailed lesson plans - enjoy!!